


we were lucky enough last week to have brandon all to ourselves for two more days than usual. he had both wednesday and thursday off (but not friday-weird) so it was like we had two weekends.

we have fallen head over heels for the little tots playground down at washington square park. have you been? it's dreamy. i will take the subway to get down there any time, any day, you wanna go now? it's the perfect size for huck to feel like a man in without risking a broken neck and there is not one blasted corner where i can't see what he's doing at all times. who ever designed that playground had the mamas in mind. here, i shall sit on my bum and check instagram. oh, and there are no water features either, so he's not going to get all wet when i've left his swim diaper and change of clothes at home. oh if you could marry a playground...

right. that was an entire paragraph about a playground and i should be ashamed of myself.

but that's where we went last week. and we got pizza while we were at it. and also! there is a new chinese bakery nearby (grand opening! it has said on the storefront for two months now), so we decided to go in while huck napped in his stroller and pick up a coconut cream bun, which is like a hot dog bun with whipped cream in the middle and coconut shavings on top, and oh, holy hannah. it sounds bizarre but actually it was amazing.

oh, if you could marry a playground and then engage in polyandry with chinese pastries. derp derp.

yay for dads!


  1. What a wonderful week full of weekends! I love how sweetly sunkissed little Huck is! You guys are just the best Mom and Dad! xoxo Kait

  2. AnonymousJuly 09, 2012

    so great that you guys got 2 extra days together!
    I want one of those coconut donut things! Sounds amazing!

  3. Huck is too cute sleeping in his stroller. Started out a dessert explanation with "like a hot dog" and yet you still won me over and I want to try it!

  4. Aw, it sounds like y'all spent the weekends well! Huck is the cutest little thing too!

  5. How nice for you both to be able to spend extra time together. My husband just had Wednesday off. It was the week of Two Mondays, Two Fridays and Two Saturdays. Very strange...My son is in the military and they get the 4th AND the 5th off because they don't want the military guys coming in with a hang over. My son doesn't drink so it was like two fabulous days off. Not one day off and a hangover, but TWO Days...

  6. yay for two weekends! sounds like fun :) And Huck looks so cute sleeping in his stroller. Mine would NEVER do that. I WISH!

  7. i must give you super props for using the word "polyandry" correctly. atta girl! love me some linguistics.

  8. Huck is the cutest little dude ever.

  9. i love you and huck's matching yellow pants/shorts!

    and thanks to you, i now have they might be giant's "birdhouse in your soul" stuck in my head. no, really. thank you.

  10. Beautiful photos! So glad you enjoyed both your weekends! ;)

  11. Your butt looks good. Is that weird? Think. Question. Butt.

  12. Great photos! Sounds like lots of fun! :)

  13. AnonymousJuly 09, 2012

    My little man loves having his daddy home from work, so 4th July was pretty cool in our house too!!! I love boys and daddies!

  14. no fun when fun-days turn the week topsy-turvy. but i'm sure laughter, pizza and non-yucky cream filled doughnut balls made up for it!

  15. I love playgrounds with no corners and water. I adore those hotdog bums with cream and coconut. Gorgeous pics.

  16. Three cheers for Chinese pastries! Love those sesame seeds balls with red bean paste in the photo.

  17. how incredible and brave of your friend to write a book about her struggles. i really can't wait to read this book once it becomes published ;)
    and these pictures are of course just beautiful!
    xo TJ

  18. They are like pearls Natalie once you find them aren't they? Somewhere safe for Huck to play, nearby treats, you'll no doubt be frequent visitors in future. Love the pics by the way as always.

  19. Two weekends in one week - living the dream! You always make NYC look so wonderful.

  20. So sweet . Play dates with dad are the best .


  21. AnonymousJuly 10, 2012

    Right before I read this post I was thinking of asking you for a good place to take a toddler to play in the city. We will be out there the last week of August with our then 16 month old and he loves running around. I will Put this place on my to do list:)

    Instagram @heartsnsailors

  22. Glad you enjoyed your weekends. Also thankful you connected me with A Concrete Sky. Blessings,

  23. Your baby now looks like a little boy instead of a baby to me . :S When they get to that age it busts my heart just a wee bit.

  24. Natalie I found that park last weekend and loved it! lisa

  25. where do you get those baseball shirts? I have about a million but of course I need mine are all blocks of color and I see a patterned one on you!

  26. FYI : Bleeker Playground on Bleeker and Hudson is infinitely better. There are old push toys there. Shopping carts, scooters, bike-pusher-things!!! Free! That don't take up space in your apartment! Also the swings and slide options are excellent.

  27. Yes! I agree with Rhonda- Where do you get all your cute baseball shirts? I also love that army green calf-length skirt in the last picture. Where is it from?

  28. AnonymousJuly 26, 2012

    so cute sleeping...


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