wednesday, january 30

// the high today is 57, alternating between bright + sunny and misty + soupy. i take my coat off.

//we meet up with a girlfriend and her small dude in central park when we realize we are both in the area at the same time.

// bizarre highlight of the morning: a sweet tourist from japan asks if she can have a photo with huck (this happens . . . often). i say sure! huck is like . . . whatever, i'm chasing pigeons. so this girl chases huck all over while huck chases pigeons all over, while her boyfriend attempts dutifully to get a clean shot. eventually, this draws a crowd. nobody is sure what is going on, but they all seem to need to take a few photos of it in case whatever it us turns out to be something important. my friend elise (who is a day overdue with her baby--get out of there, baby!) and i sort of scratch our heads and enjoy the moment.

// a ham + cheese crepe for lunch, followed by these mini bomboloni and that enormous hunk of a levain cookie (indulging my pregnant friend . . . right?). blammo.

// i always think i can eek one more day out of a shampoo before it's time to wash it again. tonight, shampoo. you and me.

// dream baby.

// we check the weather forecast in the afternoon. snow and rain and gunk. bring it on, mother nature!

// little bits around the house making me smile today. my surfaces need dusting. that candle is from notre dame in paris, it was a christmas gift from my mother. one of these days when i need an extra prayer, i think i'll light it.

p.s. i've fallen hard for the new #vineapp these days--have you tried it? (it seems to be available only on iphones for now). i have a goal of somehow finagling brandon into waving awkwardly in a vine with me, you know, like a photo you'd see at hogwarts or something. it's a genius idea. it'll never happen. my username is natthefatrat. you know.
I can not get enough of the vine app. My kids are killing me, they are so hilarious when I record them. I love love love it.
ReplyDeleteHa! Love the little story about the tourist! And love, love, love the pics of Central Park! My favorite place to go when I visit NYC!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post. That is hilarious that all the passer bys wanted in on the action. I've loved watching your vine apps. So fun. Maybe one day I'll make one. Maybe...
ReplyDeleteI love your photos of the city. I always get itchy feet and want to visit New York when I see your photos.
ReplyDeleteAlso I live in a tiny house. Your apartment inspires me.
awesome photos! what a great post.
When my daughter was a baby we went to Hawaii and stayed at a resort with many a Japanese tourist, and the women were all bananas about her. It was really sweet, and they wanted pictures galore. I always laugh when I imagine that she is a part of their vacation photos. Now here are the amazing water falls, the black sand beaches, a stranger's chubby little white baby, a sea turtle!
ReplyDeleteI swear if I ever run into you I'm going to pretend to be a Swedish tourist, "Ja! Ve vould like a picher vif de babay?"
ReplyDeleteIsn't the vine fun? I thought the same thing about it looking like something out of Hogwarts when it first came out. So addicting!
ReplyDeleteyou are gorgeous and remind me so much of my best friend.
i love the new Vine app too! it's like the best. following you now :)
ReplyDeletetrader joe's fried rice? my favorite with an egg and some soy sauce or sriracha! now that vine is working for me i am all about it. lovely photos, and what a beautiful day!
ReplyDeletei am LOVING your hair! i need to try a long attempt of no shampoo and use dry shampoo. the longest i can go is two days. but my hair does not look as good as yours!
oh! and that crowd probably thought y'all were super famous or something. :) which you totally are. i think if i met you in person i would freak. lol!
Love this. oh asians.
ReplyDeleteCan Huck please not grow out of those mustard trousers? They just seem so him!
ReplyDeletelove the pics... I want your shoe collection! x
ReplyDeleteLove love love all these pictures!!! I think your lineup of boots is so adorable. Loving all the hunters and UGGS =) What a little cutie Huck is!
YAY! I wasn't the only one to compare vine to Harry Potter. Dooooooo it! I have an idea for a video but I need it to snow (yeah crazy right, I don't actually want it to snow but if it happens to, I have just the video in mind, so yeah.) Annnnnyway, love your pics, Huck is adorable, and you're much braver than I am with the whole "how many days can I make it without a shampoo?", I could probably stretch it further than 3 days, but I'm not willing to try. Big ol' wimp right here.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photos Natalie. Just beautiful. Loving your videos on Vine, Huck is all kinds of adorable. As are you, of course.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was little and would visit Disneyland often, my 3 blonde sisters and I would get asked to take pictures with Asain's all. the. time. They love those blonde babies! Great pics! Please do share where those wooden sky scrapers are from. My little Logan neeeeeeds them. :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad the crazy winter weather let up for a bit for you guys! I looove love your photos. NYC looks so pretty! sort of random, but maybe you rarely show your ears, but your earrings look pretty on you! Haha, just a thought! okay then. and Huck is as cute as ever :)
ReplyDeleteI downloaded the vine but haven't used it quite yet. is it love at first use?
ReplyDeleteNat! I love seeing the Huckster in action on vine. That laugh on those swings.... ahhh made my day!
ReplyDeleteI'm totally warming up to vine, but am clearly lacking in the videography department. Tonight I'm hosting a giveaway on Vine! Some real purdy Stella & Dot earrings, check it out! I'm at "jane kleinsmith"
Lots of love to lil man Huck!
The horse head is kind of unique. My blog
ReplyDeleteyou have to feel like, so proud, knowing you created such a cute thing. i mean like - slow clap for you natalie. for realz. (and it will be a sad, sad day when he grows out of those little shoes. something to keep forever methinks).
ReplyDeletehe is just the happiest little thing! i love the part about the tourist! bah!
ReplyDeletethe tourist story made my day and the pictures to go with it... priceless.
ReplyDeleteHe is just oh so sweet! I think my Mason & your Huck would be the best if pals.
ReplyDeleteAlso, we have the same Moose. He sits beside a white birch vase on our wall unit !
Holy balls...Huck is so cute.
ReplyDeleteI'm from Lake Oswego! I just connected that you are Alex's sister. So crazy. I love Alex!
Oh, Just Living the Dream
Beautiful photos! Especially the ones with the flag behind you. :)
ReplyDeletewhat an adorable couple you two are! :P I love the picture of huck's silhouette , so great!
One of the best things about reading your blog is that I get to relive my NYC memories. Like last October when I was standing in that same place at Bethesda Fountain and this happened: http://scarletwords.com/2012/11/22/giant-bubbles-at-bethesda-fountain-central-park-nyc/
ReplyDeleteNYC doesn't feel so far away when I read your stories. Thank you! x
(PS. Vine is HEAPS of fun, as long as you don't mind occasional rude parts!)
aha! I love the part of the Japanese people. Gotta LOVE Huck! Oh - and I love your notre dame candle! good choice, mom!!
YES. we need this hogwarts photo. put it in a newspaper background and I'll just die.
ReplyDeleteIf we're talking about apps we love, I recently have fallen hard for Pin Drop. I always muttered that an app like this should exist (turns out it did), so now that I've finally downloaded it I'm obsessed. Basically you can drop pins in all your favourite places, places you want to try or even when you're out and about and see a cool new spot that you want to check out later... well...drop a pin! I'm off to Paris in a few days and I've been pinning a bazillion places I want to see and you can tag them and then see them on a map, so when we're officially lost in the streets of Paris I'll see what wine bar I've pinned is nearby :) Perfection.
ReplyDeleteHe is so adorable, gah! cannot get over it, you are such a lucky mama! Also, I really love your boot collection :)
ReplyDeletethat pic of all those rain boots lined up is too cute! those little hunters are to die for! xo
Dinner looks delicious and Huck's picture is going to show up in magazines in Japan. He's that cute...just sayin'
ReplyDeleteYou've inspired me. I officially need fired rice for dinner tonight! P.S. how do you keep your succulents so healthy? I've failed at four plants now and I'm not sure I have the heart to try another!
ReplyDeleteI love your vine posts! Huck got 20 times cuter
ReplyDeleteSo I am pretty obsessed over the first picture of you in front of the flag...and your hat.
ReplyDeleteYou and Huck are so cute.
your posts like this always make me wish i lived in new york. maybe with a husband and baby too (; the thing about the japanese tourists is funny - i've heard that they are obsessed with light hair because it's such a rare thing for them. a friend of mine adopted a chinese baby and when her family went to china to get her, everyone wanted a photo with her (biological) blonde-haired, blue-eyed daughter.
ReplyDeleteHey! I said it on insta and I'll say it again...we need a post about your HAIR. What do USE in between washes to get that VOLUUUUME? kthanksbye.
ReplyDeleteOkay, you are seriously rockin' that hat girl! And these pictures are beautiful! Adore!!!
ReplyDeletexo TJ
I'm on vine as The Circus
ReplyDeletebecause that's what i run. a circus. 6 kids in 5 years. it's crazytown.
You're a HP fan too, love it!
ReplyDeleteOh so cute the story of the tourist taking pics of huck. we live in hawaii and have a lot of tourists coming through, also very often they ask if they can pose with my little girl and boy for a picture on the beach. It's pretty cute!
ReplyDeleteIt happened...it was bound to, I guess. You remind me too much of my best friend for this not to have happened. We went to the Tahitian Islands together, last night in my dream; you, Brandon, me, my husband, my best friend, and her husband. It was a fun time. Please don't be creeped out. It wasn't creepy. Happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say I am very much enjoying your "day in the life" posts. please keep them going. Winters are boring, especially when you live in a tiny little town in the middle of nowhere like I do, so just seeing your days in the magnificent NYC are a treat! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThis is all so beautiful! i love these day in the life posts!
ReplyDeleteJust thought I would let you know I linked to your blog on a blog post of mine :).
ReplyDeleteAnd tourists asking for pictures with Henry? Who wouldn't want pictures with that awesome boy.
Super cute! Love your friends "small dude" ;)