wednesday, january 30

// the high today is 57, alternating between bright + sunny and misty + soupy. i take my coat off.

//we meet up with a girlfriend and her small dude in central park when we realize we are both in the area at the same time.

// bizarre highlight of the morning: a sweet tourist from japan asks if she can have a photo with huck (this happens . . . often). i say sure! huck is like . . . whatever, i'm chasing pigeons. so this girl chases huck all over while huck chases pigeons all over, while her boyfriend attempts dutifully to get a clean shot. eventually, this draws a crowd. nobody is sure what is going on, but they all seem to need to take a few photos of it in case whatever it us turns out to be something important. my friend elise (who is a day overdue with her baby--get out of there, baby!) and i sort of scratch our heads and enjoy the moment.

// a ham + cheese crepe for lunch, followed by these mini bomboloni and that enormous hunk of a levain cookie (indulging my pregnant friend . . . right?). blammo.

// i always think i can eek one more day out of a shampoo before it's time to wash it again. tonight, shampoo. you and me.

// dream baby.

// we check the weather forecast in the afternoon. snow and rain and gunk. bring it on, mother nature!

// little bits around the house making me smile today. my surfaces need dusting. that candle is from notre dame in paris, it was a christmas gift from my mother. one of these days when i need an extra prayer, i think i'll light it.

p.s. i've fallen hard for the new #vineapp these days--have you tried it? (it seems to be available only on iphones for now). i have a goal of somehow finagling brandon into waving awkwardly in a vine with me, you know, like a photo you'd see at hogwarts or something. it's a genius idea. it'll never happen. my username is natthefatrat. you know.