


Well, I am still pregnant.


  1. Gosh, don't you just hate EVERYBODY when you are pregnant? I did, some of those people never really redeemed themselves.

    Sorry you're still pregnant. It sucks. (Maybe you should go to Blockbuster looking completely unattractive and have you're water break there. Worked for. But I sort of don't recommend it.)

  2. I go irrationally bonkers at the end of pregnancy also. Especially my first because I expected to "go" at any time for the last month before but didn't have the baby until ***8*** days late. It was agonizing and torturous and I was a defeated mess by the time it was actually time. But it's alot like the pain of childbirth-- you start to forget it pretty quickly after childbirth-- as in THE MOMENT they lie that slimy sweet little human being on your belly. I absolutely love it. My theory is that the more miserable that you are with the waiting makes the moment of childbirth all the more fantastic when it happens. Which means you might not be able to contain yourself when it actually happens, so prepare yourself. And good luck. And get a good book from the library or something, make plans with your husband every few days-- something expensive that you kind of don't want to miss-- that will either put you into labor for sure, or give you something to do in the meantime. But yet I still have no advice. Hang in there!

    (wait, that sounded a lot like a disguised "just wait"... sorry)

  3. It didn't at all Tristen, in fact I loved your comment :).

  4. you're funny ! I actually read that post out loud and making different voices ... with my door open.
    Have a great end-of-pregnancy!

    p.s. your post totally reminded me of high school when my us history teacher used to say "You must be pregnant with passion!" LOL.

  5. Ha! I love it! Isn't it the worst when kind people truly mean to be kind but you hate their guts nonetheless? If your boy is anything like my first boy, he will stubbornly refuse to come out until the doctor mentions coming in to get him, then he will suddenly come out in a big ol' rush like it was his idea all along. Stubborn from the first second! And don't let people tell you to be happy and "catch up on sleep" and all that nonsense because we all know that no one is sleeping in those last weeks and there is such a big difference in trying to sleep and not getting comfortable and being forced awake by an adorable baby that you have been waiting for. You are so close and even though we are perfect strangers, I am rooting for you and can't wait to hear how it all goes!

  6. Oh! Can't wait to hear how it goes! You build up more excitement though waiting longer, right? (I'm probably not in the best place for advice though, so nevermind.)

    Either way, Happy end of pregnancy :) You couldn't wait for it to happen and now it did, so maybe your body is just letting you enjoy it because once it's over it's over. (Well unless you get pregnant again)

  7. I hate the "just waiters" because I hate waiting. It just sucks!

  8. Sorry for the frustrations, Natalie! : ( At least, like you said before, you KNOW there's an end in sight to the pregnancy, and there WILL be a baby at the end of this process, and he WILL be adorably on time. His time, but on time nontheless. ; ) Happy birthing (soon!)!

  9. Patience is not a virtue I have. In fact, I think I totally missed the line completely when they were passing out that virtue in the premortal life. (I missed the creative line as well.) Kind of a bittersweet thing when you realize you have no control, isn't it?

  10. LOVE this post. And being patient, well apparently this is one of my lessons in life. So I hear you loud and clear.

    But I am relatively new to the waiting game. Still in the early stages of waiting. And still really, really annoyed.

    He'll be here soon enough. And then, you'll just have to wait for the next thing. And doesn't that just sound like the most fun ever. NOT. Stupid life lessons.

  11. My son was incredibly stubborn. I was induced 2 weeks early (due to high blood pressure) and after being on pitocin ALL FREAKING DAY, nothing was happening and I was sent home baby-less to try again another day. Yeah, that was disappointing. My OB made sure to tell me on my way out, "No woman has ever been pregnant forever". I wanted to punch her.

    I have no great advice to get things going, because nothing worked for me either. I just wanted to say I sypathize and I can't wait to see the post introducing your sweet baby boy!

  12. I totally relate to you on the "not being in control" of your body thing. I have had hormone problems since I started my period (when I was 9, by the way...yes, 9...) and I still try to tell it "body, you should be working by now. YOU SHOULD BE WORKING 'cause I'm doing everything I should..." but, alas, it has a mind of it's own and I end up waiting for things, too. I know it's different then waiting for a baby, but I relate, nonetheless.

    Here's to meeting BabyHolbs asap!

  13. hope you'll have a great labor!

  14. I remember thinking the same thoughts when I was at the end of my first pregnancy. The next time around it was a bit easier because I was able to change my expectations. Well, "change" isn't really the right word. It was more like having zero expectations. But I guess you could still say that my having no expectations was still a way for me to try to control my environment. Telling myself I had no expectations was my way of trying to control my crazy emotions and lack of patience by just throwing my hands in the air and saying, "hell with it! She'll come when she comes!" Sounds weird, but it actually worked for me, depending on the time of day.

  15. I never had ANY of these thoughts! I was ROBBED!!! Both babies had to come out before they were ready :-\

  16. "It's that frightful cocktail of pride mixed with failure. Served cold and bitter."

    The most perfect description of that angry back of the throat feeling!

    Unpatient Control Freaks Unite!

  17. I remember being in this headspace, and I am sorry you're frustrated. Your picture at the top of the post is beautiful--the lighting, the mystery of what your sweet belly contains--if you must still be pregnant, girl, you're making it look lovely! Blessings to you, the Holbs, and baby...

  18. I'm glad you figured it out. Even if it took locking yourself in the green bathroom to do so.

    I think every woman has some trial during at least one of their pregnancies. Difficulty conceiving, complications during birth, pregnancy-included diabetes, miscarriages, diagnosis, etc. and etc. God uses this thing called "making a new life" to change us, however painfully, so we're ready to be mothers. He uses it to squash our pride, humble our hearts and make us, make us rely on Him, because we can't make it through motherhood alone.

    (For the record, I'm not pregnant, not even trying yet.)

  19. Good things come to those who wait! Best of luck!

  20. ahaha aww! it'll happen!! if your holbschild is born today, we will share the same birthday, :)

    good luck!!

  21. I knew there had to be some quote about Huck Finn being a stubborn kid, but found this, and liked it more for you right now:
    "It was kind of solemn, drifting down the big, still river, laying on our backs looking up at the stars, and we didn't ever feel like talking loud, and it warn't often that we laughed—only a little kind of a low chuckle. We had mighty good weather as a general thing, and nothing ever happened to us at all—that night, nor the next, nor the next."
    -Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  22. i blame it all on the medical community, which, before you get pregnant, tells you "40 weeks"l then, when you're nice, full, round and ripe, changes its mind and fills your head with all this "37 weeks" business, which amounts to the most acute form of torture ever devised against womankind!!! damn them. . .

  23. Your beautiful, perfect baby is exactly where he needs to be for now...growing, getting stronger and getting what he needs. His lungs are going to be perfectly formed (so that he can talk to you via high-pitched screams). I know it's SO hard, but hang in there! You're ALMOST there!

  24. You could always book an induction, take back at least a little bit of control ;-)

  25. Just wait...Oh, did I just say that? Someone told me once that her water broke at Church during the water prayer. I was always paranoid after that. The one place I DIDN'T want my water to break was at church.

  26. Dear Friend-

    What I wont say is "just you wait! This baby thing is going to get a lot more frustrating and tiresome". No, I won't say that because that makes pregnant people lash out. I know.

    So I will say this: do anything and everything you can to self medicate through these last few horrible days. Be demanding and ugly. There isn't many times in your life that you will be allowed to get away with it.

  27. One thing I WILL say, and after two babies I know it to be absolutely TRUE:

    After a baby arrives, it will be frustrating at times, and exhausting at times, and bawl-because-you-dropped-a-diaper-on-the-floor emotional at times. But it is SO MUCH BETTER THAN BEING NINE MONTHS PREGNANT!!!! Sleep deprivation due to an enormous tummy and a full bladder and twitchy legs and the thought of having to get dressed in stretchy pants YET AGAIN the next day is absolutely horrible. Sleep deprivation due to a sleepy little someone who needs more milk is pretty liveable. :) And ohhh, getting to lay on your stomach again is HEAVEN. Especially when you're on the living room floor looking into a wee little face that's looking back at you like you're its whole wide world.

    We can't wait to meet little Huck! ("We" being me, Camryn, and Huck's future wife, Miss Tamsin T.)

  28. Natalie, it sounds like when you're single forever and everyone says, "Have you tried getting out more?" (no, I like to stay in my bedroom and wait for Prince Charming to come through the window) or "You're probably just being too picky" (yeah, 'cause choosing the person I'm going to spend eternity with is definitely the one instance where I should settle) or I've had people say to me, "Don't worry, someday it will happen" When I wasn't even talking in that vein. Which is super annoying coming from someone who married their first boyfriend. But it's not as bad as the young wife who attends the singles ward who is 3-5 years younger than me saying "Well, when your MARRIED, it's like this." I also hate it when they like to say things like "marriage is awesome, you should try it" - LIKE I HAVEN'T BEEN TRYING to "try" it! Anyway, the point is people should think about what their saying and who their saying it to before they say it. I'm not bitter though . . .

  29. The time is near bc you are tired of being nice and taking the advice. I remember looking at my cankles and thinking.."really? REALLY?" my first son came after the spicy food...second son was 41 weeks preggo with. (eeep). But can I tell you something? I think he just loves ME more. Being in MY arms and it all started right there in my belly. That Huck, he's just gonna love you more...tell THAT you Holbsinator. :0) And, I'm very excited for you too. I know the whole thought "great kid, you're just getting FATTER and FATTER in there and you're gonna have to come know where buddy!" Just's always gonna be a special bond between the two of yous....and that's something that will never change. :0)
    Milk that Holbster for every backrub he's good for right now. Whine all you want. It's miserable. I can't wait to be reading your blog about your little baby story. And how it all went down.

  30. Amen, Nat! This was a wonderful post. I remember being so frustrated by the not-in-control thing, I picked up my purse when I got well into labor and headed for the door ... ! You know God's timing is His own, but it will come, I promise you that. -Nan

  31. If you decide to try what I did (which worked) and drink castor oil, make sure the Holbs does it with you. It'll make for funny stories down the road. Or is it just me?

    PS: Just make sure there's a bathroom close by.

  32. Some posters have suggested castor oil. Do you research, Castor Oil is dangerous for the baby. The bowel contractions can put stress on the baby, and there is a correlation with babies passing stool in the womb and the use of castor oil. It may be harsh, but only truly selfish people try this route.

  33. Even though your going completely insanely crazy with wanting little Huck OUT he'll come in due time. Every woman is different, every baby is different. My first? Eight days late and she was a complete angel. My second? 8 days early and she and busy. I always say if she just cooked a little bit longer, maybe she would have been "done" enough and learned to sleep and be less noisy!!! One is easy, two is harder depending on your situation...and beware of post partum depression. I had it with #2 and I literally thought I was going insane as did my hubs.

    Now at 8 and 5, I have learned a lot from those two babies (humility and pride anyone?) They are so very different but the love I feel for them just kind of puts me in a different place and thank the good Lord they are mine!

  34. 38.5 weeks pregnant today with baby number 2, on and off contractions and everybody and their brother telling me it will be "any day now"... I never pin pointed what was frustrating about it all until I read this. I'm a total control freak... and yes- it drives me bonkers to have absolutely no control. Arg.

    I try to feel bad for my husband, co-workers, boss who when they politely say things like "you're here today" I feel like poking their eyes out. But, then I don't feel bad for them at all- because I'm the hormone filled incubator waddling around and peeing every 15 seconds. :) (Which is only made worse by me constantly drinking my red rasberry leaf tea to help "encourage more productive contractions".... whatever.)

  35. Lucky for you I've never been more than a few weeks pregnant so I have no advice anyhow. But cranky is okay because, the way I see it, if we didn't have rough times, we wouldn't know what a good time feels like. And when your baby DOES decide to grace you with his presence, I'm sure you'll look back on this "just wait" time and smile. It will all be worth it. :)

  36. The whole last month of pregnancy is pretty miserable. The last few "overdue" days, the worst! It really will all seem worth it when that moment of birth arrives. Good luck with all of it - hopefully sooner than later.

    Your pregnant belly is beautiful!

  37. Hey Natalie! I'm kind of a blog-stalker, not gonna lie. Your stories are so hilarious, I have to keep coming back! Anyway, on to the real reason I'm commenting - I totally have the solution! This is going to sound gross but we're already talking about vaginas and whatnot so here goes: nipple stimulation --> release of oxytocin --> contracting of the uterus. Oxytocin is the natural form of Pitocin (a common drug used for inducing labor). The natural release of oxytocin (especially when breastfeeding...nipple stimulation, remember?) also helps your uterus contract after the little guy is born. So there you have it! Get stimulating! :)

    PS - I'm an RN...I'm not just some creep who likes to talk about nipples or anything.

  38. Nothing ever worked for me either.

    (And I cried everyday the last two weeks I was pregnant.)

  39. (Not even Leah's suggestion. And that's more than you wanted to know.)

  40. Oh, Natalie, you are so right on about that lack of control. Ugh. That is the one thing that I dread most about pregnancy. Well, that and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad heart-burn.

    I'm so sorry for you. Waiting for labor is the worst thing in the world!

    On the bright side, he'll be here SOON!!!!

  41. What are you going to whine about next? You are never happy, are you? You get what you've been whining for, and you whine about it. Once you have the baby, you're just going to whine about it.


  42. Lori WeaverOctober 26, 2010

    Rumor is Hucks here. Congrats!! You will be a super Mom just like your Mom.

  43. You did it. Welcome Henry. You are one famous baby.

  44. LOVE this post! I am going through the exact same thing - due yesterday and in tears way too much. All my friends due after me have already delivered. I am seriously going super crazy. Thank you, thank you. I can totally completely relate!


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