this is my baby sister alex. alex is here in new york city to drink of my sodas and partake of my sofa and wander the streets with me and go on grand adventures with me.
we have, like, a zillion things we want to do together. luckily huck is a stellar stroller pirate. the three of us have navigated a good portion of the island of manhattan already, including a bit of brooklyn. ahoy!
i apologize in advance for there's gonna be way too many posts to come from this week. i apologize too for the extravagant duck lips but it just happens with sisters, is all.
amanda poopsie we've missed you! i keep wanting to tell you things or turn to you and roll my eyes at you discreetly when alex is being particularly alex-y but you're always not here! come on. i mean, enjoy that newborn baby though hashtag not jealous at all.
today we went to the shake shack.

we shared a giant dressing room at the madewell, compared boob sizes, and talked each other into and out of unnecessary purchases.

then we hit the union square greenmarket and playground.

on the subway ride home huck wanted me to bop him softly in the face with his stuffed beluga over and over while he giggled uncontrollably, for like, five whole stops. sure, kid! happy to oblige?

i love my sister. i love having her here. i love watching huck love up his auntie alex, and i love it when huck just really wants his mom and goes to alex thinking it's me and upon realizing it's not me gets that terribly offended look on his face, because that look is really funny, and also because stupidly it reminds me that i'm still needed around here, in that terribly stupid way, if you know what i mean.
While it sure looks like you're having some fun I'd just like to say how sorry I am for Alex, it must be a hard time even though she made the right move. Hope she's getting her tears wiped and her family love tank filled all the way to the top :)
It looks like you guys are having so much fun! I don't have any sisters, I'm jealous of you! Enjoy! Xo
wow! this post made me wish I had a sister! just brothers for me! :(
ReplyDeletelooks like lots of fun!
I have to agree about calling off a wedding. I don't know if I could do it! Hanna Marie
ReplyDeleteThat pic with Huck holding the camera is great!! Love it! I was an only child and I always wished I wasn't. Lucky girls, you two :)
ReplyDeleteUgh, props to your sister. I called off a wedding last summer after spending far too many late nights wondering if Anne Shirley had it right about being a widow as the best path to happiness. It's hard (SO HARD), but the best decision I've ever made. I hope she can find the peace and relief she needs.
ReplyDeleteSending love to Alex! I had no idea she called it off, so so hard. I'm sure whatever she decides will be the best choice for her.
ReplyDeletePS you're such a great sister for taking care of her
To Alex - I don't know the circumstances but I know how incredibly difficult (maybe even liberating?) this time must be for you. I'm just a random reader of Natalie's blog but I am rooting for you!
ReplyDeleteLove this! Keep the sister-week coming :) And sending best vibes for peace and healing and at least a little bit of badass-ery (which she's obviously already got to make that call in the first place) to your sister on the road ahead!
ReplyDeleteHooray for big sisters! I'm the eldest of 4 and the next in line is going through a bad break-up. I'm so glad I'm here for her!
ReplyDeleteAren't sisters the best?? Love the details of your day and LOVE your friendship with your sis! So important! Keep the details of your adventures coming! :)
such darling sisters! the best adventures. hugs to alex. xoxo
ReplyDeleteAlex, you go girlfriend! There's nothing more comforting than knowing you avoided the biggest mistake of your life! You feel free to eat all the junk food you want! And what better place to go crazy than NYC?! Am I right? And Hat's off to you Natalie, you straight shooter you.
ReplyDeletei was actually hoping for like ten of these post... way to go for your sister i hope she ends up the happiest though.
ReplyDeleteps the hat snatching in the third pic kills me.
Mad props and warm wishes to Alex! Hope you this mini vacation will give you the space and perspective you need.
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of Alex. I also called off my wedding and my heart has never cried or sang so much at the same time. It is SUCH a difficult decision, but good for her! Sending virtual peace and hugs your way.
Your sister looks so much like you, but also really really reminds me of Lana Del Rey. Gorgeous of course, the pair of you!
ReplyDeletePosts like these make me so envious, I want sisters! Little brothers will just have to do.
Love reading your blog Nat :)
oh i love williamsburg...so trying to convince hubby to let us move there!
ReplyDeleteYour sister is really brave to call off her wedding. Must have taken a lot of courage for her to do that. Like what ny mum would say "Never rush into things unless you are 101% certain of it, without a single ounce of doubt."
ReplyDeleteBtw cute photos and both of you look so alike! :)
bravo to her balls of steel! good for her, for realizing NOW that the future she would have had with him isn't what she wanted.
ReplyDeleteSad for your sister and her former fiance. My best friend broke off her engagement six weeks before the wedding. It was the best thing she ever did, but also the hardest. I hope both of them find peace about this soon. And in the meantime, there's always ice-cream.
ReplyDeleteI never comment, but I just wanted to send some love to your sister. I had been reading her blog (it looks like she has since taken it down), and I was excited to hear about her engagement. Whatever her reasons for calling it off I hope she feels peace even though it may be hard now. Sending prayers her way!
ReplyDelete"also because stupidly it reminds me that i'm still needed around here, in that terribly stupid way, if you know what i mean..." I know. I know. I know! Also, I have a twin sister and my 1 year old sometimes confuses us, and I love watching him realize that his mommy is actually behind him smiling away. Sometimes I get so tired that my baby is so clinging to his mommy, but then he stretches out his arms towards me and it's over...i love him! Also, your sister is beautiful, strong, and deserves all the best! (Just like her big sis Natalie!) Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteOch look at wee Huck taking snapshots already....following in mummy's footsteps.
ReplyDeleteYou Lovins are some of the strongest people around - HUGE balls of steel there Alex. I was wondering why Alex's blog was gone and now it all makes sense (yes, I stalk both you Lovin girls on the net, not ashamed to admit it). Keep the posts a comin'
ReplyDeleteYou Lovins are some of the strongest people around - HUGE balls of steel there Alex. I was wondering why Alex's blog was gone and now it all makes sense (yes, I stalk both you Lovin girls on the net, not ashamed to admit it). Keep the posts a comin'
ReplyDeletebig hugs to your sister she's so pretty I'm sure she'll meet a great guy!!!!!...you two look like twins ♥....great pictures, love it when you post pictures taken in NYC Streets!!!......love from France
As one who called off a wedding also, I know the balls of steel she has. Tell her (from someone who is now married with an almost 2 year old) that it definitely gets better and she'll have a happy ending! Sister time is the best in times like that. Have fun!
ReplyDeleteI have been a reader of your blog for a while, and I just want to say that I admire Alex so much for calling off the wedding. I have had so many friends in similar situations and I know for a fact that it does get better! I hope you both are having a lovely time together (it makes me miss my sister THAT much more) and I can't wait to read more about your fantastic adventures!
I never comment but love love love reading the blog... great pics, adorable family and you sum up NYC perfectly... especially talking about the umbrella guys, where do they come from?!
ReplyDeleteAnyway I just have to send your sister so much props, what a hard decision to make - but then again around the right ones always harder?! I called a wedding off a few years ago and it was the BEST decision I ever made, when you know it's not right you know! Stay strong Alex!
sounds like an amazing time! such adorable photos!
What a good sister...what would we do without them? On a more light-hearted note - Alex looks FANTASTIC for going through something like that and is making me want to do more daytime cat-eye makeup :)
I think it's awesome Alex has a sister like you to help her through her difficult time. These pictures are adorable!!
My sister's kids run up to me expecting my sister too. The best (and the worst, it was kind of awkward) was when they were still breast feeding and I was holding them, they'd grab my boob and try to latch on through my shirt, then look at me like "WOMAN! WHERE IS MY MEAL!!!!" Haha. Gotta love those little chubsters though, they make the world go round.
ReplyDeleteNothing like family when times are tough. Alex is lucky to have such a supportive sister! (And an awesome place to go for a break up vacation)
ReplyDeleteTO Alex: I broke off an engagement with someone (good guy, just wasn't right) and a year later found the perfect husband for me (old college friend, who knew?) and we've been 3 years happily ever after. It's tricky and so hard and brave to call off an engagement...but in the end so rewarding so hang in there! Good for you- wish you the best!
ReplyDeleteyou and your sissy look a lot alike! looks like you had a fab time! xo
my sis just came to visit los angeles after getting out of a rotten relationship. so hard to watch my sis have to go through this, but i'm so relieved she realized it before they got married. would've been much more painful. sisters are the best! i know you're having fun together! pretty girls
I love this post and I love you girls! I have 2 sisters and boy do I count my lucky stars for them on the daily! Sisters rock and I'm sure she's super grateful that her sis is medicating her quite nicely with love, and huck love! Sisters really are the best medicine! <3
ReplyDeletePoor Alex - I hope she feels confident in her decision. You two should totally go get pierced noses together; I know that would help her get over it ;)
ReplyDeleteHow lovely! my god, you look so alike!
Valentina Duracinsky Blog
I can't even imagine the guts it would take to call off a wedding. Good for her before it was too late. You guys have fun!
ReplyDeleteooh, alex! i wish her all the greatness the city has to offer. if anything can help her through this, new york, meg ryan, and you (natalie) can.
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw this post on BlogLovin' I just saw the first photo, and I instantly thought "woahh Natalie looks different!" before I realised it was your sister!! :)! She is gorgeous too. Kudos to her for doing that - this must be a tough time in her life but I think she's so amazing and selfless to do something that so many people would just bury their heads about. I bet time with you guys is exactly what she needs - I know it would make me very happy!
Go, Alex. I called off a wedding too. It just didn't feel "right" and I knew that in my heart. Now, I'm married to the right one, with a sweet baby boy to show for it. The right one will come along, and she'll know.
ReplyDeleteGo, Alex! Smart & brave decision, indeed. Your intuition will serve you well in life. It might be painful to listen to your heart, but it will ultimately lead you to much joy.
ReplyDeleteAlex! This is for YOU. Sweet girl - I left a wedding 3 days before it was supposed to happen. That was 2 years and 10 months ago, and next weekend I'm marrying the BEST guy ever. Was it the best decision? Not timing-wise! It was the hardest, worst EVER, but there's a very strong chance that you'll come out of it faster than it feels like you will right now. Bonus: now you ACTUALLY know what you want/need/deserve in a life with someone. Not a terrible perk. LOVE to you lovely lady!
ReplyDeleteLindsay @ funnyloveblog.com
Hugs to Alex. You are so strong. And as so many people have said, i couldn't think of a better place than new york with your sister to recharge your batteries and take a few days to escape. PS my dad broke off an engagement before he met my mother, and I'm pretty glad he did! Where would I be otherwise? haha.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading Alex' blog aswell for a little while and shes just as lovely and inspirational as you are! Your Lovin genes are pretty good!
ReplyDeleteA broken heart can be mended, it just takes time.. A strong lady makes decisions like that. I am sad for you aswell but very proud.
*ALEX please bring your blog back! *
I called off a wedding too, about 7 years ago. While at the time I felt like the world was going to end (I literally cried in the bathroom at work for about 25 days straight), it was the best decision I ever made. I had just moved to a new city, knew not a soul, and spent all my Friday nights sobbing my face off. But this past June I married the best guy I could ever find. It's incredibly hard, but when you know, you know, and you'll only regret it more dragging it out. Stay strong, and you'll find a dream man that will make you know why you did what you did!
ReplyDeleteThat sister of yours is a brave one. I didn't call off my first wedding. I should've. The thought crossed my mind so many time before it happened, but I felt like I'd be a bigger disappointment to the people around me if I did that. So I didn't. A year later, he cheated on me. And continued to 6 months after that. Let's not forget about the abuse that came with that. So I finally got the courage and ended it. but I would've saved myself so much pain had I ended it before I went through with it. So, way to know yourself - and TRUST yourself - enough to do what feels right.
ReplyDeleteNow, I'm married to THE love of my life. Seriously, his weird and my weird are the same. I can't even believe someone so perfect exists for me. So see? You'll find that. It's out there.
Sisters are the best. Wishing you all the ice cream, laughs and hugs to get through it. X
ReplyDeleteLike pretty much everyone here has voiced already, a million kudos to you, Alex. I don't know you, I'm just a random reader of your big sisters blog but I am praying for you. Break ups are hard, in fact they suck. And it's completely A-OKAY to feel all the feelings, and eat all the junk you want and watch the same few movies over and over. Don't let anyone tell you it's not. Just do your thing, and kick some butt. We're rooting for ya!
ReplyDeleteSorry for what your sister may be going through, but I'm glad she realized what is right for her, and what isn't.
ReplyDeleteAnd gosh, you can totally tell you're sisters! You guys look so much alike! I guess sisters do all in a way, but you guys really do.
Glad you had, or are still having, your sister time. Sister time is the best time :)
Sisters are awesome! I couldn't imagine life without them. It's so funny how your baby gets you both confused =)
Lady, I've decided that I dig you something fierce. I found your blog and read casually for a little while and now I'm definitely hooked. The candid details about your struggle with fertility and dealing with a chemical miscarriage probably sealed the deal, though your bikini wax reviews were quite the kicker, too. Thanks for existing + sharing it.
ReplyDeleteJo Farmer
Alex you looks so beautiful ...... in your picture!!!!
ReplyDeleteAmazing, this is a truly stunning image.
Wonder twins activate! (you're too young to get that reference huh?) Ok, I'm a nerd, but you too do look like twins at times. And I feel for Alex. Breakups are The Worst, but sometimes the best things come out of them...until then there's always Nora Ephron movies.
ReplyDeleteAll best thoughts to Alex...she's got balls for sure and she'll get through this!
ReplyDeleteBest, Lisa
Your last paragraph about bopping your babe in the face made me laugh out loud. Two thumbs up!
ReplyDeleteI don't have sisters, I'm only child, I'm usually fine with it but this makes me feel like I'm missing out on something. Hoping things go well for Alex xx
ReplyDeleteThis is the first summer my sister hasn't visited me in Boston, and I've been missing her like crazy. This post has me craving some sister time even more.
She is gorgeous!!! What fun!!