where have i been? WELL I WILL TELL YOU.
on monday morning, verrrrry early, henny and i caught a train to dc so we could crash brandon's business conference at the four seasons in georgetown. we are talking 8AM early! hen acted sort of drugged-out the entire ride down, extra snuggly too. (my editor laughed at me this morning when i told her i had to set an alarm to get up in time for our 9:30 phone call . . . but look, we believe in late mornings around these parts and i refuse to feel bad about it. morning people make me feel suspicious.)
because brandon was busy being business-y, huck and i sort of just did whatever happened to come along. liiiiike . . . run around in the fountains at the georgetown waterfront, and visit all the old houses that offer revolution-era tours. (these sorts of things kill me!) it was kind of the perfect reset button. we even got to spend some time with a few of our friends in the area.
as always, dc gets me sort of itchy for clean, small towns. dc isn't a small town at all. but those row houses! stop it.
thanks for having us, dc! next time i'm stripping naked on the mall for something political and then getting a toasted marshmallow shake after FOR SURE.

Very cool trip, Nat. That kid is just the coolest, I fear. Lucky for you.
ReplyDeleteI'm always so impressed by how much stuff you load up on that stroller and it doesn't fall apart...lol
ReplyDeleteI love your blog, lady. My guy is currently sitting across the table, looking at me like I'm a crazy person - sitting here, giggling at my computer. He just doesn't understand!
ReplyDeleteThank you for saying that New York is a big dirty city. We're moving there in a couple months and he's worried that I'm expecting my life to suddenly turn into an episode of Gossip Girl - complete with sparkly headbands and champagne brunches. But I'm not! I'm looking forward to that big dirty, hectic city. Bring on the grime!
Also - bagels in the fountain? Yes.
Huck looks excited in these photos. He's seems like a great travelling buddy :)
ReplyDeleteAhh he is so so adorbs, hopefully huck v2.0 is not far off the cards because you guys make cute babies & the world needs more of them :) x
ReplyDeleteWHEN did that Hucklebaby become a full on ginge, and also a full on teenager?! Wow!
ReplyDeleteIt looks so picturesque! - Holly (www.holhar.blogspot.com)
ReplyDeleteWhat a little cutie!!
ReplyDeletelooks and sounds like so much fun.
ReplyDeleted.c./georgetown with such a cute little buddy just had to be a blast, right?!
Huck is the luckiest to have a mum like you.
ReplyDeleteHe seems so happy.
You give him the happiest childhood and there is nothng more precious.
Sounds like a wonderful day trip!
ReplyDeleteThe last time I was in D.C. my dad got a ticket for driving by the White House too slowly. True story.
You and Huck look like the bestest of best friends, what a lucky pair!
ReplyDeleteAlso your photographs have got really, really good lately Natalie.
He is just so sweet! Thanks for sharing your pics...in fact I WAS wondering where you'd gone!
ReplyDeletelove the charm of an old town, perfect photos! I was transported, thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteohhhh DC. i'd know those overcast skies from a mile away. k first of all, huck has NEVER looked so thrilled than in those fountains. haha whatta cutie! second of all, ticket for driving by the white house too slowly - my dad works in Alexandria and totally got a ticket for jaywalking. FOR JAYWALKING. he couldn't believe it. third of all - i haven't been home in a few years now and this is killing me! #homesick. springfield reppin. those row houses are insanely divine, and i'd love to live in the area again someday. husby - not so much. i'm working on it....call me in two more years.
ReplyDeleteLOVE your nerdy geekout of the Old Stone House! I can walk around museums for hours slightly unimpressed, but when I get to the "Old America" exhibits with real homes and artifacts from the 17/1800s I turn into a giddy little kid. PS - that little fella is the cutest - love his sandals!
ReplyDeleteI discovered your blog not long ago. Love your posts, your sense of humor, fashion, and your little guy is such a dreamboat! xo
ReplyDeleteI live in DC, and you made me feel like it was brand new (to me) again! I adore the Old Stone House + also, your chilled out, no big approach to Huck getting soaked in the fountains is magical. The kind of mom I'd want to be!
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed DC! =) I've never been to the Old Stone House and I've lived here my whole life. Guess I need to go!
ReplyDeleteMy favvvv museum is the American Art Museum. That lady is super creep status, when I first went to that museum I thought she was real for like 5 minutes. Haha!
So fun that you were able to tag along on the trip! I need to make it to DC one day - these pics are great!
ReplyDeleteAww, I used to work in Georgetown a gazillion years ago. Loved looking at your pics! And DC is the best for free museums/galleries and talking to park rangers about history! I have a thing for park rangers...as everyone should.
ReplyDeleteGeorgetown is just amazing. The national portrait gallery is probably my 2nd favorite in the country (next to the MoMA NY). Great photos! What a happy time!
Oh man, I know a thing about those dangerous daydreams. Those row houses and Georgetown and Capitol Hill and it's Eastern Market, well they did it for me. Dangerous daydreams. I could move to DC in a half-second if I had the choice. But alas, Charlotte will have to do for now. Husband says NYC over DC, so maybe we'll end up there in a year or two. The city girl in me certainly hopes for it. Love these photos! They make me itch even more to head back there soon.
ReplyDeleteGotta love all the history and the creepers.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I took tour 3 kids to DC for a day trip a couple years ago. When trying to show them the Pentagon and the memorial/tribute thing, we got lost trying to find the entrance. We pulled into what we thought looked like the bridge way over to the location we wanted, but it ended up being a restricted entrance. I tried to take a picture of the Pentagon (I am a photographer, so, naturally, I wanted to document our trip). I ended up being forced out of the car and interrogated for hours by Pentagon police complete with braces and rubber bands. I was treated like a criminal/terrorist in front of my husband and children (who were told to stay in the car), swore at and given a ticket/violation FROM THE PENTAGON. I was forced to stand outside during this interrogation for so long that I got a terrible sunburn. I was told there were signs EVERYWHERE saying no photos allowed. I definitely didn't see any, or I would not have take one. I was sobbing uncontrollably, because they pretty much had me convinced I was going to be arrested. When I was finally let go, I was shaking and crying for the rest of our day trip. Too bad that was our first stop. It pretty much ruined everything. We took a few minutes and drive around to find these signs that were supposedly posted EVERYWHERE about "no photographing", and we failed to find a single one. It was very ironic, because we were taking the day to show our children the places in which important people were taking care of our country and how we should be thankful for them, and then I ended up being treated like that in front of my children by those very same people. I am a quiet, shy, reserved person who never breaks the rules, so that was by far one of the worst experiences I've gone through--and so completely unnecessary. I will never forget it or shake the fact that I was treated so terribly. So, that's my DC story. Glad to hear yours was a positive one!
ReplyDeletewow. my dad had a similar situation with driving into the wrong area or street or parking lot or something at the Pentagon, and having cops FREAK OUT on him. no interrogation, though! what a crappy experience!! :(
DeleteMmmm... Cafe Rio. Man - I definitely take the existence of that restaurant for granted! I'm very surprised to learn that one exists way over there! I thought that was a Utah thing that's kind of bled out into the surrounding states, but I had no idea it had made it so far east! Though, I have to say, I prefer Costa Vida to Cafe Rio. Same concept, slight differences. And no shouting! I don't know about you, but the staff all screaming "FREE MEAL," is enough to make me not use their punch cards! I've actually requested that they don't yell when I redeem my "free meal." And guess what? They still yell. My husband thinks I'm nuts, but every time we go back to Cafe Rio I think, "yeah... this is why I go to Costa Vida!" But, seriously, though - that dressing alone is probably worth it! I can't wait to read what you have to say about it!
ReplyDeleteHuck's face in the fountain pictures is priceless!!
ReplyDeletexo Lisa
Making Life's Lemons
That looks like such a great time! I've always wanted to go to DC, but all the experience I've ever had on the East Coast was a single celebratory week in NYC after I graduated High School. Maybe someday.
ReplyDeleteNext time you're in DC I'll get y'all a tour of the Capitol! I work at the Capitol and live on Capitol Hill and feel like I live on a movie set every day of my life-- I love it!
ReplyDeletea. you've got such a great eye! i always love your pics
ReplyDeleteb. huck's face in the fountains--pure joy! also, i imagine his bagel is as soaking wet as he is :) and he doesn't mind, at all.
c. the creepy picture...i imagine you standing right in front of him/her and blatantly taking his/her picture--loving the lack of subtlety!
ah! you were in my hood. good stuff. allow me to tell you how big the dead rat I encountered at the old stone house one early sweltering August morning was. He was big. Like, New York big. I used to work in Georgetown, you get use to the rowhouses but they are amazing indeed!
ReplyDeleteYou were in my area! Totally awesome!
ReplyDeleteI've been to that art museum and seen that lady! When I first saw her I thought she was real! Yep, it IS pretty creepy!
And I've been to Georgetown a few times too. It definitely is pricey(for me), but it's fun to walk around in.
Glad you had a good mini trip in my part of town!
Those house are absolutely adorable! Also, Huck makes the cutest faces...lol Such a happy toddler:)I guess terrible twos are a myth in your home...?
I'm a US history nerd too! I find it so relaxing. I blame my dad- he's a huge history buff and so while other kids were going to Disney we were always going on family trips to museums and Civil War battlefields. Could explain why I wrote a letter to Lousia May Alcott as a child and stuck it under my pillow! (I asked Louisa for her autograph, a photo and some publishing advice. LOL! Not right!) PS: the pics of Huck are too cute! That smile!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, seriously you have the cutest little man.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited to visit DC someday! A few of my friends are moving out there for a year of voluntary work and I am so excited to get to visit them! I will have to stop by these places!
Also, aren't trains the best? I love them
Leah Faye
oh my god, so adorable!!
Valentina Duracinsky Blog
It makes me silly happy that Huck got to run around DC! And that my office building is featured in the back of these pics.
ReplyDeleteHope you guys enjoyed! Next time stay for a weekend and check out eastern market-- you'll LOVE it
Those first photos of Huck are probably just about the cutest!! And all of these pictures are now making me want to move to DC now too!
ReplyDeletexo TJ
i love the first picture every time i see it on " these are fun too "