Motherhood Right Now means....
/ Holding his hand as we walk through the school amid echoes of sneakers on vinyl, taking a deep breath at the front office, and accepting that seat at that full-week, full-day prek program, the one that his dad + I aren't sure is the best option for him, all the while hoping + praying that a half day option opens up somewhere, and reassuring him--at once really excited and totally freaked out--that "we'll see how we feel come August," and "you know what, this could be really fun."
/ Watching an awful lot of Caillou.

/ Tiny swim trunks wadded up at the bottom of my purse, along with at least a million water balloons.
/ Carrots for breakfast. Every day.

/ "Mom, can we talk about someping?"
/ Coming up with ridiculous bedtime stories that start with Huck at Central Park eating popsicles, lead to the bubble man making a magic bubble that flies Huck to the beach to make a sandcastle that magically becomes real, and then epic quest after epic quest to save said kingdom from dragons and giants et al because he's STILL not tired and I'm putting off editing my manuscript (I love a lot of those essays so much but half of them have to go) and because wordiness is obviously my jam.
/ Paying a sitter $15 an hour because Brandon has been out of town for forever and I flipping need some quiet time, and then not being able to come up with anything interesting to do with myself, because Huck is always willing to do junk with me so long as I do junk with him, and so really, there's nothing I've been wanting to do that I can't do when he's around... except maybe get a manicure but those are of no use to me... so instead, wandering Brooklyn on a "neighborhood scouting mission" and getting two blisters on my feet in the process, which I'm okay with, because those are me-time blisters, and not being "on" for an inquisitive small dude is really nice sometimes. But also realizing that in the absence of a three-year-old to narrate my thoughts to, I sometimes end up talking to myself. (Eh, happens.)

Motherhood Right Now is: Tiring, freaking nutsballs fun, and challenging, with a side of lots of beta carotene.
Awww, here's hoping that a half day place opens up for you guys! Sounds like that would be the perfect scenario :-s
ReplyDeleteI love how he has tattoos to match your new one ;)
ReplyDeleteHoping everything works out as you're hoping it will!
Could you not just pick him up early when you feel he needs it? I'm sure he will enjoy it but 5 days a week all day does seem a lot for someone that small!
ReplyDeleteHeart eyes emoji... I have a 3 year old and could relate and by the way your posts inspire me to be a more flexible, creative mom, so thanks! And...the part about the preschool made me tear up.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you have done tons of thinking and praying about it, but I'll offer my unsolicited two cents: treasure the time you have with him now, because things change SO much once they start school and are gone all day long. I didn't realize that until my kids started school and our happy breezy relationship suddenly became so complex because we had so little time together and they were exhausted!! My kids' elementary school doesn't offer a half-day class, but I was able to negotiate a half-day option and just pick my kiddos up early--those hours were & are so precious.
ReplyDeleteI have enrolled my four-year-olds in preschool (since it seems like our relationship also flourishes when we have a bit of a break!) but we have never done more than a couple of hours three days a week. Just a thought. :-) I know your options are totally different in the city than mine here in the suburbs, and your life is very different, but just thought I'd give you my two cents because I wish someone had told me their experiences when I was trying to figure all of this out! Best of luck!!!
This is adorable. I love this post Natalie! -Hanna Lei
ReplyDeletei love this post. mine would look so different, but the idea is so very sweet.
I love this. Hope it becomes a regular!
ReplyDeleteI really loved this one! And the one about preschool decisions.
ReplyDeleteI agree that all mothers do need "me-time" otherwise we'll go bonkers. Haha. And Huck will be fine in pre-K, don't worry! :)
It's always so interesting to read about the differences beetween countries when it comes to kids' education. Here in France, every single kid aged 3 goes to preschool until the age of 6 - which is when elementary school starts. (It's all free, by the way, you just pay for lunch). Kids spend the whole day at school... from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm (it can be later)! Most moms are working moms here, so school isn't really an option anyway. I'm sure Hank will love making new friends and do fun activities. And I know they say things change a whole lot when kids start school, but my own relationship with my now 4 year-old daughter is just as great as it was before! You'll both be fine I'm sure :)
ReplyDeleteTHE CUTEST!
ReplyDeleteLoved reading Clarisse's comment about schooling in France. Makes me feel better since my son has been in a full day program since he was 1. Little did I know I was rockin it like a French mom. ha! He's now 5 and we're super close, he's as snuggly and adorable as ever. And I have to say, I LOVE the time after school when we talk about our day and he tells me all sorts of hilarious stories. It's the best. He's proud to be a big boy at school and to be learning things. So I hope you and Huck find similar joy in his school experience. Half day or full day, you'll both do great! And if you have separation anxiety (it happens to the best of us), maybe you can volunteer at his school?
ReplyDeleteSame as Clarisse's here! I'm French and actually training to become a primary school teacher - which also includes prek programs - and it's so interesting to see how it works in other countries. From my experience and the placements i got to do in various schools, i can say that kids love it! The balance between school time - when they get to be independant and big boys/girls - and family time when they can be little and snuggle and cuddle all they want is really beneficial! I'm sure Huck will love it and love making new friends and learning new things through fun activities. And you will get to hear all about it at night, which is going to make dinner time and bedtime rituals even more hilarious and long and crazy!
ReplyDeleteAs a future teacher i'd also like to add one thing: we aren't perfect, we aren't you, but we love your kids, we care about your kids and want to make them feel safe and supported and loved just as much as you do! But then if you figure that this whole school/prek thing isn't for you, its ok too. everyone on its on good time, right? :) I guess it's just so 'normal' in France that sometimes we tend to forget that it's normal too not to want to put your kids at school for a whole day when they are so little...
anyway, lots of love from France! xx
Your second paragraph is PERFECT. I too am a teacher, and I LOVE my students (I teach High School) but I am also a BIG supporter of preschool. Students not only learn the "important" stud, they also learn how to be friends, how to listen to others, and how to be independent (which is OK!)... Bravo!
DeleteI came back to a full time job when my baby was 12 weeks old. It was really tough at first, but she is so happy when she sees her daycare "teacher" and she is happy and snuggly when I pick her up. To each their own of course, but I really commend mom's that stay home with little ones. It was VERY hard for me, and I have a job that demands a lot of my time, travel and brainpower. That said, I think little Huck is going to be a rockastar. He will make lots of friends, have fun doing activities, and he will be so excited to tell you about them when you pick him up. And, here's the thing...if he really hates it, really and truly,
ReplyDeleteoh geez, posted too soon. anyway, if he really hates it, then you can re-evaluate.
DeleteWe love the bear books too! Bear Snores On is our fave though.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can use the essays you're cutting out for a second book!!! I'd buy both of them in a heartbeat!
ReplyDeleteYou make motherhood sound like the most magical thing ever.