i made this little photoshop masterpiece for the holbsy's birthday.
obviously he thought it was an incredible piece of art.
obviously he thought it was an incredible piece of art.
1.) I have a good job in a really crummy economy. Somehow I am supporting my family. Okay, not very well, but I am!
2.) I bought a house all by myself, based on my earning power, and I can pay for it.
3.) At any moment I have five people I can call who care about me and will listen to me sob and snorfle and hiccup through my tears.
4.) I have a husband who is working his cute little bum off to get a good education so he can take care of me and our little family. He doesn't expect me to do anything other than what I want to do. He encourages every misled and crazy dream I have. I am so lucky to have him.
5.) I have a nice, reliable car. In the winter, I have 4WD and a good, strong heater. Brandon lets me park it in the covered carport so I don't have to scrape ice off the windshield in the mornings. He drives poor old Besty the Flying Potato with holes in the floor so you can see the road underneath and hornets nests in the engine while I cruise in comfort.
6.) I have a fantastic family who I love so, so, so very much (and miss almost constantly!).
7.) There is a gaggle of teenaged girls that I am called to lead in church who seem to look up to me, despite the obvious and many reasons they shouldn't. They lift me up more than I could ever have expected. I also get to flirt with 16-and 17-year-old boys, a past-time at which I have always excelled.
8.) I have always wanted a dog, and I have two!
9.) I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and looks after me. And he knows. I know that He knows, and I know that someday I will be a mother.