you know how every once in a while you keep intending to blog but don't, so you decide to do a massive photo dump to catch up? this is one of those times.
my mom is in town! well, my mom was in town. she left last month. soo, just to give you an idea this is how far back we're starting. she was here to help with huck while i went for broke at my deadline. while she was here she had a birthday.

we took her to aria, a small plate italian place that sydney and i happened upon once in the middle of a blizzard. i think aria might be on my short list of favorites. see also: huck continuing to master the art of eating like a gentleman.

speaking of italian! one afternoon while my mom was in town i ran downtown to meet brandon for a lunch date at eataly. he's been working in the flatiron area on a special project, which has been a total upgrade from his times square office let me tell you (holy crap). eataly is kind of a challenge to pull off with a kid in tow (packed, not many tables, totally seriously packed, many seating areas are actually standing areas... breakable groceries everywhere...), so it was an extra special treat on top of a perfect afternoon date with my red beard. we ordered a pizza to share. if you're looking for roberta's without the trek to bushwick, eataly's pizza is sort of in the same vein. i mean, it's not as good as roberta's. but then, nothing is.
we hit a milestone completely accidentally the other day and the holbrooks are now stroller-free! well, you know. we were trying it out tentatively, but it's stuck and we're going for it. it's freed up a million subway stations for one thing, and totally limited the amount of junk i can haul around with me for another thing, but so far it's been really great. hooray for legs! we'll use the stroller a million times more i'm sure for specific outings that require it, but it's not a part of our daily routine anymore. i'm sort of sad about it, sort of thrilled about it... exactly how i've felt about all of huck's big milestones. we've established hard and fast rules regarding street corner / crosswalk etiquette. huck knows exactly where to stop so i don't have a heart attack thinking he's about to run into traffic. so far so good!
every day with huck is a total blast. he is hysterical. every day he likes to be something new. a bunny rabbit, a turtle, a polar bear, a pirate. every third block or so he decides to waddle like a penguin. he's just such a pal. in the mornings when he pops his head up from the pillow his first words are usually, "mom, can we make someping outta schtuff???" we've gotten pretty creative with our limited supply of craft paper and tape, huck's artwork is practically up to the ceiling these days. here we have some bunny ears a la his daddy. the other day i taped pasta noodles to his fingers to make polar bear claws. he's using up all of my eyeliner on whiskers, and one afternoon we went out to meet friends wearing full pirate gear, including eye patch. i think it's pretty fantastic.
at any given moment i have at least four completely bizarre toys in my bag, and probably two half-eaten sandwiches. and a pair of boy's undies. you know just in case.

heyyy, brandon makes the blog! over the weekend we helped celebrate our friend stanton's birthday (in his sick insane gorgeous brooklyn loft.. seriously...). we also helped take down this demon piñata that absolutely refused to die. huck had the time of his life. between the piñata, the yarn-bombed shopping cart he got to ride around in, the cake, the ice cream, the puppy, this party was his freaking neverland.
i've been so grateful for the crummy weather this week so we have an excuse to stay inside in our jams and fluff the nest. i've been moving this gorrrrrgeous weaving, made by the seriously talented maryanne moodie, all over the house. i love it in the bedroom, but i love it in the living room too, so the rooms are sharing custody until i make up my mind.

i recently got to visit the show room at objects without meaning to collaborate on a fun little project. i love this brand! their line is entirely made in the US, which is really neat. i was also invited to the offices at rag & bone in the meatpacking district a few weeks ago, which was seriously a dream come true. i fell into a rabbit hole of amazingness when i found out the trim girl there used to work for forever 21 as a buyer. we could have talked for hours. (the things i learned!) getting to see a bit of the design process (as well as a preview of a few of next season's pieces!) of one of my favorite fashion houses was ridiculous. and next season looks good.

i declare it a good time to be a holbrook! good health, good friends, good things, good hormones...ish... (ladies, take your vitamin d!), we're counting our blessings with each rain drop.
holbrook update over and out!