i am on day three of never-ending mild anxiety--you know the type of thing where it's just under the surface, and every now and then you realize you aren't breathing very well, or your arms are jumpy all day long and you can't seem to relax? nothing is overly dramatic, or really wrong or immediately troublesome, it's just
things. and et cetera.
(actually, things are quite lovely--did you see
this article?)
so i've been finding ways to distract myself, reminding myself to breathe deeply, and counting all of my blessings.
such as . . .
yesterday i discovered that my husband is a dead ringer for an old cartoon character called tintin. WILL YOU LOOK AT THAT! (and aw, it's a petey).
last night we hit the winter's eve festival restaurant booths at lincoln center. it was a nice night. but sort of exhausting. huck tried his very first venison lasagna and i was reminded how i am NOT a fan of fancy hot chocolate. a packet of powder with freeze dried marshmallows will do, thanks!
i took huck's shirt off after a very messy lunch yesterday afternoon and he promptly fell asleep all over me and my knitting just seconds after. my dude is playing hard these days and when he gets tired he crashes instantly. he is just so hysterical and so lovely. his baby cheeks taste like cotton candy.
also his mohawk is getting a leeettle ridiculous. why won't hair grow on the sides of his head? it is this mystery to me.
i've been listening to the
lower lights christmas album nonstop since
courtney sent it to me. it's the perfect sing-along-while-dancing-with-your-baby-in-the-living-room type christmas music.
yesterday i called my mom while walking home from the trader joe's to get the 4-1-1 on the lovin situation. my umbrella stroller was heavy laden with egg nogs and yogurts and about fifty packs of wipes from amazon i'd picked up at the post office because we have a terrible mail situation on our hands here. i managed to steer that stroller one-handed all the way home and into my apartment, all the while being very responsible and watching for traffic and small doggies, but when i got home i completely forgot the laws of physics and let go of the stroller and it instantly toppled over backwards. huck was safely strapped in of course and this hilarious look spread over his face once he landed, like, "i am upside down THIS IS AWESOOOOOOME!" i let him chill upside down for a bit so i could finish my conversation with my mom, since i can only get cell phone reception by the front door, which is a whole other story.

we took a long rainy walk up to the 80s this afternoon to buy binder clips. we got appropriately rained on. it felt fantastic. this weather lately!
while buying binder clips i got distracted by a idea, and then a very nice young man with leopard print hair helped me find a road map of the united states after two other employees swore they didn't carry any. i declared him THE WINNER OF THE STAPLES, and he took a very grandiose bow before pointing at his coworkers and shouting, "EAT IT!"
it was good.
as was the two hours of pointless crafting i did after huck went to bed.
over and out.