over the weekend, brandon and i snuck away for an afternoon drawing class at the metropolitan museum of art.
and this is my confession: i've never taken an art class, because i'm a dolt. brandon isn't a dolt so he knows all kinds of stuff about these things, but as the newbie i'd been looking forward to this date since we booked it all the way back in august. maybe one class in and i would unleash my inner felicity porter or something? you never know.

this class was so much fun, and such a neat change of pace from our usual routines. our teacher was lovely, she had really pretty red hair, and she was able to explain the basics in a way i could understand. plus high waisted skinny jeans and really beat up white keds. she was sort of dressed exactly how i'd always hoped an art instructor would be dressed. and while i'm on the important stuff: also there was this really adorable couple in the class with us. he'd booked the date as a surprise for his girlfriend, because it turns out they'd met at the met. and isn't that great? they were the cutest. also they had the perfect museum outfits on. skirt, cardigans, blazers. elbow patches. you know. adorable.
and then we were off to choose a sculpture to draw. i chose the three graces. i wanted something feminine. which of course turned out to be really challenging, getting all those lines just right. soft but square, round but not too curvy... my drawings kept coming out all masculine; i started feeling really intense about it. i just think female bodies are so gorgeous and spiritual, especially in the nude, and i really wanted to do it justice. talking about the different lines and shadows on the bodies with our teacher, and sitting there really focused on just one thing at one time and thinking of nothing else, it was like therapy. duh. and blah blah blah, in the end i was really proud of what i got! i sort of want to hang it on the fridge.
brandon chose to draw some dude's tombstone, very masculine indeed. i thought it was kind of neat to see the decisive, straight lines of his drawing next to mine. kind of says a lot about who we are as "peoples" (henry holbrook-ism), and why we've done so well together as a team all these dang years. i liked it.

at the met you always see people camped out in front of various pieces with their paints or pencils, slaving over their recreations. it was kind of a thrill to be one of them for a few hours. we can't wait to go back and do it again sometime. with henry, too! we'll bring the crayons. ;)

hah! this is my favorite. "i don't really want to pose for this picture but i'll do it anyway because i love you." what a hero.

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p.s. on me
sweater: everlane seed stitch in gray
jeans: zara (last year)
boots: anthropologie (last year)
glasses: lookmatic
bag c/o nena & co