This changing of seasons business always leaves me feeling certain that I absolutely need to cut my bangs. And why is this? There must be a scientific explanation.
I have a very unhealthy obsession with singer-songwriter bangs.
Every so often I come dangerously close to finally just doing it, and then every so often I have to sit myself down and discuss things with myself. Remember last year? That was a close one.
This year I went online and bought a pair of clip on bangs. I wear them around the house sometimes. Okay that's completely ridiculous but I swear it helps.
Maybe one of these days ......
Then again, maybe not.
Here is your problem. You are leaving yourself with too few options. The whole 'Audrey' bang is really not that chique, and very limiting and bulky. What you need is a sweep bang that can be brushed aside to work with your hair. As long as you give the old curler bang a look, you might as well consider that there are many less drastic options. I suggest going light on a swept bang that can grow out easily if you don't like it. I was without bangs for years, and how love having them. Just don't get a cheap bang cut. They are always bad.
ReplyDeleteI am wise. People tell me so occasionally. Don't do anything to your hair while harboring a fetus.
ReplyDeleteBut in an effort to humor you, the bangs look good. I would go for more of a fringy bang though so it's not just one big block of bang (that would be too Punky Brewster, the younger years).
We talked about this in depth last year. It's a resounding no. They're fun for a week and then they reach new heights in annoyance.
ReplyDeleteThe second picture looks like Phoebe Cates in Fast Times At Ridgemont High...she was very hot in that movie ya know...just sayin'
ReplyDeleteBottom picture makes you look all grown up and pensive and ready for maternal-incarnation.
I'm good either way.
Number One - why would you throw those bangs away? They totally seem like something that you'd tuck away in a drawer, out of sight but readily accessible during the next hairmergency.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I, too, went through bang hysteria for years and years and finally got them this summer. My hairdresser totally eased me into them, with first long bangs that could be pinned or tucked, then short bangs. Now we're back to longer bangs, and I love them. I can pin them to the side or back if I don't want them, but I usually do want them and let them fly.
But here's the kicker: hair - it grows back! Give them a whirl, and you'll know once and for all whether you're a bang girl or not, and can shift that energy elsewhere - like to cute sweaters and boots.
cut em. i was trying to be really mature and grow mine out during my pregnancy, but during a hormone attack last month i chopped my off and have been happier ever since.
ReplyDeleteNo bangs, unless they are side-swept ones. I'm going with whoever said the chunky bangs are too Punky Brewster.
ReplyDeleteIt's true that you should never make major hair decisions whilst pregnant, it only leads to tears intermingled with hiccupy-sob things.
ReplyDeleteAlso I envy your ability to even ponder bangs- I can't ever have bangs as I have a jolly rancher sized forehead, you know 1"x1" squared, and would end up with a tiny strange sad bang like fringe of hair that could in no way be construed as cute.
bangs and a new baby? too much work! you'd probably look cute with bangs, but non-styled/non-washed bangs? not the cutest.
ReplyDeleteI think you look great both ways! You look younger and more sophisticated without bangs though. By the way bangs are a pain in the butt during labor and a hassle with a baby of any age. You could try side bangs that pin back easy.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had the option of no bangs but sadly I have a gigantic forehead!
Sorry...I just have to be a resounding voice of practicality. With a newborn baby, there will be many days that you don't wear make-up, don't get dressed all day, and want to throw your hair up in a ponytail. I think the way your hair is right now is the best "new mommy" hair do. After Baby Boy is four or five months...THEN consider a different do.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely no to the bangs. they cover your fabulous eyebrows.
ReplyDeleteYour eyebrows really are awesome, btw. Is that weird that I said that?
No one has mentioned this yet, so I am going to stop haunting and finally post. Your eyes are huge and beautiful. That chunk of bangs hides them. I would totally say no bangs! Unless tapered side long bang things, so you don't have to do them every day with a baby. That might work and still show off your great eyes.
ReplyDeleteI say no-go on the bangs...unless you're prepared for lots of headbands and bobby pins! I don't even have bangs and I constantly have my hair pulled back so the baby doesn't grab it. Although, Lea Michele (from Glee) is super cute with her bangs, so it's a tough call!
ReplyDeleteI have bangs now. Take it from me. No bueno! Seriously, not good.
ReplyDeleteWell the annoying thing about the bangs is that they would get in your eyes and bug the crap out of you just when you have your hands full.
ReplyDeleteBut part of me says - curb your desire and get em, your hair will grow back fast if you don't like it - esp with those prenatal vitamins and preggo hormones!
I just finished growing mine out, they are so high maintenance!
ReplyDeleteThere are so few perfect foreheads in this world. It would be a shame to cover yours up. :)
ReplyDeleteI say BE STRONG! Also, do not cut your hair all off like I did after that baby is born. Bad news, those postpartum impulses are.
haha, i like how cydney took a princess bride quote & made it work. tim gunn would be proud! : ) and no bangs. no no no. i go thru the same thing, tho, usually only as summer turns to fall or winter turns to spring, tho. : )
ReplyDeleteI don't know, bangs take a lot of up-keep...and will you really want all that work while you have a cute, squishy, adorably sweet baby to love?
ReplyDeleteBut, on the other hand, hair does grow back...
Don't do it. Not ever.
ReplyDeleteYou've got such a lovely forehead. Didn't you know?
PS Laughing SO HARD at what Jess said up there, about her jolly rancher sized forehead, etc., etc. Bwa ha!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely NO! No bangs!
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Whatever. I never get too hung up on haircuts, change mine all the time.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE my fringe (what we call bangs here. Hubby likes to call my fringe, bangs, but in Oz, no one has any idea what he is talking about..!)
That's it. There was no real point to this.
I think you look good sans bangs. Just hang on to the faux fringe from Chez Simpson and enjoy the best of both worlds.
ReplyDeleteOh, and don't do anything radical hairwise until at least 6 months after the mini Holbs vacates the uterus. The ridiculous nesting frenzy that overtakes you when with child extends to hair maintenance and can make you do crazy things. I am still growing my hair out and my daughter is 3! This time around I am steering clear of the salon.
I agree with the comment above - after you have the baby you will not have time or the energy to spend on your hair. Keep your hair long and enjoy the simplicity of a ponytail on those days you simply can't do anything else. And long hair works so well with a baseball cap (not that I know this from experience, ahem).
ReplyDeleteAlso, do you not see how perfectly your eyes, nose and mouth work together on that beautiful face. Why would you want to hang a shelf of hair above that? Your are a beautiful woman and probably would look good either way, but my vote is for the simple and classic look you have already perfected.
no. no bangs. sorry Natalie..
ReplyDeleteMy roommate made me cut my bangs this spring and most of my friends LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I, personally, love them occasionally, but not always. It's definitely good to change things up though. I say....GO FOR IT because hair grows back.
ReplyDeleteI vote NO on the bangs as well....perhaps some long ones that you can sweep to the side like everyone else was saying...yes, but otherwise, I vote no.
Of course you would look good with bangs, but I vote NO!! Once the baby come you will become friends with a pony tail...if only for the purpose of nursing and looking down at your beautiful baby! The bang will get in the way of your beautiful baby and thus annoy you to no end! If you want, I say give it a year!
ReplyDeleteNo bangs. Let me count the ways:
ReplyDelete1) Your bangs will never look like the clip-on. That's a lot of bangs and you would lose a good amount of "side hair" in order to make those bangs.
2) Unless you have naturally stick-straight hair, which it doesn't look like you do, those bangs are going to curl up, fall down, move around at any sign of humidity
Most importantly...
3) Your face is far too beautiful to cover up. Seriously.
You are adorable no matter what, Nat. But in being "wise" I should advice that, if ANY major hair changes occur, you take it slowly. Start with a longer cut that more frames the face than gives you bangs. Then possibly a long side sweep and maybe eventually a shorter side sweep. And if you're still liking it several seasons later, possibly go bangs. Then again, you have BIG, BEAUTIFUL eyes that may be somewhat covered up or minimized by the bulky bangs. I did bulky bangs recently and even though I loved it for a while, I'm now growing them back to a long side bang. It covered my green eyes. *bats lashes*
ReplyDeleteI say no bangs.
ReplyDeleteI cut my hair in bangs a month after my son was born and A LOT of people said it was a mistake. Now (three years later and currently pregnant) I still love them -- they're longish, so I can leave them down or sweep them to the side if they get annoying, and if I don't feel like dealing with them before preschool carpool (or, let's face it, all day), I can easily twist them back with a bobby pin and it looks like I actually *fixed* my hair. Do it -- it'll always grow if you hate it!
ReplyDeleteDefinately NOT that chunky bang. If you must cut a bang, make it a nice, whispy one. But really, you shouldn't cut at all. You'll be having to keep them up and when you decide you don't want them anymore, they're a pain in the neck to grow out, and you'll never have them back the way you like them.
ReplyDeleteOf course, once you have baby, you might just decide on a cute little pixy cut which is so in these days. There's a reason lots of ladies cut their hair when they have kids. Spit up, throw up, pulling--it does tend to get in the way. But unless you're planning on going all the way with your hair and going short, I'd leave the bang idea alone.
But my advice is free, and you get what you pay for!
You're a beautiful girl, and this is said with all due respect: without.
I say: "don't do it!"
ReplyDeleteI have bangs and I hate them. I have tried forever to grow them out but they get to a particular length where they are so annoying and I chop them off again.
LOVED your hair in your elevator modeling pics!!
I cut bangs on my two daughters one year right before school because they BEGGED and none of us liked them. Much harder to maintain and they made for lots of "bad hair days."
ReplyDeleteThat having been said, you definitely seem like the kind of girl who could really pull off those bangs pictured above - they look good on you. But then when I saw that last picture, the one where you look very much like Catherine Zeta-Jones, I thought - no bangs. Not enough of your face and pretty eyes show with the bangs.
Do. Not. Do. It.
ReplyDeleteYou have a great face with a nice hair line. Good reasons (aesthetically) for bangs are if you have a weird hairline (me) or need them for a fuller face/face softening. You have none of the above. Esp. with new baby on the way. I have four and another on the way, and wash and go hair is so, so nice.
If you must, go with side-sweepers, or layers. I'm sorry for being so opinionated toward someone I don't even know personally, but since you asked.... ;)
Dear Nat,
ReplyDeleteI did the bangs. I enjoyed them greatly while I had them (1.5 years, ca.) and am now in the process of growing them out. They are sticky in the summer. Aside from that, things to remember with bangs (and I haven't read anything anyone else has posted so far, so this could be redundant) is that they make you look YOUNG. That's why all those hot Hollywood Mamas do it. I found that occasionally, they made me look/feel like a ten year old schoolgirl. I've bookmarked it in my head as a hairstyle for later, but I'm personally over it now. The other thing to remember is that bangs also draw attention to the nose.
If you're comfortable with a bit of an age reduction and your nose, go for it. If not, it's probably better to let it pass.
Oh and growing out isn't as bad as everyone says. Really. You invest in some bobby pins, get some layers cut, e Basta.
That's my two cents.
I'm with Kalli. Just say no.
ReplyDeleteI say do it. Hair grows back, and then next year you can say to yourself, "I would love me some rockin' bangs"
ReplyDelete..."but remember I did that last year."
I normally post my comment first and then go back and read everyone else's coments, but this time I had no intelligent opinion of my own. (I fight the bang/no bang battle every few months myself.) So I just finished reading all the comments. They are some funny/insightful people!
ReplyDeleteI have to say, I fall into the Do It, It's Just Hair camp, as well as the Don't Do It Right Before Heading Into the No Sleep, No Shower, No Energy New Baby camp.
Probably leaning more toward the latter because hating your new haircut is one thing, but hating your new haircut while dealing with post-partum hormones is terribly another thing.
So, having thought all that through, my insightful comment to you is DON'T DO IT...yet! :-)
step away from the ledge!
ReplyDeleteHair changes are always scary.. I never suggest you change which probably I still look like I'm 13. I can honestly say you look good either way so whatever you decide will not be the end of the world! Good luck
ReplyDeleteI'd say no to the bangs. I love your locks now.