while we were away taking portland by storm, all our friends started raving about this burger place we'd never heard of on the west side of town. so on saturday we decided to take ourselves down there to investigate. i was a little bit more excited than necessary on account of i take my burgers pretty seriously, as we all know.
new york is doing that thing right now where it's thinking about becoming springtime but it's not totally committed all the way, so we get a warm-ish day followed by a cold-ish day, and then a warm-ish day, and the snow does its best to melt but it can't really, and so things just get grosser and slushier ... but it's okay, i'm okay with it. it's kind of a fun, frustrating time to be alive, march is. the weather is a yo-yo, we're all a yo-yo, you get a sunny day and all of instagram is all "HEY IT'S SUNNY!" and then the next day it turns cloudy and instagram is all "aw, blurp. here, look at my cat." it's fun. human nature! and... nature! what is the point of this blog post so far? (now that i'm finished writing this thing and giving it the once over i can assure you, it only gets worse from here.)
so, this first photo is of a really impressive pile of dirty snow. i'd just like for this visual reminder of what march looks like in the city to exist on this blog for forever, or for at least until i decide to edit it out, cause sometimes i do that. i also think 60 degrees might be the perfect amount of degrees. i just want it to be sweater weather for always, don't you?

beeteedub i want you to note i have five cup holders on my stroller. this is not an excessive amount of cup holders, it turns out. surprising, but true. i use them all. one of them acts as a garbage can.
here's another quick side step now: a few rad commenters in the accompany giveaway last weekend requested that i write some more about the companies i come across that champion the ethical + handmade, so i'm doing that right this minute. scroll if you must! scaramanga uk sent this beautiful leather satchel as a gift, it's really just a lovely bit of beat up leather, i've really loved it to death. scaramanga bags are all handmade, from leather tanned using a semi-vegetable method (fewer dangerous chemicals, check), they work with many small-scale suppliers and family-run producers in traditional artisan + craft based industries using traditional materials, methods and skills, the owner of the company goes to india himself on buying trips + always takes the time to visit the families of his suppliers. so add them to your list. you can read more about them HERE. thumbs up. now, burgers.

okay wait, inadvisable tangent coming first. a few weeks ago a friend i follow on instagram wrote a post on her blog about where mommy blogs fall short. i agreed with her on lots of it and said as much in a comment, and then the more i sat and ruminated on it, the more i came around to it from a different angle all together. now, this is a really inadvisable tangent, i wrote it planning all the while to erase it but then, hey! so here we are. the way blogs have changed and evolved is interesting to watch. sometimes it makes me feel sad that being really personal in blogs is becoming rarer and rarer, but i think it is too nuanced an issue to ever peg on blogs becoming businesses alone. i have my theories. i've always fantasized about killing the blog. someday i will, i'm sure. in the last year that's gotten much louder for me, which i've realized is because i was telling myself i should feel worried about things that, it turns out, i don't really need to worry about. this blog is very, very personal to me. it always will be. it's also a place where i get to pursue the things that excite me, that is so neat. some people collect stamps, some people run for, like, hours. whatever. i like thinking about getting dressed. i like decorating my house. i like looking at pretty things. i like promoting cool people making cool stuff. i also like writing. ain't nothing wrong with it. i think we all have a personal responsibility to ourselves to engage in the things we do like, and not engage in the things we don't like. i have fun doing this. i'm a proud blisness owner. (blog business? roll with it.) as huck gets older--hell, as i get older--and as certain spots in the blogger/reader relationship become ... stranger ... and, well, louder ... it definitely gets harder to put anything too valuable or sensitive in here. it is what it is. but so long as i'm writing this blog, it'll get raw, and it'll get personal. it'll also get sponsored. obviously there's a balance. i've been putting all my raw + personal in a book right now instead of in here, while still keeping pace with the posts about brands i'm excited to be working with, so sure, it can get lopsided. i knew it might. but it'll right itself eventually, and i won't worry about it anymore. i always feel bad when people express their unhappiness with me, but it turns out i can't make the whole internet happy. it was silly of me to feel so strongly that i could, or that i should, in the first place. i make me happy. i make my family happy. and this makes me happy. if the internet makes me unhappy, it's cause i'm doing it wrong. i was doing it wrong. it's like what we say all the time at our house: you gotta be the boss of your own poops, henry holbrook. so, i am. i am releasing the rest of the world's poops from my toilet. hey should we talk about cheeseburgers now? seems like a good segue?
gotham west market! so. gotham west market is a market under this sprawling apartment high rise called gotham west. it sounds so obvious when you say it like that, but somehow that wasn't at all what i was expecting. it's in hell's kitchen, all the good food is in hell's kitchen. the market is a bit of a mecca of aaaaall the hipster things--it's also got a ramen shop, an artisanal coffee shop ("you can't spell artisanal without the anal," which is good to know since i can never remember how to spell artisanal the first time around), and a book shop in the middle selling all sorts of kinfolk--but brandon and i saw that it was good anyway, amen. anyway, we went there, we ate, we wandered around the city, we tried to buy huck a helmet and failed twice, it was a pretty good saturday actually. and the burgers were pretty decent. the sweet potato fries were really decent. praise be to the burger gods.

"be the lone sweet potato in a basket full of russets!" i don't know, that orange fry was real motivational to me in the moment.

he makes me real happy, too.
the end.
Zero comments?! Did you only post this 5 seconds ago and I'm the first creep to hop on and read it? Alright, I read the post in question about mommy bloggers, and I read the comments, and I saw that you were called out at least once. Which I thought was pretty unclassy, considering the blogging/IG community is surprisingly small and you don't always know who's friends with whom. Ya know? And I really wanted to point out that you DID say a while back that a lot of your good stuff was going to go into the book. It better be worth it! Only mostly kidding...I'm pretty sure it will be. I have commented to this degree before but I'll say it again...every once in a while I think, what the heck is Natalie doing anymore?? And I don't always love the sponsored posts but then just when I start feeling that way, you write a trademark raw Natalie post and my faith is restored. And then I'm like, why do I ever doubt you? It's silly. The God's honest truth is, you're like my favorite bands from high school. I don't always love all the new material you put out, but your old stuff got me through some reeeeeally rough stuff, and that will always mean something to me. In my deepest, darkest moments, your struggles in Idaho and seeing what came out of them gave me serious hope. Also, in regards to you posting about clothes, I kind of feel like you're an older sister telling me what's cool and hip right now. Keep on rockin'!
ReplyDeletethank you! this is such a boost. i hope the new stuff i write you like just as much. :)
DeleteI never comment on blog posts. I think this might be my first ever? But I just have to this time. I am a longtime reader of this blog and I have to give you a huge round of virtual applause for this post. There is absolutely nothing wrong with posts about clothes. That's the amazing thing about this blog. It is a mixture of amazing grit and realness with fun, silly things. You should never have to apologize for that. Do your thang, Natalie! You are amazing.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, really I find it so hard to see where people get off being so angry about bloggers making money, I check your blog (and other) everyday, thanks iPhone. And I don't have to pay a thing for it, some posts are more inspiring than others, but really just like old friends some people grow apart but you can't stop growing. But people get so angry about people making money, or getting free stuff blah blah,
ReplyDelete"if the internet makes me unhappy, then i'm doing it wrong" YES a million times yes. i realized this fully not too long ago. i started only pursuing fun sites, blogs i like, and articles on things that i love. including yours, of course. and free people blog! i don't read comments on anything anymore. there is always at least one ignorant person who puts negative energy out there and i don't want to spend a minute on that. while sometimes i have doubts on my blog or things that i do, i agree that it's important to remember that these things make me happy and that's all that matters. i so love your fashion + home posts; we're similar so i love when you share the shops you find! xoxo to you
ReplyDeleteps i'm so excited for your book! and march, i know. sigh.
Anyway what I mean is enjoy the perks of creating a blog that thousands of people read everyday. As for the people who get on someone's personal blog and write horrible things coz gasp your husband has a good job and shame of all shames you have a wonderful life but still feel yuk somedays like a normal person who's blog makes no money, well please shut up, I don't come here to read that shite
ReplyDeleteDon't stop writing- I've loved all your posts for years. In other news, that diet coke looks sooo good right now. Why is it that it always looks so appetizing in a clear plastic cup?
ReplyDeleteAnother longtime lurker coming out of the wood works... hey girl hey.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say 'good for you' for following your bliss. Create for you... that randoms like me like what you do is only icing.
PS your little guy looks just like your big guy. I love that.
I really like the clothing posts!
ReplyDeleteI don't really read the 'raw' posts; I find them a bit depressing (sorry, I'm shallow like that).
You'll always have different audiences for different types of content. Don't take any notice of any moaners; it's your blog, you can post whatever you like and you'll never make all the people happy all the time...
PS. I don't really see how anyone can complain about the sponsored content, as far as i know nobody's paying a subscription to read this blog, and as with all things free, you get what you're given. And if you don't like it, you go elsewhere.
ReplyDeletePPS. Best wishes and good luck with the book launch Natalie! :)
Natalie, I feel very weird guilt for not commenting on your blog more often (okay, never). I read it faithfully, and in my eyes, you can do no wrong. I love all of it, and you have been an inspiration to me more than once, in more than one way. Thank you for writing!
ReplyDelete- Krista from high school choir
Yeah I'm a pretty faithful reader and second time commenter. Apparently that's a theme on this post.
ReplyDeleteI love what you do, and I think you do it brilliantly. I actually read your sponsored posts because they are SO well written. I think you have the concept of a blisness down-pat, honestly! I like the sponsors you choose to work with, and I like how you integrate them. I love your personal posts, and essays the most because I feel that they are exactly what the blogging world is really missing. Seriously, I read every single word of all of your posts. I feel a little bit like a stalker, but what ya gonna do?
I think you writing the book is great. I think you taking a million photos of Huck is great. I think you being honest about your life, both the good and the bad, is great. You're doing a really, really good job and I hope like heck you don't decide to kill this blog. I'll have to kill you.
I'm wrapping this up now. You're doing a good job and if you ever need a boost, just reach out and you will most definitely get it.
P.S I really like the unzipped boot as you're walking. I imagine your feet were so airy.
Not that I'm thinking too much about your feet... Just a little bit...
DeleteI don't understand why people invest so much in things they don't like. I love you're blog, I love you as an extension of that. Juggling a baby, a blog, a household, a relationship, a social life, your own health all with a word count hanging over your head is nothing short of remarkable. If others need to belittle that the f*** them. F*** everyone. I think you juggle well for what it's worth, and have a happy well balanced family as a result. Xxxxx
ReplyDeleteNatalie! i have read your blog, like the whole thing, a lot. unashamedly, because i love your writing. you encouraged me to start blogging about my daily life as well. i love everything you write about even if it's sponsored, because honestly, who the hell cares?! i love your blog! all of it. :) like, seriously, you just wrote a post about burgers! hello?! you're awesome.
ReplyDeleteI think all this blogger shaming is getting out of hand. I shake my fist at all of it - if someone doesn't like a blog, the writing, the pictures, the sponsorships - just click off and stop reading it! Why does it bother people that when doing something you love you get paid a little for it?? Keep writing, keep being personal. There are already a hundred and two million blogs doing the same thing, this one is a gem :)
ReplyDeletemmmmmm that burger looks so incredibly amazing! xo
I love, love, love your blog and your honesty and your little boy and just, well, all of it. I hate that some people give you grief about what you post, as if this blog is Burger King and they want to complain (loudly) to the manager. This is YOUR blog, last I checked, and if they don't like it, they can go elsewhere. I guess the good news is that although haters gonna hate, they are a small minority. Keep doing what you're doing as long as you love it. The day you decide to pull the plug on this blog will be a sad day indeed. But I, for one, will keep coming back until then!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, "it's like what we say all the time at our house: you gotta be the boss of your own poops, henry holbrook" might just be the best line ever!
ReplyDeleteI might be in the small minority but even with the sponsored posts--the cool thing is they're still in YOUR voice. So I like reading them. They don't seem forced (to me) and as someone who lives in the middle of nowhere, getting to read a trusted opinion about brands that I don't have access to beyond the internet is a special treat. I couldn't even tell you how many of the things you've talked about/blogged about I have purchased or told others about! Do I miss the "personal" entries? Sure. Do I lose any sleep about it or twist my face all around and stomp the ground? Heck no. You're doing you and I'm just grateful that you're putting your voice out there at all! Haters to the left.
ReplyDeleteThat burger looks so good! -Hanna Lei
ReplyDeleteNatalie - thanks for sharing your voice in the blogosphere. You seem like such a genuine, raw, full-o-love human being, and I think the internet's a better place for having you around (and, you know, the world in general). Your posts are relate-able, and make me smile, laugh, and think! So, you know, just - thanks.
ReplyDeletePS - so excited for your book! It's gonna be the bees knees.
DeleteSeriously, that burger looks freakin' amazing - makes me glad I've already made plans to hit up London's best burger joint tonight! :)
ReplyDeleteThe London Project
the evolution of blogs and blogging is a bit tragic. i love the honesty and candor of the pioneers (and i consider you one of them). that kind of rawness is inspiring. it made me want put myself out there. now things are more delicate and there seems to be this very fine line between privacy and oversharing. kinda sucks because lots of great writers are putting their guard up, throwing out disclamers, and treading lightly. but with the right delivery, even the most personal topics can be shared tastefully. my heart kinda hurt when i read about you one day shutting this site down. i get it though. it weighs heavy and it's a big draw away from your family and life, in general. in the mean time, i will keep reading and enjoying whatever you put out, regardless the content (the sponsored posts have introduced me to all kinds of cool new people/businesses). write on!
Do you mind linking to the blog post that inspired you to reflect on this whole interesting path of blogging? I'm feeling reeeal curious.
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DeleteSo, I've been reading your blog for what feels like a suuuuuper long time. In reality it's probably only been a year or so, but I've gone back into the archives and read so much of what you've written. I read about 25-30 blogs a day and you are without a doubt my favorite blogger. I've never commented here before because I feel like when you are as well-read and well-known as yourself, my comments like "YOUR OUTFIT IS THE BOMB," or "How are you so awesome all the time?!" would probably be futile, but nonetheless. One of the reasons you are my favorite is because you are so real and raw and that you talk about those things in posts about burgers. You put that rawness out there right next to wise words about great New York things to do and thoughts about bangs and I like that, like most human beings, your interests are vast and you talk about all of them here. If you want to talk about how adorable Huck is, or about your insecurities/hopes/dreams/cookie recipes, or share great sponsors who make beautiful handmade things responsibly, you should do all of those things. It's your blog, your space, so you should talk about whatever you want, whenever you want. There are probably a lot of blog politics involved that I know nothing about but I don't think it should be any more complicated than that. There are a lot of people out there, like myself, who will continue to read and love what you write because you are great at it. Keep doing what you're doing.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I also want to add that you are a huge encouragement…my husband has applied for a master's fellowship in NY that starts this summer (we are two weeks away from finding out) and we would be relocating from Minneapolis and it would basically be my dream come true to live there. I love your take on the city and seeing that it is possible to live there in real life and have a kid and be happy.
I think you should just keep doing what you are doing and let this blog be the special place that it is. You bless your readers. Anyone who reads the comments everyone leaves will know that is the case. You are encouraging without sounding like a self help book and your honesty helps us all know that when we are struggling or when we feel like our head might slip below the surface that it will be okay and we will come out of it. Don't change anything. You are loved and you make us feel loved too.
ReplyDeleteKeep on keeping on. You rock.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are absolutely right about the internet and what it has become... it kind of takes a girding of your loins just to log into Facebook nowadays and keep a positive, confident mindset. I always just have to remind myself that no one can make me feel inferior without my consent.
Cannot wait to read the book and love what you write, even if there are blurbs thrown in the middle. It is your space.
I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Keep doing your thing. You are too awesome to describe in one small comment and I feel so lucky to get a little window into your world and thoughts. Keep sharing and know that there are so many more out there who love your blog and love your writing than not. I CANNOT wait to read your book.
ReplyDeleteI am also very glad for your blog. It's the only blog I follow! How your blog has touched me: This is going to sound really, really strange but I am super emetophobic and reading about how stomach bugs and vomiting make you super anxious makes me feel better/hopeful. People who don't have this, don't understand how terrible a phobia it can be. I have one little boy and badly wanted another, but well, part of my emetophobia makes me legitimately believe I am going to die if I throw up so you know, morning sickness to me equals a death sentence. Plus, not being able to take anxiety medications while I'm pregnant adds to the problem. Anyway, reading all of those posts about you dealing with infertility and putting into words that special love and devotion a mom has for her babies was inspiring. You might have anxiety issues with vomiting too (maybe not to the same degree, but still), but you were still willing to take medications that make you feel ill and endure more morning sickness for another Holbrook. Anyway, I am due May 7th with my second baby and sometimes when I would feel really scared, alone, and sick, during that first trimester I'd go back and read those entries and it would make me feel ok. That, and Zofran. Anyway, I hope you don't think I'm insane because I just reread this and it sounds insane. Oh well. We have some mutual good friends and I'd already planned on telling you this story in person if I ever actually met you in NYC. Anyway, I don't care how many sponsored posts you do or what, it's your blog and you do what you want with it. You're a good apple Natalie.
ReplyDeleteAs far as your haters go, luckily I think most of them have found their place in GOMI, the cobwebby corner of the internet where class goes to die and they can whine about things that most people don't give two shits about.
Hey Natalie I just wanted to say that I have been a follower for years now and one of the reasons is you have kept your true voice on this blog. Of course you have sponsored posts - and who wouldn't, let's face it - but when you write it is always in your own unique way and I admire your integrity. I'm glad you have stopped worrying about trying to please the whole internet but I'm also glad that your blog's voice has stayed the same regardless of what changes have come along the way.
ReplyDeletelooking forward to your book :)
You might like this burger link : )
I always enjoy reading your blog, love your voice :) and Huck is too cute!
Same wave length! Go on with your bad self :)
ReplyDeleteUmmm favorite blogger you are...hands down! You do what you do and don't give a crap about what the haters say. The fact that people think they are important enough to have a say in what you write is funny to me. Obviously there are A TON of people who love what you have to say, sponsored posts and all! Boom, enjoy your day!
ReplyDeleteHello, Nat! As all of the girls said it before, I can't understand why anyone would waste energy critizing what others do on their blogs. If you don't like a magazine, you stop buying it. If you hate a TV show, you change channels. So, it's easy: if anyone does not enjoy your post of the day, THEN CLOSE THE TAB AND GO READ SOMETHING ELSE. There's a world of blogs to read. Jeez...
ReplyDeleteI've been a blogger since 2005 and my blogs have changed in time. My motto is: "this is my blog, i do what I want/like", I've never had this amount of readers and I don't really mind losing any of them because of what I post. I have to be true to myself. What I write about is what I actually LIKE and want to share with others.
Your blog (and Sidney's!) is one of my favorites to read. I reaaaally read it, from beginning to end. I love your pics and your style of writing about daily, domestic stuff, you make me smile and sometimes cry (like with that cute valentine's video, I can't even...). I don't pay that much attention to the clothing posts only because... I live in Argentina, and I'm nowhere near those shops, not even to shop online! ha ha.
So, that's my humble insight on the matter. I would love to read what that other girl said about mommy bloggers, though!
Oh, last thing and I promise, I'll leave: I opened a new blog, to share stuff in English, if you want to take a peek: http://victoriapichel.blogspot.com
And now, I'LL SHUT UP! ;)
PS. we love The Huck. Please don't kill this blog!
Haters are gonna hate and for what it's worth you're doing a great job! Treading the infertility waters for over a year now, your blog has really been an inspiration and I'm thoroughly looking forward to your book :-)
ReplyDeletei know you know this, but it bears repeating because i live to encourage ppl. :D
ReplyDeleteyou rock! not because you blog. not because you write. not because you have a knack for cute clothes. not because your holbsinator and huckinator are adorable. not because you may have a slight obsession w/ the sparky sodas.
you rock because you share all of that & more FOR THE JOY OF WRITING. your joy of writing, of sharing, of LIFE comes through in every post - and yes, that is including sponsored posts. you never seem to be "phoning it in" even if you sometimes feel like you are.
so. i appreciate you, and your love of writing and sharing and LIFE. blessings, natalie. BLESSINGS! :D
and *hugs* cuz i'm me.
I'm going to get at that burger like, 7 am tomorrow. Which restaurant in Gotham is it exactly? I'm seeing a couple.
ReplyDeleteAlso your writing is awesome whether about personal struggles or cool companies, keep on keepin' on (if you feel like it ;))
Love the post, so happy you're back in NYC, the whole fan united! Now, i'm sure everyone is asking, you're outfit details! I love it! Can you share?
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteplease make a t-shirt that says, "you gotta be the boss of your own poops, henry holbrook". i need it.
ReplyDeleteyou make 99.9% percent of us (mostly quiet readers like me) so happy every time you post -- who else has such a high success rate? i feel like you don't owe us anything; you are choosing to share your life so i say you call the shots.
and we're all going to buy your book so HA take that, haters!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deletei fully approve of the t-shirt idea.
Deleteand i'm definitely in that 99.9% that gets so happy every time you post. and yes we are all buying your book. :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDon't kill this blog yet! I loved this post - and all of the things you post actually, the raw, the ramblings, the sponsored,... All of them. I am a rather quiet reader and although i've been following your blog for about three years now, i don't think i've commented before but hey, you are doing a great job at being true to yourself and writing it all out. And i can't wait to read your book too!
ReplyDeletelots of love all the way from France!
I guess some people forget that blogs are JUST BLOGS. They are not the morning paper or declarations of taxes. They are free to make, write and read. A vehicle to express personal stuff or communicate with others, as we would do at a friends meeting. It's like we bloggers open up a window into our lives or houses and share only what we want to or think it's worth. As someone would do when receiving friends at home. So... why asking the blogs to be unquestionable things? Hey, they are made by humans.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why some people expect blogs to be perfect things. I've seen shitty blogs, with poor pictures, bad design, terrible writing and typing - yet they have a lot of readers!- and this is not one of them. Blogging takes a lot a time. And you certainly put a lot of effort and care in making it nice, from the writing to the looks, even in the most 'raw' posts. And if you get help by accepting sponsors, I don't think why anyone would condemn it. I never thought that aspect affected your style or usual tone.
Now I have read the original blogpost you referenced and... well, I'm not a mother, not even a wife, but I think people should care less about what others do with their lives, including blogs. Live and let live. Don't like it? Think it's only selling something? MOVE ON.
Over & out (again)
ugh I reeeeaaallly need a burger now.
ReplyDeleteAhh yes, this post. This is why you're my favorite blogger. You write what you feel and gurrrl, we feel what you write! Write on!
ReplyDeleteYou are SO my favorite blogger around. I adore you
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog, Natalie! I would usually have a lot more to say but it's Friday and it's been a reeeallly long week. I say, keep doing what you do...as long as it keeps working for you! :)
ReplyDeleteVanessa (Australia)
It's the age-old struggle of turning what you love into what will make you money, and you (and other monetized blog writers) are not the first to try to keep the balance of what makes it real to you and what makes it profitable. Bands lose fans after they "sell out," athletes are the heroes one minute and tossed out like trash the next, and on and on forever and ever until the end of time. If you're doing what you do authentically and you are happy with the product you are creating, that's all you can hope for, right? The people who are on your page will stay there, and ride out the bumpy times, and rejoice in your success, and other people will fall by the wayside. There is nothing wrong with using your blog to make money, to support your family, to earn a living doing something you love, and if some people feel that's not "authentic" enough, there's nothing you can do about that. Keep doing what you do, girl.
ReplyDeletei've been a long-time reader and never a commenter, but i just have to say, you are killing it at this whole blog thing. i love everything you post. it's like a beautifully curated little corner of the web. i love it all...from the vulnerable and heartbreaking to the hilarious and outrageously candid to the outfit posts and even the sponsored posts. it's all a win/win if you ask me. i really appreciate the way you are unapologetically yourself and it's obvious you're doing your best to make the best life possible for yourself and your adorable family. so thanks for putting yourself out there and being an encouragement to so many. we love and appreciate you and we're cheering you on!!
ReplyDeleteyou are awesome, no matter what all of the haters say. there's always going to be those people who are just negative. I love your style, your blog, everything. just be you, and if you want to get personal, why the heck shouldn't you? it's your blog. and personally, I love personal things. I love hearing other people's stories. you rock, and don't you ever forget it. and don't stop blogging anytime soon... I love it too much :)
ReplyDeleteWhatever you do Miss Natalie Holbrook, DO NOT kill the blog. That would be heart breaking.
ReplyDeleteI too have missed your deeper posts, so I can't wait to read your book! In the meantime, keep doin what you're doin!
I'm so sorry people have discouraged you, Natalie. I have only one misgiving about your blog: that you aren't able to do more of it. I would love to hear anything you have to say and see any photos you deem worthy of posting every single day or more often (!). It's a bright spot in my day, every time.
ReplyDeleteI love your personal life ones more than your more commercial ones, but I trust your judgement and regard a sponsored post from you as a personal recommendation. As such, I want to read them too. I started shopping at Forever 21 because of your 'what you should be buying now' posts, but maybe more because of the 'what no one should buy ever' ones.
I care so much about you and your life and family, even though I have never met you, that I find myself wondering such pointless things as whether or not you are still in love with the false eyelashes. I think you are incredibly adorable and lovable, and also brave for putting your life and self right out there for everyone. I fantasize about starting a blog, and patterning it after yours, with random opinions and photos, as well as more meaningful considerations.
For the record, I am not in your age range, nor in your phase of life, but I can still relate to you as if you were actually a friend. Wild, how that works, but it is what it is.
So, anyway, Natalie, thank you for your blog, and I hope you continue it forever. I hope you won't listen to the mean people. They are only projecting their own personal dissatisfactions and it truly has nothing to do with you. This is my first time commenting. I read a lot of the comments, but usually don't have anything to add. But people hurting your feelings has pulled on my heartstrings. I feel sad, and also angry. I can't do any more about them than you can, but I hope you will realize that they are misguided and want to encourage you to ignore them. Or pity them.
LOVE how honest you are. Do what makes YOU happy and be done with it, and remember, you don't make any of us read this :)