i've been feeling really inspired lately by the holy trinity of the french bangs (charlotte, lou, francoise, amen). the tousled hair, the fresh face, the rumpled-just-so look and the worn in jeans... i especially love their bangs. i love that they're thinner, narrower, and shorter than a typical blunt bang, and i love how fresh they look when parted haphazardly. (i'm also intensely into the tattoo on lou's arm, but that's another thing all together.)
so, i've been listening to lou doillon's new album a lot lately, is how this happened. it's a good album for writing late into the night to, and sometimes i'd need a writing break and fall deep into youtube rabbit holes of charlotte gainsbourg live performances or old francoise hardy videos, and then there it was. 2AM, hovering over the bathroom sink, nail scissors in one hand, a hunk of hair in the other, total rash-decision style. and as i held the scissors up to what i'd guessed would be a good length to cut and thought to myself, 'i'm not really doing this am i," the hand that was holding the scissors slipped and suddenly i was really committed to it. they kind of came out exactly how i wanted them to is the weird part. this is not necessarily how i'd recommend anyone get a haircut, but somehow it's worked for me twice in a row now and i'm starting to wonder if maybe 2AM might be a mystical hair cutting time for me? the next morning i woke up and remembered what i'd done and then i realized with a big, fat "duh" that it was the beginning of november. i always threaten to cut my bangs in november, it's become kind of a thing in my life. i always want them but i always talk myself out of it and i never actually go through with it, except for this time, when i did.
so i guess you win this time, november!
i've been really happy with them, i think everyone should do it! let's start a trend. and i know, who is this person who is me but doesn't freak out over hair decisions? it's creepy.

p.s. check it.
I cut my bangs like this over the summer. It took a little while to get used to but I totally love the bangs now! Looks super cute on you. :)
ReplyDeleteBetween the hairstyle and the sweatshirt, you're remindi g me of my mom when she was our age, is that weird?
ReplyDeleteThe cross-legged mimic is killing me.
-Emily Hansel
you look wonderful. you're from another time! Love it!
ReplyDeleteOkay, so, bangs are totally your thing and you're rockin' them LIKE WHOA. Trust. Work those bangs, Natalie!
ReplyDeleteBoth you and they look adorbs. As does Huck which: big fat DUH, self. The leg-cross imitation is très cute.
Also, go 2am for awesome rash decisions!
Haha you did it! 2 AM is the perfect time for cutting bangs. Whenever stylists cut my bangs it's a disaster, but when I cut them myself it's like kismet, but not, if you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteOnce I cut my bangs at 2 PM following a serious 90 minute lust session inspired by Amanda Peet's bangs in "Something's Gotta Give," that was a mistake. Yours look fab.
first, that photo of you and your boy is so adorable. second, i think it is paramount that these hair-cuts take place during the wee hours of the night - my best cuts take place at 1am. third, those bangs totally make your eyebrows look even more amazing, if that is even possible.
ReplyDeletei highly recommend going for bangs if you're jonesing for them. because one day you'll realize your hair has gotten so much thinner that you can see your scalp through your forehead adjacent hair, and that bangs are a thing of the past for you. or maybe that was just me. *sad face*
ReplyDeleteMan oh man are we thinking along the same wavelength! This week I created a pinterest board entitled "bang bangs" (I know, so clever..) and filled it with as many Jane Birkin, Francoise, and heck, even Carla Bruni pictures I could find. Bangs are something I threaten to get every fall and today I sat down in the salon chair, showed the stylist a photo and closed my eyes. I'm so happy I did it. You are ROCKIN' those bangs, mama. If I didn't know better, I'd be convinced you were French ;) Love 'em
ReplyDeleteOh my that photo. I could just die. You are totally rocking those bangs and your whole outfit and super dee duper awesome huck is just being so great. Love this post.
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing with bangs! I've been wanting to do this for year's now, but I'm afraid. Good for you!!!
My one 2 am hair cutting experience landed me with side swept bangs that angled the wrong direction. You know long in the middle short on the outside. So. Kudos on not having my horrible luck. I wish my curly hair could pull off a classy fringe like that.
ReplyDeleteLast time I had bangs was when I was 10 and I cut them myself because my mom was against me having bangs!(hair in the eyes when reading an so on) But After reading your post I want to do it again!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI encourage everyone to try bangs. They can be so flattering! Adorable cut
I encourage everyone to try bangs. They can be so flattering! Adorable cut
I've had bangs for a year and a half now and I can't go back to life without them . . . could be due to the fact that I am literally half francaise? You rock them!
ReplyDeletei cut bangs and then happened to come across these ladies, because my bangs fall into this 'uber-hip french' category, albeit unintentionally. now i feel accidentally cool, which is awesome. november for the win! ...except i cut mine in september... so.
ReplyDeletehey! i did the exact same thing a few weeks ago. it was all very spontaneous and rash and afterwards i just stood there in my bathroom - with kitchen scissors, mind you - wondering what i had just done and WHO WAS I, anyways? they were definitely not straight, but i was definitely happy.
ReplyDeleteway to go!
but really. after watching this video (one too many times), what do you expect me to do?
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ReplyDeleteLove it, you look amazing! I did the same thing myself a few months ago, inspired by the same people and pics, but it did not look good on me. You have that French casual cool vibe about you already so perhaps that helps!
ReplyDeletei got me some new bangs too...and it's made me feel all kinds of good!
ReplyDeleteOk SUPER cute! You definitely can rock that look! Now all ya need is a French baguette and a cafe latte! A trip to France wouldn't hurt anybody either.... ;)
love them!!
ReplyDeleteThat video made my 5-week-old stop screaming (she's been at it for an hour now). So, thanks. I liked it, too.
ReplyDeleteLooks good on you! I'm not brave enough to cut my own hair, however I would look like a block head, I think, with bangs.
ReplyDeleteHer bangs aren't as impressive but you should get your hands on a Marie Laforet record if you can! Here's a link to her covering Bob Dylan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN0HPj3AJGg
ReplyDeleteAlso, Montreal is *the* city for finding dirt cheap French records. If you can't get to France, that is :)
First off, your bangs are bangin'! (see what I did there? ;) Second, Huck mimicking your pose is adorable!
ReplyDeleteLove your bangs! And I have them too, but it's so weird because I have the hardest time finding someone who will cut them right. And yes, I have taken in the very pictures you have here. Good move cutting them yourself!! That's what I end up doing most of the time. Then they're too short for a couple weeks but finally... Just right!
ReplyDeleteAlso related, Carla Bruni fringe in the Quelqu'un m'a dit youtube video. Lest we forget.
ReplyDeletethis is definitely my inspiration as well. also of note: Anna Karina's blunt bob in Vivre Sa Vie.
ReplyDeleteAmanda | http://exvitae.com
Your hair looks great, and you have great taste in music! xo
ReplyDeleteLady you suit French bangs big time!!!:)!
ReplyDeleteI tried bangs, but alas they are not for girls with curly hair. An absolute straightening-iron nightmare, argh.
I went ahead and cut myself some blunt bangs about a week and a half ago and I love them, minus the high maintenance-ness of it all. Mine are pretty blunt and thick and American but I'd really love if they evolved into something French, like yours. Yours are good.
ReplyDeleteYou are seriously just the cutest! You are so brave! I wish I could pull off bangs but I feel like I have too round of face. And I can see why you are loving these ladies. Just perfect!!
ReplyDeletexo TJ
i have replayed this lou doillon clip again and again and again today. thank you, dearly, for sharing. also, your little human is the most precious fella! ...but i'm sure you knew that. xo
ReplyDeletei.love.them. that is all :)
ReplyDeleteMy husband's reaction to Lou Doillon? "She sounds like a cat behind the garbage in the alley." So... evidently not a fan. ;)
ReplyDeleteHuck's leg? I die. It's too much of a good thing ;)
ReplyDeleteI have always gone back and forth between having bangs and growing them out. Now that mine are nearly the length of the rest of my hair... well, I'm ready to chop them again. I'm also getting these weird, wispy short baby hairs along my forehead that I either never noticed because they were hidden beneath bangs or are a lovely aging transformation now that I've officially reached my mid-30s. Joy. Well, your hair is inspiring and now I am that much closer to picking up some scissors and cutting my own. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of this is that you always feel the need to cut your bands in November. Me too! This year I have held out...so far. But now you're making me rethink my logical thinking and just do it.
ReplyDeleteI'm so with you. Last weekend, on an insane whim, I grabbed some sissors while straightening my hair, and then I snipped and suddenly - bangs! And I kinda love it.
ReplyDeleteI cut my bang one month ago and I do love the result...all my friends and colleagues at work told me I look even younger...I think bangs are really flattering...it gives a modern twist to any classic haircut.....I think you look good with it(and also my models are Charlotte and her sister Lou!!!)...love from France
may I ask you your instagram pseudo?