

date night

last night for date night we saw the new harry potter. only we saw it in shifts. we still haven't found a babysitter and honestly it kinds of makes me anxious to think about it, so. (new mom! is it obvious?) so brandon saw the 3:00, and then as soon as the baby was down for the night i went to see the 10:30. it was kind of fun seeing a movie alone, actually, and downing an entire large diet coke all by myself really fast. though i did jump a few times and i did wish i had a redhead to whisper all my hilarious thoughts to. 

(speaking of: when did ron weasley get all hunky and stuff?)

(speaking of also: but if i were hermione i probably would have gone for harry. let's be honest.)

(speaking of again: hermione and i totally share a middle name!)

(this post is super pointless.)

hey! here are some pictures from my night on the town! soon enough we'll all be sick of seeing my lazy iphone pictures but you know, that's life.

accidental cute outfit tonight.

i spotted this after the movie on my way to the bathroom. it's a real place!
i want to go inside SO BAD.


  1. I love Ron! He's my favorite. And the soda room? Yes, please!

  2. The dancing scene, oh, the dancing, OH,THE DANCING SCENE!!!!! I saw it, I loved it, I felt 17 again (not high-school-reunion 17, but high-school-dance 17), and I was flying high for a week afterward! I'm totally in love with Harry Potter. Even though technically that would be illegal and just plain creepy. He's short, dark-haired, nerdy, and brooding--just my type at that age!

  3. I like Voldemort better than Buster, methinks...

    I've never thought to name my phone before. Or my iPod Touch. I mean, my car? Of course! Handsome Rob fits perfectly! Now you've got me thinking about naming gidgets and stuff...

  4. Hubby was home on leave, and our ONE DATE over Christmas was to go see Harry Potter, at this great theater where you can order these awesome sandwiches (complete with the most ginormous pickle spear ever!) and sit and eat while you watch. Fantastic.

    I've loved Ron ever since I found out that when he made it big with HP, one of the first things he did was buy new wheels. Guess what kind of vehicle he bought? An ice cream truck! Which he drives around in fully stocked. Don't you just love that?

    For the record, my husband was the one who needed to grab on to ME! I've never seen him jump like...well...I won't spoil it, but he was taken! HA!

    Voldemort would be a good name. OR "The Iphone Who Shall Not Be Named."

  5. Or you could be just cruel and call your phone Morty. A bit catchier...but it might make Voldemort rise up and getcha out of sheer embarassment.

  6. Voldemort has my vote!

  7. speaking of middle names, can i make a confession? on your old design your profile name said "natalie jean lovin holbrook"- for the LONGEST time i thought it was made up middle name- "jean lovin'" as in you like blue jeans a lot. it make a lot more sense when i figured out those were your middle & maiden names.

    and two thumbs up on the movie in shifts idea. we should try that.

  8. I love the name Voldemort for your phone.

    Weird question, but why do you always cut off your own head in your pictures?

  9. Voldemort is better, especially if you nickname it "morty". ha.

    What about Winston? Sir Winston? It makes it sound like your butler, and I like it!

  10. i love everything about this post.

    seriously, ron was soooo attractive in this movie.

    p.s. leopold?

  11. Oh thank you dear blog friend for not being one of those couples who take their newborn child to a movie. I went to see that particular movie at midnight the day it was released and I was a little irritated when someone walked in with a 4 year old in pajamas, and beyond irritated when someone walked in carrying an infant seat. That irritation got even bigger when right in the middle of the movie the wee babe began crying. Everyone knows I love a baby, and would like one to mystically be delivered to my front doorstep, I just like my movies without a side of infant.

  12. Voldemort is a good name for iPhone...I haven't seen the new HP yet. I am still a whole movie behind actually. Maybe that could be my plan tomorrow....that way I could not actually do my real plan which is to rid my house of the dead Christmas tree.

  13. if you name him voldemort you can call him morty for short!

  14. LOL- @ Lynn's comment... PLEASE call it the Iphone who shall not be named! :)

  15. I'm not sure if I've ever commented...but it probably doesn't matter. I think you're hilarious. I think your baby is adorable. I haven't seen HP yet...we have a baby too...however; I think Voldemort/the Iphone who shall not be named is sheer genius.

  16. I love your jacket and you just like ol' ronnie coz he's a redhead.

  17. I know what that room looks like! The walls are lined with industrial metal shelving. The shelves are filled with cardboard box that are labeled and have hoses coming out of them. The hoses run from that room to the soda machines, sending the syrup to where it meets with the carbonation.

    It's actually badly lit and sad in the soda room.

    I'm sorry.

  18. I don't understand (my english is not so good) where is the soda room? in your building? :) love your blog!

  19. Sir Voldemort, maybe. And what about Volde instead of Morty? (Or does that sound too much like Moldy?)


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