


you know it might be time to write a blog post when your husband texts you in the middle of the day out of nowhere and asks, "gonna write a post any time soon?!?!?!"

well then, baby. this one's for you.

so the first thing you should know is, i am possibly dying of allergies. lest you think i am exaggerating . . . well, i am always exaggerating. 

in other news. i've started to keep a list of some of my favorite words. just for hells bells and things. very near the top of the list is the word "ache." it's so poetic. not to mention terribly melodramatic and lovely. four little letters, such a big meaning. it's practically an onomatopoeia, if you take the time to consider it. (also on my list: onomatopoeia).

and now for some photos, that's how this blog works.

▲▲▲ a few weeks ago our holbs the intrepid bought huck a kite. five dollars, it was a penguin. brandon had that look in his eye like some major father-son bonding type stuff was about to go down, it was the most beautiful thing. after a successful first run one windy saturday afternoon we decided to invite a few friends to join us for a sunday evening reprise. huck brought his favorite toys of the moment and a few of us met up at pier 1 on the hudson, which is the windiest spot in the city, seriously it will blow your clothes off down there.

huck is a natural kite string holder. i taught him to sing "let's go fly a kite," which, WELL. ovaries. spontaneously combusting. errwhere. the kite performed majestically and then i got the idea like i wanted a try at it and so of course the wind blew extra hard and snatched that kite right out of my hands, and off it went into the breeze, flying off toward the city, before crashing into the hudson. 

as we watched it sink we paid our respects. we told huck the penguin kite was swimming back to his family at the south pole . . . brandon has epic plans of replacing it with a kite that costs at least ten dollars this time. also i've probably lost kite privileges for a little while.

rest in peace, penguin kite. rest in peace.

▲▲▲ i do a lot of atrocious things in the name of rice krispy treats but this might have been my most brilliant. from left to right we have: peanut butter chips, some melted, some preserved in their virgin state; nutella (not my favorite combo, why don't i love nutella like i'm supposed to?); white chocolate with sprinkles; and then naked, which is how i usually like my RKTs. spoiler alert! peanut butter chips are beyond amazing on a krispy. and here's a pro tip from me to you: keep them in the fridge.

and now i am going to tell you my deep dark secret: i stuff a plate worth of rice krispy treats into my face like a cave woman every sunday afternoon. the thought of those krispies are the only thing that gets me through three hours of church. i have a system. 3 handfuls of mini marshmallows in a bowl, for 30 seconds in the microwave, you stir in juuuust enough rice krispies to make it mostly marshmallowy but still somewhat rice-y (coat yer spoon in pam spray first), then you smoosh it out on a plate and let it sit in the fridge for about 5 minutes. it makes enough for two people if you're not me (i do sometimes share), but the deal of it is, NO BUTTER. i mean, but have it your way.

▲▲▲ i want to french kiss whomever invented korean tacos and korean hot dogs. get over here and let me make out with you. these are from the asia dog stand over at madison square eats, which is going on through the end of the may at the base of the flat iron. that kimchi hot dog is not for the faint of heart. props to me for only maybe successfully using the word "whomever" up there. i mean . . . i have no idea.

▲▲▲ hen plucked a twenty dollar bill out of brandon's cash stash the other day like a pickpocket and decided it was a treasure map and he was a pirate. he carried it around a few days, rolling it up and clutching it in his chubby fist, unrolling it and pointing at various spots here and there, shouting, "arrrrr!" and, "mama, i a pirate!" and, "buwwy tweasure!" he finally got bored with it after about two days. that's some stamina! it was really cute while it lasted but heavens, twenty bucks! it was exhausting making sure he didn't lose it.

▲▲▲ a few unnecessary photos from our stop at the playground on the promenade this weekend to take us out. (here's this same playground this time last year, oh my baby's so grown up!). this boy plays hard and negotiates hard. it's funny when your kid becomes people, and i'm just really into the way his little brain works. two and a half is good. by golly, i'll keep him!


  1. Aaaawwww the photo of your son smiling at the playground for you is adorable! He's such a sweetheart, and may his penguin kite rest in peace. xoxo.

  2. AnonymousMay 21, 2013

    RIP penguin kite! aaaaaaannnnnd now I want hotdogs and rice crispy treats. Love the randomness. We all need a little random now and then <3


  3. Only Sundays!? How do you have the self control? I'm a near-daily girl. My trick? After the first trip in the microwave, put a tsp. of butter in, stir, and put it back in the microwave for 8 more seconds. Stir. THEN add crispies! It liquifies the mallows. Ohhhhh, heaven help me!;)

  4. Oh Huck is a cutie. And thanks for the reformed Rice Krispies recipe! Ain't nobody got time for a whole batch, although I could eat nearly a whole batch, so we'll see if this satisfies me ;)


  5. I love this Natalie. Random posts are the best.



  6. I just have to say its random posts like these that made me fall in love with your blog in the first place!! And I had the same thought as Brandon mid day today when I had nothing to read while nursing my baby!! So thank you! Now I'm reading it while nursing him to sleep!! Keep it up!

  7. Natalie, your posts never fail to make me happy. Let's just be honest - I'm terrified to become a mother sometimes, but then I just check your blog and I get excited again. Those kite picture are making my heart "ache" with happiness.

  8. i always love your random posts. :) rice krispies + peanut butter chips?!? genius. and huck with the kite is basically the cutest ever.

  9. AnonymousMay 21, 2013

    You know, don't feel too bad! I can't fly a kite to save my life, either. ;)

  10. that kite picture, in front of the city buildings?! well, now i want to fly a kite in the city just to get a pic like that!

  11. i like these kind of posts. all over the place goodness :). keep them up please!

  12. Love your writing style. So funny, so entertaining. Lets be friends.

  13. The first two pictures are fantastic! Hanna

  14. "ovaries spontaneously combusting" does it get better than that?

  15. AnonymousMay 22, 2013

    So cute! I've been fantasizing about that warhol fabric kit but I just don't want to take my missoni off. I love them both. Ahhhh !

  16. I will forever remember reading that blog from last year with the horrible realization, "by god, swings make me sea sick, too...." sigh.
    In unrelated news: Huck is adorable AND handsome AND, if he's anything like my boy, he's just gonna get even more fun with age. The first potty talk is epic. It's hard not to howl.

  17. In all seriousness, reading your blog has become one of the best parts of my day. Hehe. I really hope someday you get to kiss the crap out of that korean hot dog man.

  18. it should be whoever. but w/e. who's counting.

  19. I always want krispies but I never want to share. You've taught me a deadly secret. :)

  20. What gorgeous photos and look at yer wee man wearing his braces. Such a soooopa trendy wee lad.

  21. your writing always inspires me to my core! i love when you have posts like these, they are so focused on all the good in life instead of the no good, terrible, cloudy days. can't wait for that book :)

  22. your writing always inspires me to my core! i love when you have posts like these, they are so focused on all the good in life instead of the no good, terrible, cloudy days. can't wait for that book :)

  23. Natalie, you should write your own dictionary. I love your definitions. and the Korean hotdog? can't stop laughing. Write a book already! :)

  24. this is funny! I have my own list of favourite words too hehehe....
    those hot dogs look scrumptious!

  25. Korean hot dogs?! Seriously? Yum!
    That sweet Huck. You're a lucky Mama and he's a lucky boy!

  26. Have you ever tried these rice krispies?

    There aren't any marshmallows in them though, so if that's what tickles your fancy, this may not be the recipe for you.

    Also, hells bells is the one "swear word" that runs rampant in our house. My husband and I watched The Adventures of Huck Finn with his roommates back when we first started dating and we deemed it perfectly acceptable.

  27. Beautiful photos! Yummy RKT's!

  28. i need to start bringing some rice krispies with me to church because after 2 hrs (ok, who am I kidding? like 2 minutes into sacrament meeting) I'm ready to run. sometimes I pack a granola bar, but rice krispie treats? I'd stick it out to the end if I knew I had some of those bad boys in my purse to keep me company.

  29. AnonymousMay 22, 2013

    Love the pictures! Hope the allergies get better soon!!

    xoxo PARIS BEE kids blog

  30. hahaha "why don't i love nutella like I'm supposed to?" Took the words right out of my mouth. I love fancy food and anything european (pass the perier). I love chocolate. Hazelnut steamers are my go to drink of the winter season. Peanut butter toast is heaven to me. WHY don't I love nutella?

  31. Poor Penguin kite! It was cute while it was in the air!
    Loved all your adventures in the city! Reading your posts makes me want to live in NY! Or at least visit.
    Also, cute little Huck! Aww. Don't you love what kids do to entertain themselves? Who knew that a 20 dollar bill could be so much fun. Well, besides actually using it to pay something!
    And those rice krispy treats looked good! I'd totally eat the Nutella part! You can eat the rest ;)

  32. Those food pictures are just killing me!

    xo Lisa
    Making Life's Lemons

  33. "ovaries were spontaneously combusting all over the place" probably the best thing I've ever read haha.

  34. This post is just so random but so awesome.

  35. 1. I love that you exaggerate. My mom always said "never let the truth get in the way of a good story"

    2. hells bells is a great phrase used often in my house

    3. A mother question... do you ever worry about kids rhyming huck's name with the f-word? I really like the name tucker for a boy, but am slightly concerned about potential grade school cruelty, and was wondering if that's an issue at all?

  36. I've come to realize after living in Europe for several years that you either grow up a peanut butter person or a Nutella person, and it's hard to stray from that. I cooked American pancakes with some little German and Italian girls, and the Germans refused the maple syrup I had brought and insisted on Nutella. I like a little Nutella smeared on a sweet biscuit every now and then, but having grown up on peanut butter, oh... I could eat spoonfuls of the stuff every day.

    Great ideas on the RKTs! I too have a serious problem and can eat an entire batch in 24 hours. I am very sad that we don't have peanut butter chips over here in Germany, but I look forward to trying the other variations soon. Speaking of which, have you tried the 'Rice Whisky Treats' version? To. Die. For.

    1. AnonymousMay 31, 2013

      i agree with this! i am a nutella lover and rarely eat peanut butter, but my sister on the other hand loves peanut butter and isn't a huge fan of nutella. and i have heard other people being either a huge peanut butter fan or a huge nutella fan, usually not both!

      also, i am a new reader of this blog and i love it, natalie! also kind of random, i just thrifted a colorful blanket the other day very similar to the one in this post, ha. ;)

  37. AnonymousMay 28, 2013

    Instead of using butter try margarine. It keeps them chewy and not hard!


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