

amanda and zach and theo, oh my!

my sister amanda, her husband zach, and their sweet baby theo are here this week to walk all over the island of manhattan with me and eat at all of our favorite places.

like, at the shake shack, lame.
(but this time we ate at the shack in washington square park. yeah, we like to mix it up a little.)

tonight we had pizza at patsy's followed by magnolia for dessert. 
and then us girls came back to nurse our babies on the couch and watch newsies while the boys walked the dogs through the park.

it should be noted, magnolia's peppermint icebox pie is a-ma-zing,
right up there with their banana pudding.

while we were there, uncle zach tried to feed huck his first sugar. 

and then we jammed to a little jackson five with dad.

i'm going to miss my sister when she leaves tomorrow!


  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! I can't stand it! That video of Huck (assisted by daddy) is adorable! Love it!

  2. Theo and Huck can be best friends!

  3. That video is amazing. pure baby wonderfulness. for reals though my husband even laughed and he's usually so grumpy that I make him watch things that he doesn't enjoy it by the time I put it in front of his face!

  4. I think that might have been the cutest thing I've ever seen...

  5. Those babies could be twins! (So could their mommies, I think).

  6. i'm a fairly new reader to your blog, and i just love love love it! :)
    (too many love's? i should tone it down a bit)

  7. hahaha that video is hilarious

  8. i agree with jessica. and this post had so much adorableness in it it's almost ridiculous. :)

  9. hahaha. his face is hilarious in the shot where the spoonful of sugary goodness is just inches away. so close, yet so far. loved the video. so glad you've been able to have a wonderful time with your sister and her family!

  10. Wowzers!!! You can totally tell those lil bambinos have been swimming in the same gene pool.

  11. HA!!!! Classic - what a little man!!! And the Holbsdaddy could NOT be more in love with that baby, am I right?

  12. Love that cutie little baby:) And how fun to have family in town


  13. Adorable! That kiddo of yours never fails to put a smile on my face!

  14. I love Amanda! Oregon misses her, and I miss her, so I know that "Amanda missing feeling" all too well! I shall give her a big squeeze for her when she returns.

  15. huck is so fat and happy that it makes me want to cry. if my baby is not that fat and happy too, i think i will cry.

  16. a skinny version of huck!!!

  17. Aaawww, that Daddy loves his baby, such a smush of a kiss!

  18. Huck and Theo are going to grow up and be best buddies! Cousins are the sweetest. So are sisters. And family in general.

  19. In that top picture of your brother in law- I swear I saw a ikess between him and Eric Banner!

  20. I have four babies. I love babies. And now, since I am done having babies, I love other people's babies. And that baby is ridiculous.

    You know how sometimes you pick up someone else's baby and you just want to smooch their face off but you don't because some people don't like it when other people kiss their babies?

    I have a feeling your baby has no rules or boundaries when it comes to that and if he does then no one respects them.

    I sure wouldn't.

  21. Cutest. Baby. Ever.

  22. oh my gosh, you and your sister look SO much alike! LOVE it.
    -This is coming from someone who looks like she is adopted because she looks NOTHING like her sisters! lol

    Love that baby!

  23. Dessert or babies, dessert or babies? (Imagine me weighing the two options in my hands to figure out which is sweeter)

  24. So very cute (the Mama in me was worried he would puke!)!! I think it is fun that we can hear your voice in the video, too (I'm assuming that was you not wanting your sweet Huck to fall)! :)

  25. NEWSIES!!!!!!

    Okay, I got that out of the way.

    My very favorite is the third picture of everyone where Theo's like, "Wait! Why does HE get the dessert?" I laughed and laughed!


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