


"Something you should know about Moscow in the fall is that Moscow in the fall is not kidding around. You wait your whole life for Moscow in the fall. Moscow in the fall will show you the meaning of life. Wading through a sea of leaves at least shin feet tall, cold noses and warm sweaters and glowing pumpkins on every doorstep. The smell of Moscow in the fall is like a direct one-way call with God."
 -- Me 

"It makes me want to buy school supplies." 
-- Joe Fox

A few scenes of autumnal craziness below, all from in and around our little Moscow house . . . 



  1. Oh, WOW. I feel like I can just hear those leaves crunching under foot and smell the smoke and apple cider in the air. Beautiful photos.

  2. Oh my gosh that one with all the orange leaves and with the church in the background! GORGEOUS.

  3. It looks beautiful. But how can fall in Moscow last so dang long? When did you move, in August? Seems like it's been fall there this whole time.

  4. If this isn't the 'American Dream' I don't know what is. Straight from Norman Rockwell.

  5. The church in the background and the stark black tree with the bright yellow leaves in the foreground...
    Look-- God in the tree. God in the colors. God in the sky. God in the putting together of the stones to make the church. God in the dampness that sticks the leaves to the ground. God in me being moved by something so simple.
    That photograph is so stunning and so worship-inducing--it hurts. It physically hurts me how much I am connecting with that photograph right now.
    I want to hang it somewhere in my home. Somewhere that I won't see it every day so that it becomes common but somewhere accessible.
    I sound like an absolute lunatic, right now. I feel embarrassed. But not too embarrassed to keep me from hitting "publish".

  6. Thank you for filling up my fall loving heart with all these pictures. It's supposed to be in the 80s and humid this weekend in Southern California. Living vicariously through your posts.

  7. It's so beautiful! The colours!! Where I live there is only summer and winter, no fall. I love seeing photos of fall. Just beautiful x

  8. So...what does Huck think about Moscow? Is he like - where's all the noise and bustle?
    We live in Missoula (which is smallish) but when we go to my parents farm my 4 year old has thoughts on the difference.
    Hope you are loving it. This fall has been amazing. I'm thinking it's payback after all that August smoke.

  9. Moscow is so beautiful! These pictures make me want to move there with you. Also, where did you get Huck's blacket? We've been having trouble finding my 2 year old a warm, cozy blanket for the winter months and that looks like it does the trick.

  10. These gorgeous shots are making me want to visit Idaho...which is a thought I've never had ever. Love the blog.

  11. I'm a northeastern Ohio transplant living in Phoenix (for six years now) and all I have to say is this post caused: HEART PAINS. SEND LEAVES AND APPLE CRISP, PLS

  12. Dear Natalie,
    Do your shutters shut?
    If so, I'm jealous

  13. Gosh, this is so pretty, it makes me want to move there right NOW. And i don't even know where Moscow is, i mean i barely knew where Idaho is - i have an excuse! i'm French and i live in Paris, never set a foot in the US! - but if someone sends me a magic ticket to relocate wherever i want, i'm choosing Moscow - well at least during Fall ;) xxx

  14. The pick up trucks, the black cat, Huck's headphones. This is just too perfect.

  15. Your quote at the beginning made me literally LOL. I love.

  16. So beautiful. The colours of the trees are much the same here - it's really special!

  17. Thoughts on pie crust, homemade vs. packaged? Whatever that one there is, all the heart eyed emojis!

  18. That long lane of vibrantly colored trees and the leaves on the ground, WOW!! The deep blue house with the black cat sitting on the driveway and the red leaves in the foreground! The church on the corner!
    Thank you for such beautiful pictures of everyday things! They make my heart whole!


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