Isn't my cousin super cute on her wedding day?
Number of naps taken: 5
Number of naps that stretched past two hours: 4
Number of times I said "No dogs on the couch!": 35 million
Number of times The Holbs snuck a dog onto his lap anyway: I swear I am going to kill him.
Number of times I perused my cousin's wedding album on Facebook: 3
Number of cabinets painted Kitchen Stove White by The Holbs: 20
Number of times I said I was pretty sure I knew Peter Pan in the preexistence: 1
Number of times I whined like a toddler: 140,593
Number of shots for Barney at the Vet: 3
Number of bras I have outgrown so far: 2
Number of times I have looked at my chest and thought "What are these?": 12
Number of times I have reread your comments from this week: A lot.
(You guys are the best.)
(How was your weekend?)
so happy that you are loving the pregnancy so much- soak it in and enjoy every moment- when else can you wine 140,593 times other then when you are pregnant?! i can't wait till I can wine that many times, although i'm sure my hubby can wait- you're giving me baby fever! love it love it!
ReplyDeleteI am so out of the loop! I am a lurker and rarely comment but I have been hoping for your success and WOO HOOOOO!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSoak it up is right. Take it easy, eat too much, enjoy your boobs. Make the hubby do everything and anything!!
I will sleep with a smile tonight even though the health care bill passed this has brightened my night.
I'm so glad you're enjoying being pregnant...you've been waiting for it for SO LONG! As for my weekend, I watched all the Harry Potters! I also had a fantastic donut from the farmers market (well actually, two), went to see 2 musicals, and had the most giant, delicious, dee-lightful slice of pizza of my LIFE: Eggplant Parm Pizza :-)
ReplyDeleteyay! bigger boobs must be great, and just in time for tank top weather!
ReplyDeleteAlso, u don't have to lift boxes when u move!
Also, you get to register at Target for baby!
Also, I'm so happy you're pregnant and I can live vicariously, boy that baby brings me joy!
I'm not sure if I've ever commented here before but an awkward hello might be in order. So hello? Was that awkward? :)
ReplyDeleteI am a habitual whiner and I'm not even preggers! I do it to make my husband laugh. Not looking forward to finding legitimate reasons to whine!
They say it's all worth it in the end. Whoever "they" are. So we'll go with that.
Seriously, Congrats!
Ahh, the boobs. It's quite a journey. I remember after I had given birth and the milk came in I just couldn't stop staring at my ladies. I tell you they were melons! As a small breasted person it was a time of joy.
ReplyDeleteHonestly...this was a really tough weekend for me. It marked the 9th Anniversary of my Dad passing. But, as a beloved family member said, my Dad "brings the Spring." Which is pretty uplifting don'tcha think?
ReplyDeleteOn another note... good luck with the ginormous boobs. I hate mine. You will feel quite a bit like Pamela Anderson soon, I'm sure. And they get even bigger if you nurse (which I totally recommend!). I'm still nursing my daughter (at 15 months), and I am happy to say they are starting to get a bit smaller. I hope when I stop nursing they go back to their original size! Good luck with everything.
PS: Most people won't tell you about their feet... they swell to obscene sizes! And most often... they will actually grow a size! And that, my dear, doesn't change. Ever. So wear your fave shoes now while you can, 'cause you sadly, may not be able to after your bundle is here. Just figured I'd prewarn you!
Oh gosh! Alison is totally right about the feet. Mine grew a whole size through the duration of 3 pregnancies. I had to give a whole closet of shoes away, but I was only 20 and this was back in 2003, so looking back they probably weren't that cute anyway!
ReplyDeleteAnd boobs. I got so jipped on this. My chest inflated normally during pregnancy and nursing but now! I am smaller now than I was before! It totally sucks.
Congrats Nat! You are going to be the best mommy ever!
ReplyDeleteI don't ordinarily comment (this is only my 2nd time), but your blog makes me smile every day!
I also watched 4 Harry Potters this weekend!
Your cousin IS super cute on her wedding day! Love the little white hairpiece! As I'm in the midst of planning my own wedding right now, I'm completely and utterly entranced by beautiful wedding photos lately!
oh the boobs! aren't they wonderful? one of my favorite parts of pregnancy for sure :)
ReplyDeleteEvery time I read your blog, I'm reminded of why I like you so much...
ReplyDeleteHad a great weekend, thanks for asking. Yours sounds like fun.
ReplyDeleteAhhh to be able to compare boob notes but alas I am still waiting. Oh hang on. I already have big boobs... What will happen to me..? Super huge probably.
Gosh. Signing off now.
You make me smile :)
ReplyDeleteI shared your blog with my sis this weekend (she's a non-blogger so far) and she loved it as much as I do. We totally cracked up at some of your funny stories about the dogs, and we both cooed over your first baby picture.
ReplyDeleteMy weekend was grand... after I took some meds and quit feeling sick. It's great to have a loving husband. :) Happy Monday!
That was a great weekend! Took my always big boobs to our first adoption agency meeting, so we're getting closer to a family everyday! Ate lots of Quesadillas del Rat - which what we call your recipe from the Nest blog - and watched 3 episodes of Moonlighting...what a terrible show. That David Addison is a p-i-g, pig! Took a long walk with the dog in Sunday's sunshine, and soaked it up. Dropped hubby off at the airport this morning, so a good week will take extra effort, but I'll get to clean and have it stay clean! It's sad how happy that makes me...
ReplyDeletedo they hurt?? Mine always to when I am first preggers. CONGRATS, by the way! Super excited for you. oh! and sleep now while you can. Coarse, you prolley can't keep your eyes open, even if you wanted to. I know I couldn't at that stage... Get good bras that support the girls, cuz if you don't they will hurt worse. Just a thought...
I own the HP movies, yet ABC Family still convinces me to watch them every time they're on! And didn't you love the previews of the Deathly Hallows?! So excited for them!
ReplyDeleteI'm offering you no preg-advice since I'm still figuring it out myself, but I will say that for the longest time my husband said the only way he could tell I was preg (from behind) was that my boobs stuck out the side - isn't that awful?! (Awfully large! Ugh!)
I think I had as many naps as you this weekend. That's not okay, as I was supposed to be packing, and I'm not even growing a baby. It snowed here, though. On the first day of spring! It doesn't even snow in Arkansas in the dead of winter. It was very depressing. So I think my napping was justified.
ReplyDeleteYou were in a dream of mine at some point over the weekend. You were giving me gardening tips. That's all I remember. I spend too much time reading your blog, apparently. Though I'm not sure if you garden.. whatever.
Anyway, happy Monday. I got to work to a new fancy monitor.. so I'm counting it as a win.
I am planning my wedding and am so happily registered at Target but MAN...when I read the comment about registering at baby Target my heart just swelled (all the cuteness, how will you handle it???). I know you will have so much fun planning the decorating and accessorizing of the nursery.
ReplyDeleteAbout boobs. I am sans child, but I have received recommendations that it is definitely worth splurging on maternity bras, especially since you might (will?) use them again and the extra dollars are worth the comfort and support that the (other) fruits of your pregnancy need.
Are you going to want to find out the sex of the baby pre-birth?
Naps are magical and should never be disturbed, but somehow at my house they always are. And speaking of boobs, don't get attached to any bras cause as soon as you do it won't fit. and check out lilly pads for after and never get the nursing pads that are in plastic folded in half (lansinoh I think) they'll rip your skin off.
ReplyDeleteI tried to watch all the Harry Potters but people wouldn't leave me alone. My feet didn't grow a size...I was able to keep all my shoes!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes splurge on good maternity bras, you will wear them even after the baby is born, because those boobs are going to stick around once that milk comes!
Are you breastfeeding? (man we all have no secrets on this blog!!)
Just wait til two to three days after you give birth. I've never seen things so huge and I have the stretch marks to prove it.
ReplyDeleteThe fairy came? At least that what my husband said when my bumps grew... ;)
ReplyDeleteYour cousin? Super cute.
ReplyDeleteI'm not thrilled to have huge boobs when I'm preggers, but I can't wait for my feet to get bigger! Weird, I know, but cute shoes are hard to find in size 5. Sometimes I buy kids shoes.
My weekend in numbers:
Bowls of cereal eaten: 1
Bowls of cereal I wish I ate: 15
Hours spent in training (for new job): 6
Hours spent watching movies/TV/on the web: err, more than 6
Neck massages demanded: 1
Neck massages given: 1
So, we have your weekend in numbers, how about babies in numbers? I could not tell from the ultrasound if there were one or two little Lovin babes in there. The anticipation is exciting, but I really need to know the numbers :)
ReplyDeleteOh I am so happy for you. God Bless.
If getting babies means more boobs, well, I am not so excited. See, I grew up with a mom and a sis who are not deficient in this area whatsoever, and all I have to say is STRETCH MARKS. I felt very blessed to top out at a D, and that is a blessing when that size four shirt will close in the front without gapping. Now, if we could discuss hips SHRINKING with babies, that suddenly gets interesting because despite my size 27 waist (sit down, folks) ... those HIPS! I got them down to a 39 once and that was a blessing. Try finding jeans that fit a little waist and baby-got-back hips. SIGH. Hopefully I will get there again...
ReplyDeleteAs for my weekend, my one-and-only got sick, so of course, I went shopping and bought a tiger-striped jacket: Looksee! www.kohls.com/upgrade/webstore/zoom_popup.jsp?productId=845524892550014 (Cute collar, huh?)
As for my weekend,
sharing news with people and getting (and replaying) the reactions is the best!
ReplyDeletenot too serious i hope
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ReplyDeleteoh! ScrewedupTexan--AMEN!!! You haven't even begun to dream about big until your milk comes in! HOLY HOOTERS!! Here's my bit of advice for that category. Buy a cabbage, no kidding here, and peel off a whole leaf. Crinkle it slightly to break the veins and then put a whole leaf on each of your swollen breasts. It will feel like heaven! Pull your nursing bra back up and let the cabbage just hang out for a while. The cabbage will help with the swelling and they will release some of the pressure. Hope that all makes sense without sounding too weird. :) I have tried it will all 3 of my kiddos. and that is the only thing that helps during those first few days... just make sure you pull your shirt back down should you choose to answer the door. :)
ReplyDeleteYou knew Peter Pan in the preexistence? Pray tell, how do you know? What it the collar that gave him away?