I have a million reasons to be thankful. Some days it just bowls me right over.
Here is what I am thankful for, right this minute.
(This minute being 1:19 AM!)
My family.
My husband!
He's really is pretty much the cutest.
My sister's wackadoo rendition of the Monk theme song.
That it is Thanksgiving and I can wear olives on my fingers all afternoon.
Barnaby MacDuff's bravado, and Peter Pan's emotional weirdness.
I am thankful that they are healthy, that they are dweebs, and that they are healthy.
I am thankful that I get to be at work at 5:45 AM on Friday. Uh.
I am thankful for bleach wipes and flushable toilet wands.
I am thankful for the hawthorne tree in my back yard.
It may have tried to kill me that one time, but it sure is a beauty!
I am thankful for my kitchen.
I am thankful for my little brother.
I am thankful for squeaky cheese.
I am thankful for my Savior.
I am thankful for my body, and for all of the weird and cool and not-so-cool things it pulls on me from time to time.
I am thankful for Moscow.
I'm thankful for the Smiths!
(Thanks for inviting us to dinner today and letting me be in charge of ALL THE SIDES. Such power!)
I am so thankful for this little house I get to fluff up and decorate.
I am thankful we made it through four years of grad school, that we've paid every bill on time, managed to feed and clothe ourselves, and fake like we're actual grownups or something. I am thankful that during this tough time we have somehow flourished.
I am thankful that my husband is graduating in May.
I am thankful that someday I will be somebody's mother.
I am thankful for the charmed life I lead and for all of the people who make it so.
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for adsl, no kidding.
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for the internet, because without it I would be a lost American in Italy. Lost I tell you!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ok, so, being Australian, I don't really understand what Thanksgiving is all about, but I DO have plenty to be thankful for, so here goes:
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for summery Christmases, because I can enjoy them sitting outdoors in the warm air, instead of shivering by the fire.
I'm thankful for my beautiful daughter, for the adorable way she smiles when I go to get her up in the morning, and the way she snuggles into me when I'm putting her to bed at night. I'm thankful that I get to be her EVERYTHING. And that she is mine.
I'm thankful for all the people that I love, who make my life brighter every single day.
I'm thankful for sugar free tonic water, because it makes the G&T's a slightly less guilty pleasure.
I'm thankful that I found the Lord, and he loves me.
My gosh, there is so much more, but I could end up writing an even longer post than yours...
Oh! And I'm thankful to Blogger for making Nat the Fat Rat a Blog of Note and giving me the opportunity to read the words of a fantastic writer every day. :)
I'm thankful for my family and thankful that I'm still alive. And I'm (mostly) hopeful - which is related to thankful - that I'll be here this time next year.
ReplyDeleteSqueaky cheese!! Yup, definitely thankful for that! I'm thankful for so many things, but at this precise moment, I'm thankful for the awesome peanut butter sandwich I just enjoyed (I'm a Brit in Japan, so no official thanksgiving for me, but I'm always happy for an excuse to remind myself of the good stuff.)
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for the gifts I received this week (including those cool rubber gloves you sent me so I can pick up doody cleanly!), but I am also thankful for chocolate, caffeine, my boys, my hubs, my Nikon D40, Photoshop, and a clean garage.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for my Lord, that he loves me and saved me, and because of him I have a reason to live.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for my husband of less than year, because he is so good to me, and I am thankful that we get to spend thanksgiving together, because last year he was in afghanistan, and I was in Iraq.
I'm thankful for my family, and for my phone, because I can-and do call my mom every other day.
I also don't get to celebrate Thanksgiving here in South Africa, so here's my chance to think about what I'm thankful for.
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for my husband and two amazing children. I have no idea what my life would be like without them.
I'm thankful for blue skies and sunny weather.
I'm thankful for my parents, who sometimes drive me crazy but are always always there for me.
I'm thankful for the opportunity to move to the USA, job included.
I'm thankful for my current job.
I'm thankful that I can afford nutritious food, a comfortable home, a car and medical care. (Living in Africa, I see people who can't every day.)
I'm thankful I can breastfeed my baby. I'm even thankful she has her days and nights mixed up, because it means she has fewer bottles when I'm at work.
Sorry this was so long, but this is the extent of my Thanksgiving!
Um - can I say that I HEART that you wrote bleach wipes and flushable toilet wands on your list? Sam asked me where the spray to clean the sink was today and I'm like - uhhhh, don't own any of that - use a wipe. It's ALL about the wipes!
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for you & your sweet onesies.
The soda is gone, time to go home.
I am insanely thankful for Hy-Vee being open today. I have never cooked for Thanksgiving before and stupidly waited until the day of to buy the turkey (because why would you need it before then?), not thinking that half the town is closed down. I was standing forlornly at the un-opening automatic glass doors of Fareway when I decided to try Hy-Vee (after that would be Super Wal-Mart) and I drove there and miracle of miracles, it was open! I thanked at least two employees just for the building being open as I went to get my turkey breast (which is apparently not measured by the same standard as chicken breasts).
ReplyDeleteThanks to Hy-Vee, my fiance and I can eat turkey on Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for summery Christmases too - yay for living south of the equator! I'm thankful for long, long hot evenings and having a job that I enjoy and helps me really appreciate the long, long hot evenings.
ReplyDeleteI'm grateful for (opps slipping into lingo) Nat the Fat Rat cause you cheer me up and remind me that I'm not alone, even if you do do weird American things like ruin perfectly good yams.
I'm grateful for my callings, my R/S sisters, my family who will be visiting from Australia for Christmas, even if they now have difficultly speaking English correctly. I am really grateful for my Heavenly Father or as he is known her Deavonly Father - a term of affection.
I am especially grateful for fresh raspberries and strawberries from my garden and my community who want to help do lots of fun projects.
I am grateful for an opportunity to remind myself and share the things I am thankful for.
Today I am thankful for: meat thermometers, lawnmowers that mulch, magic erasers, yeast rolls, plastic bowls with matching lids, rum cake, last year's fall decorations bought on clearance to use this year, no turn-overs (Tony Romo), butter and sugar, and I won't have to cook for AT LEAST two days!
ReplyDeleteOh...and plastic baggies!
I am grateful for No Stress Holidays (a tradition we started ten years ago) and for the chance to spend the entire beautiful sunny yesterday out hanging oodles of lights on four of my apple trees and on our long fence. It just makes me happy to see them each night! I am grateful for a very Christlike husband who is so good with children and will someday be an amazing father to our someday children! (Oh, and I am thankful for pre-cooked whole turkeys!)
ReplyDeleteI am Thankful for:
ReplyDeleteMy son
My Husband
My mom
the colors yellow, blue and green
My father-in-law
Movies on your birthday
Getting up in the middle of the night for "one extra hug"
my weimeraner
my nieces and nephews
No snow - ever!
Fires in the fireplace
Christmas music (Harry Conick, Jr., to be exact!)
Times like this
Hey Girlie, I'm thankful for you, and you better know it.
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a wonderful turkey day!!
love ya!
I wrote my thankful list a few days, but after reading yours I have been reminded that I forgot to include clorox wipes on mine. What in the world did people clean with before them! Slick little buggers!
ReplyDeleteAlso I love that you used the word dweeb, highly under utilized in my opinion!
I am thankful for stretchy pants and big delicious Thanksgiving pans of yummy cheese potatoes. :)
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for the flush-toilet. Just imagine life without one. You can't, can you?
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for my baby girl!
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for May too. Heres to our men graduating in MAY. FINALLY! It has been a fun adventure hasn't it. I am thankful for you too.
ReplyDeleteThankful to all my you and my other favourite US bloggers for introducing me to Thanksgiving AND Black Friday sales :)
ReplyDeleteThankful for chocolate dipped strawberries, and breakfast crumbles made with rhubarb and toasted museli
Thankful for my family and friends
Thankful for 2010 calendars
Thankful for etsy stores and paypal so that I can shop like I live in the US
Thankful for massages, and girly indulgence
Thankful for baths with candles and gossip magazines galore
Thankful for laughter and hugs
Thankful to you for inspiring me to reflect on all the awesomeness in my life
It was a very unlucky year for me, but on my birthday I got a bookmark that said " remember that not getting what you want is sometimes the biggest strike of luck" so I'm thankful for all the good and the bad things :)
ReplyDeletethankful for random blogs of note!
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for so much... but currently, I am thankful I stumbled across your ridiculously cute blog! You are hilar! te he he.
ReplyDeleteI've never used a flushable toilet wand before. Clearly I must be missing out.
ReplyDeleteI am most thankful for family, friends, and God (who works in mysterious ways!)
I am thankful that we are back home, that my husband is not in Iraq anymore, that I am employed (even if it is at the big Schweezy haha), that I have a beautiful home, a beautiful family, a snuggly dog, and multi-colored zebra print lounge pants (purchased for 50% off at Maurices!). I am thankful I can sleep in peace at night. That I am not awakened by the sound of bombs. That I do not fear for my life. And I am thankful that you are happy too :)
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for inspiring bloggers like yourself.