


here is something so very distinctly new york city: there is a place near nyu where one can purchase--for six dollars and fifty cents mind you!--a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich. it comes to you on a blue plate with a couple of carrot sticks. 


truly, it is completely and totally worth the price. they should charge double! 

(please adjust your sarcasm radar)

it all happened because we had gone to the village for a falafelwaffle. this being the first falafelwaffle in an awful lawful long time. (forgive me.) 

after our falafel, and as we stood there at the waffle shop, mouths agape at the boarded up, depressed-looking, closed-forever waffle shop (nooooo!), the holbs said to me, "want a fluffer nutter instad?" upon which time the wife (that's me) said, "um, yes i want a fluffer nutter." 

and now you know how that happened.

sometimes this city is so strange. two perfectly rational adults agreeing to spend six dollars and fifty cents on a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich and not one of us had the sense to say--"but wait a minute here." 

UNADVISABLE SIDE STORY: when we lived in brooklyn there was this mexican restaurant on our street we wanted to try, and so one day, having just returned from thanksgiving weekend in california, we decided to go. we walked there, only it wasn't there! we figured we must have passed it. so we walked back, then walked there again. still not there! so then we walked up and down the street twice more, and then all the way up to the promenade, and we still couldn't find it, and just when we'd started to wonder whether we'd both simultaneously lost our minds, we realized--hey wait, how long has this mattress store been here? is it possible this mattress store was a mexican restaurant three days ago? 

the cliffhanger spoiler is: yes. 

and now you know that story.

this was our view as we left and you know what?

sometimes you get what you pay for.


  1. i feel that way about this grilled cheese place in san francisco. except, for $8.50, the grilled cheese really is the most uhmazing thing, ever.

    and that is a great view to leave with!

    xx jes

  2. Great story! Seems like a fun little adventure to have :)

  3. Love your city stories!

  4. love this story. so adorable.

  5. Needed the chuckle - what a familiar tale!

  6. Oh the price we pay for city life!! I felt the same way on Saturday as I paid $15 for eggs, potatoes and toast (which I make myself Daily..) but the ocean scenery and the smell of the air in La Jolla,CA made it all worth it!!

  7. And now I need to go home and make a peanut butter and mallow sandwich. Yum!

  8. This just made my day!! The view is most definitely worth the money and lousy sandwich. Gorgeous!!

  9. Any place that plays the little mermaid over their stereo is amazing in my book! What in the world??

  10. i would have paid 6.50 to read this post. serious.

  11. your blog is lovely — it makes me want to blog more... and move back to NYC. alas, I'll just live through you for now :)

  12. marshmellow fluff and peanut butter? i would never think of such a combination. but i think i might just try it!!
    xo TJ

  13. I'm glad that you are always testing things out for us like this place (that i always walk by and think.. "huh??"), fake lashes, chocolate chip cookies, etc. Reminds me a little of A. J. Jacobs, the author. Perhaps you are kindred spirits? If you haven't read his books I can send them to you!

  14. I would have sang with you! Old-school Britney and Little Mermaid will always hold a place in my heart. At my gym class, one of the songs playing was Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit". I was singing along. Naturally, I thought everyone else would be too. I looked around. Nope. Not at all. Just me :)

    Love your story!

  15. oh how i love this... peanut butter is my favorite; nyc and this shop need me! cannot put a price on this kind of happiness :) xx

  16. hubs and i love fluffer nutters!

  17. haha crazy!! i love my peanut butter though but seriously??

  18. That is my most favorite peanut butter and THANKFULLY I can buy it at my lovely Denver Sunflower Market. Phew. But sometime I must visit the real deal. Even if it is $6. So.

  19. mmm I love a good fluffer nutter! Worth the good times.

    Thanks for sharing!

    xo, -Elizabeth

  20. Could you be more charming? The answer is no. That holbsarino is a lucky fella.

    I don't think I'd try the PB and fluff, but I have never liked the PB and honey, which I know was once upon a time something you praised so high you'd think it was ice cream, and I tried it again recently and loved it. So you never know maybe one day my mouth will happily meet the PB & fluff.

  21. This is better than the place I went to in LA with $14 well drinks!

  22. I have been there--the £60 I spent in a wine bar once, so not worth it and the olives were the best part :)

  23. A failing grade restaurant kitchen is still cleaner than a home kitchen? I'm still pondering that one.... yikes!

    ps love this post, it totally made my morning


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