All day long I have had bloggers block. What is that about?
I had bloggers block when I woke up Sunday morning and the universe reminded me that I had to think of something funny/witty/clever/secksy to write about for all of you new people and I could just tell already that it was going to be some kind of hard stuff.
Now it is Sunday night and I am wearing my stretchy tights with no pants on. I like Sunday nights for this very reason. The Holbs is studying for something in the living room with Klicka and I am sort of trapped here in the bedroom, being that I am pantsless and all. It is a prison of my own making but my pants are in the other room and I am too lazy to get them but I also really want a bowl of cereal! Conundrum.
So instead I wonder what I will tell you about. Perhaps this little gem? Today we visited mi amiga mexicana Elsa after our usual Sunday churching and socializing and ragging on the Bishop who is not a Yankees fan. Elsa likes to cook homemade tortillas for me and this is good because I like to eat homemade tortillas and that right there is a symbiotic relationship if I ever heard of one. After we ate and we topped our meal off with the first! pumpkin pie! of the season!, we sat on her futon while her numerous latina daughters read us the jokes from the wrappers of their assortments of laffy taffys and we got to pet an assortment of her family pets. Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide. These jokes are pretty hysterical when you are high on homemade tortillas you know.
Speaking of (not really) there is something you should know about me. Most days I stay in bed until well past 9:00 am. Do you think less of me now?
Usually my mornings go like this:
Hear The Holbs getting ready at 7:30, go back to sleep.
Let The Holbs kiss me goodbye at 8:00, go back to sleep.
Let the dogs snuggle under the covers with me at 8:01, go back to sleep.
Wake up at 9:30, consider my options, maybe possibly get up, or else maybe, go back to sleep.
I really want a bowl of cereal but all I have is Raisin Bran and a sense of future guilt. I do not mean to say that Raisin Bran's not good cereal. You are forgetting who I am here. What I mean to say is that the kind of cereal I have is the kind of cereal that I like to sit down and eat in MASS QUANTITIES, so you can see the trouble there. But I have no idea what to write still and so it is really calling to me but also, the stretchy tights. Do you see the difficulties in my life?
While I am on the subject (not really), I have been thinking about it and I wonder if I say "Love You" too much. Is that a thing? I started to wonder this on my birthday when my Granny Goose called to wish me a happy birthday and to tell me she hasn't mailed my gift yet and here is why, because of everything in her life that requires doing or worrying, and also to tell me how Grandpa's garden is going. I always love these conversations because she finds the strangest things to go on about and I always feel I am getting a top-secret glimpse into my life as it will exist in fifty years or so. At the end of these conversations she always says Good night, honey-chile and I say, Love you, Granny Goose and then she goes Uh - bye and hangs up all prompt-like. This is not to say that my Granny Goose does not love me, do not mistake, because actually it is legend in my family that I am her very most favorite genetic relation. It is just, I don't think people say Love You in her life the way people say Love You in my life. And by people I mostly mean me. Follow along with me please.
I tell everybody Love You. I love my mama, I love my sister, I love my friends, I love the garbage man, I love the cashier at the Safeway. I end all conversations like this: Love you! Now, I have to allow for the slight possibility that maybe I just really do love everyone, but my inner doubt monster makes me wonder if it's just become a habit, like a signature sign-off. Love you! It's like people who hug too much and make other people go Ew. Do I really want to be a source of unwarranted lovingness? (Do I?) The other day over gmail chat I told an old high school friend that I loved her as we parted chat ways causing me to ponder for a moment whether that was indeed true and whether I freaked her out a lot, a little, or not at all? It turns out, I do love her, I probably did freak her out, and apparently I am just an indiscriminate lover. Isn't that just my luck though?
Anyway all this thought provoking has led me to a final destination, which is that I really do need a bowl of cereal, and probably also a peanut butter and honey sandwich while I'm in there sans-pants. Also it is plain I am not going to come up with anything interesting to write about and so I may as well give it up. Perhaps I will fall asleep reading my Book of Mormon, because that is what always happens when I read my Book of Mormon because being spiritual is just so tiring. And you know I would know.
Love you!
Well, for a lot of uninteresting nothing, it sure sailed nicely through to the end. Sometimes it's not what a person says, but how. Now go eat that cereal...
ReplyDeleteLove yoooo!
You and me both. Except, I end all of my conversations with "Loving you!". I even said it to the grocer yesterday, awfully awkward..
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm exceptionally jealous of your morning schedule.
All the best :]
I don't think any less of you for staying in bed - I'm just furiously jealous :)I have vague memories of doing that but now they seem fairly mythical. I also share your love of rather inappropriate amounts of cereal at any time of the day - I've got a collection of about seven different types now and my husband claims shopping with me is embarassing when we get to the cereal isle....obviously as a kindred spirit you can understand the need to be keeping cereal "in" at all costs though LOL
ReplyDeleteCAM, I'm not allowed in the cereal aisle, house rule. I know you understand, kindred spirit and all.
ReplyDeleteI need more cereal in my life...my problem is I live in an apartment with roommate who is fantastic, except for she likes soy milk. so when I forget to buy milk, or it goes bad because it's just me drinking it (do you realize the intense pressure I'm under to drink all that milk by myself before it goes bad??) I am milk-less. I just can't drink the soy stuff. And therefore I am cereal-less, which is a serious problem.
ReplyDeleteAnd ditto on the "love ya!" thing. Only I have the unfortunate habit of being all, "love ya, girl!" (I went to an all-girls high school. These things stick) so now even when I hang up with GUY friends, they get the "love ya, girl!!" I think people just get used to "indiscriminate loving". There are worse things. Like being cereal-less...
I never understood why people like cereal so much, i mean most people even in my city have cereal and tea for breakfast but i prefer halwa puri, kachori bhujia and metha paratha :D
ReplyDeleteI find 9 out of 10 'Blogs of Note' to be extremely boring. Yours is like being in Wonderland - its awesome - I hope you never change.
ReplyDeleteHmmm your mornings sound like mine, only without the dog lol.
ReplyDeleteJust like mine, but i have a cat rofl
ReplyDeleteHi! I remember the good ol days when I slept in too, before I had two children, that is. I had that habit of saying 'love you' too, to everyone and everything. Then I moved to Italy, and suddenly it seemed I was embarrassing myself everywhere...apparently Italians have two ways of saying I love you. One to family members and one to lovers. Guess which one I was blurting out?? lol Keep up the good blogging.
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned chocolate...that got me straight away. I sleep in on the weekend now... I work in a school so cannot during the week. Good Luck to you. Life is short love those you can.
Totally enjoyed this with chocolate...a decadent peanut butter filled dark chocolate personally hand-made by my darling boyf - I shouldn't call him 'darling' as he absolutely hates that and will never make me said decadent chocolates again and as a consequence will resume eating cereal in vast quantities instead...love ya sweets
ReplyDeleteLoved this post. I had bloggers block too but I tricked it by starting to write and then I pressed 'publish post' before I could read what I'd written. Like your morning routine - one day I'll do that. Love chocolate - will definitely eat some now. But don't like cereal at all - we could still be friends though!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat "punt" blog! I've been there before... don't have anything to really say... so you "punt"! Usually it's my kids who get picked on rather than my cereal habits, though. Figure therapy for exposing some of their craziness is worth my own means, right? And as Nacho would say, "Sometimes men wear stretchy pants... for fun! http://blirred-reality.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThe thing about it is, in the UK lots of people say "Love You" and "I'm in love with you" is a totally different thing - From what I hear, in the US, I Love You means I'm in love with you - like, on american TV shows when someone says I Love You the other person goes "WHAT did you just say?????". I'd be interested to know the origin of this blogger.
ReplyDeleteWow, that is a lot to say when you're having a hard time thinking about what to say...but I LOVE IT. And boy oh boy I mean I *LOVE* it!
ReplyDeleteAnd we love you.
And reading The Book of Mormon makes me fall asleep, but mostly cause I find big books boring. I'm pulling out the lightening rods now.
But for cereal, nothing beats Lucky Charms.
how did that end... that was quite interesting for an uninteresting blog.. or so u claim for it to be... the sexy part was the no pants things...
ReplyDeletethe clever you seeing ur future 50 yrs before
the funny and witty where hidden in ur posts.. so there you go.. all that u wanted... isn't that nice...
For being a lot of nothing, it's a very fun read! I grew up in a family that had a history of not saying "I love you." My mom, bless her, tried to rectify that, but still found it difficult--although thankfully, we heard her say it often enough. It is way easier for her to write it, though. My sister and I try to tell our kids we love them often, and I'm finding myself even telling my really good friends that I love them occasionally, which is uncharted territory in our family. I don't know whether we'll ever enter your realm of expression, but I do think it's better to err on the side of saying it too much than too little.
ReplyDeleteI'm reading your post about razzing the Bish, and I thought, "Mormon? I don't think other religions have bishops they'd feel comfortable giving a hard time." Then I saw the banner. Funny how I keep accidentally running into fellow Mormon bloggers. :oD
I am so jealous of your sleeping time. Up and at work by 7:30 am here...
ReplyDeleteI always worry about ending my conversations with Love you. Not with family, but with strangers. "Love you" probably wouldn't go over well with the cable guy or the phone solicitor. That might send off a vibe about myself that I just don't want to give...
I think the "love everyone" thing starts happening when you get older...I know it did for me...I used to be way more standoffish in my youth than I am now....Now I end many conversations with "love you"...which i used to reserve only for my sisters/mom/brother....now, I say it to cousins and friends....and I never quite know what they make of it, and sometimes, I think they even surprise themselves when they say "love you 2"...and then they realize they said it...the pause, and then I can almost hear their smile through the phone!
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I don't think it's a terrible thing....you love your garbage man, and I love the UPS man...tomato...tomato! :)
Girl, you sleep till 9, you indulge in chocolate and cereal, what's not to love! What a stunning little world you have here, I'm going to be popping by again for sure! Have a fab week xoxo
ReplyDeleteHoly comments! Do you feel like this is a lot of responsibility to take on?
ReplyDeleteI am all about the "love you" too - mostly reserved for close friends & family though - not usually the grocer. However sometimes the occasional "love you" slips through to a person I didn't intend it to go to - esp in email - and then I blush furiously at my computer & wonder how I can get the email back or if I should send and oops! email.
I think it's always appropriate to say "love you" when finishing convos with said close friends & family but then there are the times when you know you're going to keep talking to each other - like you're at the store & need to keep calling your mom for advice of which type of pear to buy and then which cake mix and then what should you make for dinner - and it starts to feel less special after you've said it 45 times in a few minutes - if you know what I mean.
So if you solve that problem, let me know!
Love the blog! Super funny :) I'd love if you would check mine out, though I've just gotten started: www.windycitywhimsy.blogspot.com
very very funny! and i wouldnt worry too much about the pants - I am now a fan of your blog! www.banabu.com
ReplyDeleteThis was very funny. I don't think you can say I Love You often enough to those who are special to us in some way.
ReplyDeleteHi. I was going to eat this with chocolate but I am on a very strict diet so, sorry. My sister annoys me so much, it is LOVE ME THIS, LOVE ME THAT, BLAH BLAH BLAH. Do you get annoyed at yourself. Well, probs the only reason im annoyed is because she never says "love you" to ME. Anyway, read my blog, and COMMENT> Your blog was very interesting. I WISH I COULD SLEEP IN!! I have this habit of waking up at 5.30-6. am EVERY morning!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog!! It much more interesting than mine.. And thanks for the chocolate!!! :D
ReplyDeletehummm, chocolate. haha. I'm so not into blogging right now. I don't have great brain waves like you though- and can make anything funny and interesting. mines blah and pics haha, but thats ok! maybe I'll go see whats on my camera. maybe something will spark an interest.
ReplyDeleteWell that was a lot of intertaining boring nothingness for ya! I mean I was intertained. Now have fun w/your cereal and save me a sandwhich!
ReplyDeleteLove you!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou left out the most important part – what kind of cereal??? Frosted Flakes? Cocoa Pebbles? Special K Redberries???
ReplyDeleteI desperately await an answer!!!
Came in on the "Blogs of Note" wave, but I may drop anchor and stick around for a bit.
Really like your style, Natalie ;)
nice blog
ReplyDeleteclick here now..
Hello Nat, I am a new member of blogger.com and my first time venturing out of my new blogger home was right into your blogger home. I love your blog...its hilarious! I love the way your write. Its like you take us inside your head at the moment your experiencing the stuff that you write about as though we are there. And no, you don't say Love You too much...lol...I think its sweet.
ReplyDeleteWow. I debated leaving a comment, because you have so many, and I didn't want to be one of those ppl who make you go "oh my heck, what did I get myself into?"
ReplyDeleteBut there were a couple notes that I had to share.
Don't feel blog pressure! I found you because of blogs of note, but I read through your old postings because of what you were writing before I was reading. Does that make sense? So, just continue what you were doing before blogs of note & happiness will ensue! : )
I always say/write Love ya! I have to stop myself from doing it when I sign cards at work, tho. I think our Father has given us an infinite amount of love to share with the world, and He wants us to use it.
Cereal. Yum. 'nuff said. : )
Sang, it was . . . the Raisin Bran. In quantities too massive to disclose.
ReplyDeleteEveryone else, thank you so much for your kind words and warm reception of my little drivel. You can't imagine how much it means to a girl. I hope you all stick around!
I've never been so entertained by someone with blogger's block!!! Fabulous post! Love you;)
ReplyDeleteI had fruit loops for dinner the other night. I *swoon* over the fruit loops. And not "fruity loops"....I'm talking Tucan Sam. The real deal.
ReplyDeleteI like Raisin Bran. But it almost sounds healthy for cereal-for-dinner night. If you're gonna have cereal for dinner it might as well be complete insane sugary goodness.
LOVE your blog!
awesome. Thanks for brightening my day :-)
ReplyDeleteyour gift to simply babble about life is awesome. what a wonderful blog you have.
ReplyDeletethis was an awsome thing you realy put a lot of intrestin tings in here if i was rating it it would have to be 9/10 even though it had a lot of info you just need to put some feelins in it but yeah it was realy neat so i want to hear more well done
ReplyDeleteWow. If this is you being "not entertaining/witty/funny" then I'm in for a real treat. I'm gonna follow your blog now, just so you know.
ReplyDeletePS Being spiritual really CAN be tiring; especially the Isaiah chapters in 2 Nephi (which is where I've been far too long, probably)...
I'm not high on homemade tortillas and I still thought the "chicken" joke was hysterical. XD
ReplyDeleteNice blog. I'm a new reader. =)
All your words make so much sense to me :) freaking love it.