


there is one thing my boobs have never been, and that is impressive. but man, my boobs have sure done a number on old huckleberry's thighs, i tell you what.

they're like the little boobs that could!

he's like a little late sunday night snack.

tastes like sugar!


  1. You must be feeding that baby milkshakes! ;)

  2. Too cute! Thanks for the baby love, totally needed it today x

  3. Too hilarious! Ya, boobs become pretty functional and not so much decoration.
    Huckleberry is tubbalubba!
    The cheeks are pretty chunky too!
    So cute!
    He looks like those milk drunk binges he goes on are doing him good!

  4. Very Cute. I love chubby baby cheeks.

  5. So squishy and perfect!!

  6. So THAT is where all your pregnancy weight went--straight into those thighs and cheeks. LOVE it! He is simply perfect!

  7. Oh my goodness that is the squidgiest baby I've ever seen! I love the picture of your Holbshusband squishing Huck's gorgeous cheeks. I'm hoping my soon-to-be-baby lucks out and gets those same thighs (post-delivery, of course) in a few months - I'm ready to squidge some baby blub!

  8. What a ChubbaHubbaLubba! He is absolutely adorable, and I'd say milk it does his chunky body good! I always felt such satisfaction, knowing I was responsible for the roll-y goodness that was my chubby baby :). You're doing awesome, and I love the tidbits you share with your readers!

  9. I spent this past weekend with a fat baby too. His cheeks are, what my friend calls, JUICY. Seriously. Exquisite. That fat little baby (my nephew called Emmett) pleased me so much with his all-around rotundness. He's the fattest baby our family has achieved to date, and he hasn't even started rice cereal yet! (I'm so excited to see what rice cereal does to fat baby Emmett!)

    Oh, wow. Did I not already mention? Huck is a thing of beauty, in all his squishy glory. I should've written this line first! ;)

  10. Oh my gosh he's so chubby and soo cute!!

  11. Way to go Nat boobs! Keep up the good work!

  12. I want him. He is precious. Give your boobs a pat on the back...or maybe just a new bra for it's hard work.

  13. You're killing me smalls! Absolutely kilin' me!! ;)

  14. Such a cutie and way to go boobs!!

  15. Thats about as perfect as it can get.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Yay for adorable squishy babies! He's so cute.

  18. Let's stick a boob in yo' face!

    And I laughed at "shut your effin' mouth" the entire walk home on Saturday.

  19. Good work little boobs!
    That made me laugh

  20. I hear it tastes like canteloupe (FRIENDS). Nice canteloupes, Nat :)

  21. he is CUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTE!!! I love your blog! I found you on Rockstar Diaries.... fantastic!

  22. I love this! Perfect for us breastfeeding moms to keep perspective.

  23. I just found your blog. I must say it: I love you. It's a bit forward, I know, but I do. This stuff is great. Also, I love your babe's thighs. Here's to breastfeeding big, giant babies.

    Come on over:

  24. just found your blog...! and I'm so glad I did... you crack me up.

  25. Nooooo. Stop the adorableness!! My uterus cannot handle this assault. Will fight desire to make more baby chub by remembering that my 17 month old still doesn't sleep more than 2 hours without nursing. Ya, one's enough for now but I do miss the thunder-thighs.

  26. Ha ha!
    This post was amazing.

    Your readers are pretty cool too, because they loved your post all about boob-praise, and I actually had someone lecture me the other day for saying that my little dude wouldn't take a bottle and that it was "boobies or bust for that kid."

    She said he would be traumatized and embarrassed when he read that when he was 14... {yeah, cause my fourteen year old is going to spend the bulk of his spare time reading 13 1/2 year old blogs written by his mother- I get the feeling that if this is the case, I will have FAR bigger things to worry about than my kid happening upon the words "boobies or bust".Awesome.}

    Oh well, it was great for a laugh.
    Where do these people find me?!

    LOVE the crap out of your blog.

  27. HAHA oh my gosh, I laughed out loud at those photos of his cheeks being poked. SUCH a cutie!


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