heyyyyy, it's brandon! are you surprised? I WAS SURPRISED.
so this is how it went down. i was sitting on the couch on thursday night, it's about 10:30, huck is in bed, i'd just shut down my laptop for the day when in walks brandon holbrook like it's no big thing. hey guys, what's up!? that sort of thing. i was shocked straight off the couch. did you know he was doing this? i guess it'd been in the works for weeks. my mom knew he was doing this, my grandma knew he was doing this, our friends back home knew he was doing this, my parent's neighbors even knew he was doing this. that is a lot of people to swear to secrecy! he sent a decoy postcard that week telling me to hurry home, he came up with an alibi for the hours during his flight (he told me he was seeing a late movie and going straight to bed), he even went out of his way to tick me off on purpose the hour his plane took off so i wouldn't want to text him while he was in the air. I AM TELLING YOU, THIS GUY. huck was thrilled out of his gourd when he woke up that next morning and there was his dad, grinning in his face. "dad you're in oregon!" he shouted before he'd even fully woken up all the way. i don't think i stopped grinning once the whole weekend. life is just so much better when when brandon's around. he teases me and pushes me and makes me so frustrated sometimes that i feel like i just wanna smack him, but good crap. i love that man. i am terribly, stupidly lucky.
so anyway.... on saturday we went downtown, hey!

here's some of the stuff we did. we went to nike town! only one of us walked away with a pair of these vintage air jordans and i'm really starting to regret that it wasn't me. so maybe there's another trip to nike town in my future. i guess i could promise not to wear mine when you wear yours, huckles. mmmmmmaybe.

hey that's my high school up there on the wall at nike town--go timberwolves!

we parked the car and decided to make like new yorkers and case the joint on foot. huck stood there with those sea lions in complete befuddlement for a couple good minutes. seals? i can never remember these things.

we hit the food trucks for lunch. these photos aren't that amazing, but that dog was. you know, the food trucks stress me out. is the honest truth first you have to choose a truck, there are easily a hundred of them. and then the food trucks in portland are not anything like the food trucks in new york. these food trucks are s-l-o-o-o-o-o-o-ow. so i got a burrito, it was a hard decision. it was a good burrito, i think i really wanted thai food though. you know what i mean?
but did we hit up some blue star donuts for dessert after? hell yes we did. (as a blogger i think i'm contractually obligated to eat and take photos of all of the donuts, all of the time. i think that's how that one goes.)

so, huck now. the faces this kid pulls somehow just keep on getting better and better, every stinking day. i don't know how he does it. and he is funny. i mean, sure i'm biased, but i swear he has legit comedic timing. last night he was making play dough "purple minions" with my dad, and my dad said offhand that he needed his glasses to really get things right, so huck stood up straight and puffed out his chest and said "well, hop to! on the double!" we exchange looks with each other on the daily, us grown ups in this house. little shakes of the head and cocked eyebrows and all that. who is this kid? where is he getting this stuff!?

back to the donuts. we ordered the mixed dozen and the box it came in was so big and unwieldy, it actually felt like gluttony even just walking it to our table.

my mom attempted to get a good photo of the two us for easily five minutes before we finally had to give up. here we have a man who will go to elaborate lengths to surprise his wife for a weekend visit but won't even crack smile for a photo if he doesn't feel like it. i mean, i must be married to the most romantic grouch in all the world.

we rounded out the afternoon with a little light reading over at powell's. i'm not even kidding. that's a copy of fifty shades of grey he's got there.
brandon flew back home sunday night and immediately i started to look at flights home. it's time to finish up and get us back where we belong. baby i miss you! the weekend was a dream. thanks for always being my pal. be home soon. promise.
p.s. on me:
oh and those jordan's!
you are all bloody adorable!
ReplyDeleteHe flew across the entire country for you, what a dreamboat! Such a lovely post, and my little Beau (who was peering over my shoulder as I was reading it) just declared "I want to meet Huck! He's funny" so if you ever fancy a trip to London, Huck has an instant friend! Failing that, pen pals is a must :o) I long to visit the Portland food trucks, there's this one Thai van which has been on my mind ever since I first saw it on the food network. She only does one dish but it looks heavenly, I've tried to recreate it at home but what I really need is the real deal! Anyway I'm rambling as usual, over and out x
ReplyDeletekatie@ http://whatyoudoingkatie.blogspot.co.uk
It's so funny, I come to your blog for a lot of reasons, one being the great photos of NYC, which is another world from my own. It just tickles me that I can come here and, today, see photos of my own city seen through a different set of eyes! P.s. Tell Henry it's cool, those statues of animals confuse everyone.
ReplyDeletemy old boss wrote 50 Shades, i need to send her this link of Huck reading it, hahaha! Where's your hat from? My head would like one just like it!
ReplyDeleteThat is nuts! Big props to Brandon. My husband would never be able to keep a secret like that!
Very cool surprise! -Hanna Lei
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome! What a precious, precious husband you have! Blessed beyond measure!
ReplyDeleteSuch a fun time! Husband and donuts?! Sounds perfect!
Now I want a pair of Air Jordans, too. :) Glad you had a fun weekend!
ReplyDeleteso cute, you guys. and those donuts look AHmazing. can't wait to read your book so do hurry up and finish. ;D
Those boys of yours, Natalie. I mean, wow. So sweet that Brandon surprised you like he did, eesh. And that Henry? Golly, I'd like to have him cloned...
ReplyDeleteThat is the most romantic and cutest thing ever! you are one lucky girl let me tell yah. plus it sets a high standard for the rest of the dudes with Valentines day coming so soon! Good Job Brandon! :)
Well I cried my whole way through this post.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Huck has some Jordans now, my husband bought some for our son and I'm having trouble reconciling them with his (my, who are we kidding) style.
-Emily Hansel
you are a lucky, lucky girl!! i love your photography--oregon is calling my name, for REAL (summer?!). loved this. x
ReplyDeleteSo sweet! Great post.
ReplyDeletejust so you know, when you posted the picture of those donuts on instagram i went straight to dunkin donuts at 10:30 at night because i had had a dream about donuts the night before and your picture just kind of sealed the deal. i ate three in one sitting. with milk, of course.
This post. 💜
ReplyDeleteUmmm the donuts...yea we googled blue star and will be heading there this weekend. Yum!
ReplyDeleteOh, what a lovely surprise! Looks like you had a great time (I snort-laughed at the 50 shades of grey part hahaha)
ReplyDeleteJess | Malt Memories.
I love the photos! looks like an interesting place... and now I want donuts :S
ReplyDeleteyayyy! what an awesome surprise!
ReplyDeleteAw yay for a surprise husband visit!! :) Annnd now I want a donut.
oh gosh thats so great! and my husband won't smile if he doesn't feel like it in photos either, I don't know what it is…but I love that man so, and I can tell you love yours too :)
ReplyDeleteWhat an absolute sweetie, I'm sure you had an amazing time.
how sweet! those donuts look ridiculous! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet dude! Loving the matching kicks too btw.
ReplyDeleteWho make the black marled sweater you're wearing?? Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteYes! What an awesome surprise! I'd bet you couldn't stop smiling all weekend.
ReplyDeleteAnd my husband is the same way - hates posing for photos, hardly ever smiles for them, but yet he loves me and is a great guy. Men! :)
How fun is this? I read this the morning after we had dinner with Matt and Belize and they were talking about their summer in New York, and they mentioned how Brandon is a (and I quote) a "man's man." It was particularly delightful to read this with that image of him in my head. Winner husband, for sure.
ReplyDeleteFood carts, we call them food carts here.
ReplyDeleteFood carts, we call them food carts here.