it has been a muggy week. muggy! isn't muggy a funny word? don't think about it too hard, it's still a recession and there's a royal wedding to think about. is it still a recession?
we were running some muggy errands today, huck and i, accomplishing important things and solving international crises and refilling our nutella stash, when suddenly the skies opened up and all of that humidity came dripping down from the clouds.
"it's pouring out," said a rather sour-faced woman at the check out line of the trader joe's, as she eyed the bald, hatless baby strapped to my chest.
well, shoot.
we waited out the rain at the drug store next door. i bought some green peeps, and then i ate them really fast. they were just the perfect amount of stale. isn't this a really good blog post?
i bought an umbrella next and decided to walk to housing works real fast to look at wardrobes. it's a long story. but okay, i need a wardrobe because i'd like to move huck's crib into the closet so he can get some quiet while he sleeps, and our clothes will need somewhere else to live soon.
brandon and i are currently embroiled in a grand debate about whether we should buy a nice wardrobe now or a nice wardrobe later. and if later, then perhaps a junky wardrobe now? or just move now. or else just wait and not move yet but buy a nice wardrobe when we get a new apartment, and thus do a junky wardrobe now and/or no wardrobe at all but rather sit on our hands until some specified time that brandon won't clue me in on, at which point we'll move. or a nice wardrobe now. this makes more sense when i explain it while i'm not so tired.
in any case, wardrobes. huck wasn't too happy with the turn of events (still shopping? moo-oom!).
here are some pictures. i documented my muggy afternoon, because . . . you know?