This morning as The Holbs rushed out of the house to get to school on time and I stretched my toes under the blankets I could tell the sky outside was feeling it too. It was gray, it was low, it was filled with impending tears. I rolled over and petted Barnaby a couple a times hoping it would make me feel better. Then I decided I would just have to build a fort under the covers with the dogs and not emerge until the after sun had set again. I would sigh, I would nap, I would snuggle, I would sigh and nap some more, and then my Red Holbsauce would come home to find me in my disconsolate state and heroically procure for me a burrito. Because what else but a burrito could solve all my problems? Thus determined, I got up and went for a run.
While I was boiling and stirring my oatmeal I suddenly felt all kinds of moody. Life's problems and injustices were knocking at my door and I thought long and hard thoughts about what it really means to be Christ-like and how to really love someone more than you love yourself. Would baked goods suffice? But then my oatmeal was cooked and eating oatmeal is not something you can do whilst otherwise mentally occupied.
While I blow dried my hair I started to feel strangely angry. It was quite the display of emotional achievement! I honestly could not figure it out. Where was this coming from? And could the fact that I was having a good hair day at least count for something?
But then as I kid-walked Maggie to Adventure Club things started to turn around. It was just such a romantic afternoon, and the minute I pick up Maggie to the moment I drop her off she is chatting a million miles a minute and telling me everything there is to know about everything. And don't you think a good walk outdoors can fix just about anything? Time slowed down as the leaves fell just-so and the air was perfectly chilly and the world was all crunchy and crisp. My favorite brown and white horse was out down the street saying hello to passing school kids and horses are just the friendliest things aren't they? I swear I saw him smile at me. I was remembering what my dad said about my mother once when we were driving around my hometown.
He said,
Your mother has brought so much beauty into my life. Every day I see what she has made for our family, and I just never could have expected my life would be so beautiful.
I think that's what I want to be when I grow up.
Nice blog ... loved reading it... wish I could be as regular.
ReplyDeleteAnother nice blog post. Horse snap is nice and well just that a snap.
ReplyDeleteLiving up north, now is even a good time for the pumpkins. It's so cold out it'll be like they're refrigerated and they won't get all slimy and gross. I'm from Seattle we ALWAYS carved almost a week in advance, but down here in LA your pun'kins will get all furry if you go more than about a day early...
ReplyDeletenice read i have to say...somehow your little everyday stories have a soothing effect on me. i started a little blog myself which will give you one new song - each new day that i came across on my way. so if you're looking new for music, go check it out.
ReplyDeleteyours monkey man
I am in Connecticut and carved one of my pumpkins last week because I was just that impatient. It was a really cool haunted house from one of those stencil books, however it is now started to look a bit dilapidated. I think I will carve my other pumpkin in the next few days. I heard on a morning talk show that if you spray the carving with Pam it will stay longer, but I'm not sure if that is actually true.
ReplyDeleteLOVE your blog, it has become one of my new favorites!
First I'd like to say that I LOVE your writing style and am completely jealous! Second, I hold off carving my pumpkins until the day before Halloween, so in this case Friday 10-30 or they get mushy and buggy. Hope this helps. Have a great day!
ReplyDeletenew to the blog scene this ones great keep it up!
ReplyDeleteSo I am a compulsive clicker of the blogs of note and meant to comment yesterday when I found your blog, but being a busy law student there was a Torts book calling me and so I dragged myself offline. Anyway, I just wanted to say that your blog is an awesome read, and that I wish I could blog as regularly with fun and interesting things to say.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think that up North you can carve them a week and a half in advance maybe a bit more because it is so cold and the pun'kin will be refrigerated. Where I come from we wait till a few days before Halloween because ours get all gross if we carve them any sooner.
hey Natalie, I just read your blog for the first time-- saw the post on facebook. I enjoyed your post. you did a nice job of capturing every day life, or, a day in the life of you, and the ups and downs that go with it. I think that's good. I think we need those moments of despair to really appreciate those other moments of simple joys. hopefully, ideally, the goal, is to figure out how to find more of the joys than the despair. at least that's what I think. and have a sense of humor while doing it. which you apparently achieve. hope life (overall) is treating you well!
ReplyDeleteI guess I shouldn't be surprised, but it's hard not to be. I've suspected it for a long time... women have lot on their minds! GEEZ! Your blog is my own short story version of "What Women Want", the documentary. You have a way of collecting all of these thoughts you 'run into' into funny little bundles so I don't walk away feeling "nagged". Great post!
ReplyDeleteYour feelers are all feeled out...love it!
ReplyDeleteHave I ever said you are funny lady? Ya know, if you keep up this great of writing, then you're going to have to blog every day. Such pressure!
But bout the pumpkin...um I have no clue.
ReplyDeleteCute, cute post! Reading you is such a great way to start the day.
ReplyDeleteCold or warm climate, we always do ours the night before. We might have the pumpkin sitting on the porch looking all pretty, but the night before Halloween, we grab some KFC (would you believe we only do KFC once a year?) and carve away. Now that the kids are a bit older, we do three pumpkins. One fancy shmancy one, and then the kids draw something on their own pumpkins, and hubby and I carve them out. Makes for some...uh...interesting effects!
Have a loverly day!
Love your blog! You're so funny!
ReplyDeleteFor pumkins, I say carve when the fancy takes you. If they go mushy before Halloween, you can always carve more. (Carving's fun right? I live in Japan and we don't carve them here, we just chop 'em up and grill'em- they taste umumgoooood)
Loved the post! As to the question I haven't a clue,I don't usually carve one because..I don't know why I don't,maybe I should start.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post!
You are truly funny. A lot of spunk for such a little lady. I am enjoying reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteOn the pumpkins...How about the day before so they don't get too dried out and shriveled. Then roast the seeds. Yum!
I love this blog! It just brings happiness to my every day reading! Thank you!
ReplyDeletepumpkins are for now!! :) also, sooo glad you are getting the recognition you deserve! you know i heart your blog and now tons of other people do too! yay!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI carved mine Monday (my first one that is). I'm carving another tonight. That being said, the time for pumpkin carving is NOW!
ReplyDeleteI too found you on blogs of note. I enjoy reading your blog! Hopefully my blog will come to entertain people as well. I hope you have a good day!
ReplyDeleteDiggin' your style. As a person who gets a kick out of his own thought process, it's nice to read someone who is willing to share hers just the same. Another fun read, thanks.
ReplyDeleteI have never found more enjoyment then I do by reading your blog!!! its almost as if you put the words down, that I want to say... but can never find the way to say.... love it! love you! love holbs.... love the blog!!! keep it up! give us more!!!!
ReplyDeleteScout - Good to see you! How's life in Brooklyn? We miss you guys!
ReplyDeleteEmily - YOU are too sweet. Are people clicking over to you? I hope so!
Allegria - I am into this KFC idea. KFC is so good and yet so gross, but somehow KFC and carving pumpkins sounds just perfect. But does the grease make your fingers slip all over the pumpkins??
Stacey - I will try this Pam thing. Would you believe I tried spraying Pam on my boiling pasta for the first time last week and it completely changed my life?
Some super fun to keep em fresh....smear the exposed carved edges with Vaseline - it keeps them hydrated, and somewhat sealed. But it can also be fun to watch the jack-o DROOP! Happy carving and be careful!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your blog! I "started" one months ago, but have only posted twice. I get so distracted when I get online. You have a charming writing style, and I'll continue to tune in. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteIf you ever need a lift, here is a happy song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI4JLa0hbUw Owl City is highly creative. Also, I really like the song Monkey Music recommended to you - the Great Salt Lake.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I think that you and I are proving string theory because our thoughts are so samesies. http://overshare.wordpress.com/2009/10/07/fresh-air/
And finally, I would have eaten first and maybe if it took me long enough and if the sweat had dried I might just wash my face and call it good. What does THAT mean???
Amazing post. Loved it, every word.
ReplyDeleteLove the blog. Totally agree with another comment I saw that said best thing I have found on blogs of note. To be honest it's the only thing I have found on there, I haven't revisited any others.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, to answer you're question...NOW! I decided to carve one a week for the month of October. I love carving them so I always want to do as many as possible. Plus, I live in TX and the humidity here kills them in about 3 days. It's sad. I have pictures of the two I have done so far on my blog...if you want to check them out!
You're def. on my daily reader list!
I love your writingg, you made my day. =)
ReplyDeleteIf your name is Chelsea and you are my roommate, you start carving pumpkins in about April, and just keep on carving new ones until the actual holiday (maybe after, I'll soon find out). If you are a regular sane person, I have no idea. I've never studied the lifespan of a slaughtered pumpkin.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is great, and your oatmeal recipe rules.
You make me smile! I love how you write:) Witty, articulate...such a fine command of the English language you have.
ReplyDeleteToday is the first day of pumppkin cariving season!
ReplyDeleteMexican food, of some sort or another, is a wonderful way to solve the woes of the world. Good call. Glad your day turned around, and I'm sorry that your feelers are over-exhausted; you ought to sleep very well tonight :)
ReplyDeleteyour dad=TENDER
ReplyDeleteI love tender fathers.
as for pumpkin carving I vote no more than a week before Halloween due to the fact that those suckers rot.
I haven't carved a pumpkin in ages. I figure that the best time to start carving is about a week before Halloween. Seems far enough away that you can enjoy it, and close enough that it won't get saggy and wrinkled before the 31st. Or maybe it doesn't matter when Halloween is and you can carve it whenever you please!
ReplyDeletelike watching a speeded-up frantic version of that ancient arcade game (name escapes me) where you try to keep the ball going between 2 bats, not knowing what direction it will rebound to next. Great fun and a mind-bending read.
ReplyDeleteTo preserve a good skeleton, remove as much flesh as possible, ---same applies to pumpkin paring !!
One of my roommates and her boyfriend have already carved their pumpkins for this year, but they've also already started to rot a bit. Some other friends and I are planning to carve ours this coming Tuesday, just a few days before Halloween. When I lived at home, pumpkin-carving was reserved for Halloween night itself, right before we went out trick-or-treating. As beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I think the appropriate date for carving Halloween pumpkins is at the discretion of the one wielding the knife. :-)
ReplyDeleteHey! just found your blog.. love it! I really like your writing style. :) I started to watch Schindler's list one time but I didn't really get what was happening.. maybe I'll try again. :P Cheers!