this is mindy. mindy's my new pal. mindy flew all the way from utah to give a concert in my living room, and, okay, in a club downtown as well. mindy didn't know it at the time, but she also flew to new york to be my new best friend. thanks, mindy!

this is mindy's set list. did i steal this after the show and give it a permanent home on my fridge? yep, that i did.

this is me doing my best "heeeeeeeere's mindy!"

this is spencer harrison. spencer opened for mindy and has just about the prettiest voice i've ever heard. he sang an original song that i'd love to post here but i'm supposed to email him first? so... i guess i'll get on that. spencer also is super tall. props for that, dude.

spencer's and mindy's voices go together like chocolate and marshmallows.

we had a lovely crowd, 75% of whom cried when mindy sang hourglass because that is just what you do when mindy sings hourglass. (especially when we give our best to peter pan. or is that just me?)
want to hear hourglass live?
then of course there was the matter of the duet to be taken care of. don't worry, i didn't go for the high note. (but why didn't i go for the high note? where's my sense of adventure?) (let's pretend i did and i nailed it.)

(thanks jaime for catching this. i ran it through the 8mm app to lighten it up, it helped some.)

this was the snack table. shh, it's huck's dresser. for future reference, i had way too many snacks on hand. apparently concerts aren't big snack time events, i don't know. (big ups to the blog reader who brought those AMAZING chocolate cookies though! oh man they were amazing.)

i am in love with the fact that my apartment turns out to be a rad place to have a party. who knew?

my best girls made it out for the night, thanks again for letting me borrow your crock pot, janelle!

i love how it looks like lynda has horns in this one.

by the end of the night huck was wasted. too many beers, mom!
i'd told mindy how anchor is in our nightly bedtime song rotation (she should be so honored). later that night it was o terribly sweet to catch this little moment between mindy and my budding musician on camera:
he's cute, right? i felt a little bad letting mindy sing to him. now he's gonna have this big old head and look at me all weird when i try and sing it, like, "look mom. now that i've heard the real thing..."

in all seriousness: this is going down in my permanent record as the coolest thing i've ever done. after birthing a human of course (that one trumps a whole lot). i feel so lucky to have gotten the chance to meet and host mindy. i'm a very silly, very lucky girl, and the ridiculousness of all of these amazing things i get to do is not lost on me, believe me.

so lovely having you, mindy.
kiss that baby for me.
thanks to everyone who tweeted and instagrammed their photos of the night
and for letting me steal them soullessly.
and thanks to mindy! and to spencer!
and to my husband for not killing me when he saw i'd hung those antlers after he asked me not to.
What fun What fun!! So sweet, her voice is honey! I love baby boy's pj's! Milo has the same pair we got at Costco, so snuggly. And those look like the same belgian waffles we love love love!
ReplyDeletei would probably fly across the country, too, if i knew i'd get to eat a bunch of snacks and play with huck all night. ps - love those hearts!
ReplyDeletehappiness indeed.
great job!
Completely unrelated, but did I see you commenting on the Duggar's 20th baby this morning on the Today Show? It was super quick, but I'm 99% sure it was you!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. I think hourglass might be my new favorite song.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the fun night! It was a welcome break from playing nurse to my 15 month old; she's feeling much better now =)
ReplyDeletethis is ah-mah-zing. love this post, love she sung that song to huck. love that he got wasted. me too man, me too.
ReplyDeleteI loved those videos! And Mindy has an amazing voice.
ReplyDeleteand not hang the antlers?!?! But what was he thinking?
I loved the videos! I have a girl crush on Mindy so I'm super jealous you got to meet her AND sing with her AND get a big fat hug from her. and I cried too during hourglass...and during saturday's warriors tonight [hormones wacky much?!]
ReplyDeleteso great! you're cool and that photo wall in your kitch is awesome.
ReplyDeletebeautiful beautiful beautiful! In case I didn't love you enough this has sealed the deal... so charming... all of you ... LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteNatalie bo-batalie, banana fanna fo-fatalie! I loved every minute of it! Thank you for such a fun time and such a sweet and generous blog post. Let's do it again. Love, Your New BFF
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the vicarious introduction to a great artist! I went right to itunes and bought two of her albums!
ReplyDeleteAh, I just wanted to say Yay for having Mindy Gledhill perform in your living room! Love her beautiful voice! Also, just wanted to mention I love your blog. I have read it (from the very very beginning) this whole weekend and you made me crack up with laughter and cry real tears! I am struggling to get pregnant right now and relate to a lot of the feelings you had. I can't wait until I get to hold my own little baby. I hope I feel as wonderfully connected to him/her as you do to Huck. Thank you for your amazingness!!
ReplyDeleteHow enchanting.
ReplyDeleteI loved your duet! And the videos, Huck is so adorable.
ReplyDeleteLooks like everyone had a great time. So awesome that you had a concert in your living room! And so sweet that Mindy sang to Huck.
ReplyDeleteThat looks like so much fun! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome. Mindy has a beautiful voice!
ReplyDeletehow fun to be reading your blog and suddenly see a picture of my brother and sister-in-law (ryan and lynda)! and lynda's awesome horns! ;) i wish i could have been there with them. it looked fantastic!
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing! Your life is a kick-a fairytale. Mindy Gledhill in your living room? I die. Love that wall, by the way.
ReplyDeleteMindy is awesome. Your baby steals the show. Adorable.
ReplyDeleteCan't believe I missed this. I love Mindy, and Spence went to my high school! What a night.
ReplyDeleteLooks like it was so fun! Not sure how many men readers you have but I saw your link from CJane's Twitter feed so I gave it a gander and I'm hooked.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter who is almost 5 met Mindy a year ago and is still mesmerized by her (we've now had 2 fish named Mindy Gledhill-- sadly both have died). Thanks for sharing the fun of the concert.
i love the song (Hourglass)... so sweet...sad, but sweet.
ReplyDeleteI love the background design. It's simple yet very compelling. I love the song too.
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this song is one of my favorite song. sad song but its lyrics are so Awesome and music too and also Video.