Brandon texted me today at 12:18 precisely. Huck was in just a diaper, and eating a board book, and Brandon said "Want lunch?" and I was all, YES WE DO!
Isn't this exciting so far?
We agreed to meet at the north east corner of Union Square, and I being the master of the subway system that I am accidentally took the wrong train and had to walk two extra avenues to get there.
I called Brandon once we were above ground to let him know we were nearly there and he informed me he was by the "fountain next to the Forever 21" and I was all, "Dude I so know exactly where that is," to which Brandon laughed that certain laugh that he reserves for situations where he thinks something is clever but also feels he should not approve. Of course, the Forever 21 is not at the north east corner of Union Square, but bless his heart anyway.
We ate at a burrito place that I'd been to once when it was blazing hot out and I was too pregnant to function properly, because I was super curious to see if that burrito would be even better now that the temperature is not satanic and my nursing body can burn through food like a seventeen year old boy's, or else not nearly as good now that the wonder that is the pregnant palate has left my mouth.
I liked it well enough but Brandon was not so sure. "I can already tell that burrito is not going to agree with me," is how he put it.
It is awfully rude when one's Mexican food is argumentative.
I made him kiss me on the mouth four times at the subway station before he went back to campus to study and then I went home to the Upper West Side to procure twenty dollars worth of quarters from the bank so I could do the laundry.
Laundry runs us about $20 in quarters a week. Don't cry for me, Argentina.
Laundry runs us about $20 in quarters a week. Don't cry for me, Argentina.
Sometimes I like to torture my husband with public displays of affection because as it turns out I am still in the third grade.
Brandon has three finals left. And then he is done with education forever. No kidding, cooking classes? Not happening. That man has exhausted his higher learning opportunities for the rest of his entire life.
I can't even imagine what life will be like next week when I am no longer married to a grad student. What is that going to BE like? I am already anticipating the day he gets his first real paycheck and my head explodes.
I most definitely think he should get you something sparkly and/or from Anthro...after all, you suffered through him being in school even though you weren't technically in school. Also, I really appreciate that you blog late at night because that's exactly when I'm looking for something to procrastinate with :) And I am not being sarcastic one bit. I honestly look forward to your posts!
Ah Natalie, you make me laugh. You're posts always load into my google reader at about lunch time (in Sydney) and it's like mid day comic relief!
ReplyDeleteGood luck Holbs!
ahhh... finals week! is there anything better?? my grad student of a husband will graduate in august and i'm counting the days [85 to go!]. what will life be like once we're not 'single moms' anymore??
ReplyDeletemajor congrats to your holbsy. good luck with the finals and with the burrito....
Congratulations!! I know how you feel. My husband JUST came home from his final final from law school. We've been married 6 years and living a student life all along. I don't know what to do about this new life!! Granted, the bar has us covered through the summer..but still. You deserve to get whatever you want as a graduation gift!!! For crying out loud, we both even birthed babies along the way!!!
ReplyDeletecongratulations!!! i will be anxiously awaiting the celebratory post.
ReplyDeleteyou definitely deserve a graduation present! but what are you going to get him?
i like you a lot, i think we have the same brain.
ReplyDeletecongrats to the whole family! (since i know y'all deserve it, going through the same thing over here - FINALLY being out of grad school after 8 years, and nope, no cooking school allowed now either!)
ReplyDeletelove that picture of them - congrats on graduating holbster!
ReplyDeleteI totally smile out loud every time I read your posts. you're awesome.
ReplyDeletedo you know what a dingleberry is?
I literally just found out this weekend because I used it for the first time-in reference to the Hubby.
He did not like that.
Told me what it means.
just gross.
Ahh Huck is the cutest baby ever!
ReplyDeleteI agree that your husband needs to get you a gift...you've suffered long and hard through this schooling. Maybe a date night out with just you two including a stop at Anthro and a good burger somewhere?
My husband is finishing his second year of law school and I totally think you need a present! Next year when he graduates I will be expecting the same thing. And if he even asks to take so much as a community ed class in the next ten years.....the answer will be NO! Good luck to you guys, so happy he has a job!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to the mister! You must be so proud :)
ReplyDeleteFor a gift, he could take you to Forever 21 (he knows where it is), or he can get you something permanent for your apartment walls, OR he can stash the money away for a bigger place! I mean jewelry's always nice too :)
Congratulations on almost being done! It was surreal when my husband finished his LAST final of Law School. That was an awesome day. He gave me pearls for my graduation gift. People always had a 'What the?' look on their face when I said he got them for me for him graduating. I figure he was gone for the last 3 birthdays studying, and everything else that it involves. I loved it!
ReplyDeleteWe also went on a cruise to the carribean (no idea how to spell that) to celebrate which was so much fun! Kind of like a babymoon also.
What do ya know? My husband is graduating on Saturday and... well it just never occurred to me that he should get a gift for HIS WIFE. Duh. I'm thinking clothes? Shoes? A new purse? And yes, my head is also going to explode when my husband brings home his first paycheck. (Glad to know I'm not the only one.)
And even moreso... CONGRATS, NAT!
my hubs got his phd also and the first time he got a real job I about fell on the flor and wallowed in all of that money. Oh, what would we do with ALL OF THAT INCOME? (answer--not live off of wine and cheese.) He doesn't get a lot--but it's a lot more than a grad student! He recently said something about going for an MBA and said oh heck no. You are as smart as you are going to get. Sorry bud.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, your kid is so cute. That's what this post was about, right?
ReplyDeleteAs a woman whose husband was in a fully employed MBA program for 2 years ( no weekends off ever) plus classes 3 nights a week..... That being said you should get a gift absolutely - I know that I got one. You are a support and rock for him and you two together can make anything happen so celebrate this together. Plus I found it oddly funny that I was the only one able to make it to his graduation so I sat up front and yelled my heart out. This new chapter will blow your mind.
ReplyDeleteI think my husband could relate to you as it feels like I will be in school forever. Also I hate it when they call and you're not even dressed.
ReplyDeleteyou are NOT wrong about that! i've already planned my "I Supported You Through Med School By Having And Enlarging Your Babies And Spending Your Tuition Money At Target And Garage Sales Instead Of Anthro And Gap While You Studied 18 Hours A Day" gift... and hubs has only just finished his first year... so in like a decade, when he's done with school and residency and has a real life pay, I'm envisioning something sparkly and a new wardrobe. My head's just gonna explode this summer when he's home for 8 weeks, able to wake up at 6 a.m. with Ellis, oh bless my heart!!!
ReplyDeleteYOU totally get a present! It is so hard being a students wife. They work, they go to school, so you're practically like a single mom and a reeeeally poor one. WEll, that's me, anyway. So, YES, wives should get a grad present. I think I want a trip to NYC for mine. :)
ReplyDeleteArgumentative Mexican food makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry for a while... Ouch! Oh and forced p.d.a is one of my most beloved activities too! I don't know why my mister is so opposed to it! Haha!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to your hubby for only having three more finals! I think you need something sparkly to celebrate the occasion! Sparkly presents are always a good choice, right? =)
<3 MuffinLovesBiscuit
Not that he needs any but good luck to your holbs dear! I'm glad you're entering yet another exciting phase of your lives...i think Huck should get a graduation present too, it seems only fair :-)
ReplyDeleteGood luck, Holbs. And be wise: buy your wife a fabulous gift.
ReplyDeleteSo, I had a slightly embarrassing situation happen. And I guess it was only embarrassing to me because no one else really knew, BUT I went to the bank to withdraw some cash in quarters and the teller said "Oh, laundry day?" I replied, "yeah, but I'll count my blessings that it only costs me $5 a week and not like $20 in new york." The teller said, "How do you know it costs $20 there?" And then I was caught -do I tell her that I blogstalk someone I've never met and casually bring things up from her blog in conversation, or lie? I lied. I said "Oh my friend lives there." I hoped that would be the end, but no, she asks "What's she doing there?" I heaved a sigh and pretended like we were besties, "Oh her husband goes to grad school there." Then I took my money and ran to avoid any more probing questions about my "friend" in new york. But really, I think that in my heart of hearts we could be bosom friends, if we met in some medium other than blogstalking...
ReplyDeleteummm yes, you have been very patient in waiting for all that school to get over! Of course you deserve a present!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your incredible voice. What fun! You have been wonderful to support the Grad Student. XOXOXO e.d.
ReplyDeletecongrats to the holbsgrad! : ) well, you know. almost.
ReplyDeleteI say jewellry (I have just re-typed that four times and I still don't think I spelled it right). Nothing too crazy...maybe a pair of diamond studs. You deserve it. Oh and maybe a toe ring for Huck.
ReplyDeleteI remember when my husband graduated from 8 years of graduate school. We bought a house (yes!) and the day after moving in our neighbor on the other side of the fence asked what my husband did for a living (nosey) and I was shocked when I realized I couldn't say "Student." We watch our home videos now from those good ole days and he has papers or books in his hands EVERY time we recorded anything. Birthdays, holidays, playing with the kids, you name it! You are going to love having all of him now!
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to read this one for weeks now but something keeps getting in the way!! Stupid interruptions....anyway! I love PDAs as much as giving my husband a number of times he must kiss me. Five is my general number request - does that make me a loose woman??
ReplyDeleteAND congrats to the Holbs!! I think you and Huck should tear that city up finding him a great graduation gift, because that's like a present for you anyway!! And you'll surely pick up lotsa cuteness along the way. Because, you know...
GO, HOLBS, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Holbs! My boyfriend is still in grad school for another year and he's already toying with the idea of getting his PhD. We'll have to see about that...but I can't wait until he's finished!